The Rise of the Wokies (Apologies to Chewbacca)

It would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. The Leftist Cabal pulled it off. The metastasis has progressed (.sic) to Stage 4. No more chemo or radiation therapy against the metastatic cancer, we now will have to rely on Faith, wet cloths on our foreheads, a drastic shotgun approach of therapies and adrenalin to fight it. How do we do that without killing the patient – our cherished constitutional republic – the United States of America?

We need power, money, organization, coordination, leadership.

Power and money are, regrettably, linked. Money buys media and our population lives in a reality informed by the media, true or false. Obviously, false or “fake” news can overpower truth. And now, with Big Tech suppressing, cancelling, banishing truth, it will take immense amounts of money to build and expand on alternative media facilities and channels to build a bigger megaphone for it.

Organization exists somewhat in the Republican Party, so long as the professional hacks are purged. The lists, the communication and fundraising systems can be exploited.

Coordination goes hand in hand with leadership. We need one voice to inspire. And in my opinion, that voice is NOT Trump. He simply doesn’t have the rhetorical skills, personal restraint, consensus building and coaching abilities needed to lead the New War on Terror, which is what I will henceforth call it.

For the Democrats are terrorists, racists, globalists, anarchists, druids, elitists…all the things they have so cleverly tried to accuse the GOP of. They are arrogant, megalomaniacal beyond measure, petty and puerile, insolent, impetuous, dysfunctional, childish, vindictive and fundamentally dishonest.

On top of these, do you recall the harshest label of condemnation Jesus Christ ever applied to the Pharisees and Sadducees? “HYPOCRITES”!

While it is human nature to exhibit hypocrisy from time to time, above all, the Democrats have inculcated it into their very character!

We just learned that Trump will not sponsor a third party but will seek to purge the GOP from within through the mid-term elections. Necessary, but insufficient. The political process is broken beyond repair unless state legislatures are willing to tackle the reform of their election systems. This is a tall order. Even then, the judiciary is now so corrupted by Leftists that justice is no longer available. Period. So taking back the country from within the existing judicial and legislative systems may be a pipe dream.

What is needed to combat the cancer is an antidote to Big Tech and Fake News. What Trump CAN do, and I’m hopeful he will, is build an alternative megaphone that is louder than anything the Left has every built or could ever counter. In its embryonic form, consisting of news outlets like Newsmax, One America News and the many conservative websites and platforms that exist, this alternative megaphone might be dubbed, “New Tech“.

As an aside, the globalist/collectivist agenda of the Left can be used against them. The movement in tech of “open source”, developed largely by libertarian and left-leaning techies with an eye to “bringing everyone together” can be utilized to create an unassailable environment that cannot be controlled by oligarchs! (More on this in a future post!)

Trump has the contacts, familiarity with media, chutzpah and seed capital to build New Tech.

But he needs to remove his name and his ego from the process. He must turn the execution of the build over to others, putting new, attractive faces out front. More than 50% of the country can and will rally to New Tech if it can provide the same convenience benefits as Big Tech: alternatives to Amazon, Google, Social Media, Hollywood, to the Main Stream Media.

The underlying themes of New Tech will be FREEDOM, self-reliance, self-determination, self-respect and adherence to traditional values. Somehow, despite tremendous temptation to do the opposite, New Tech has to be built as an open tent. As much as I personally would like to shout down and stamp out Leftist societal perversions like transgenderism, abortion on demand, racism (remember, it’s the Democrats who are racist), same-sex marriage, etc., what we need to do is Make it Cool to be Good Again. Instead of trying to crush the perversion we need to set a candle on the hill where all can see that Good, Truth and Right lead to happiness and prosperity. We need to feel sorry for the perverted and though we might feel revulsion, we need to treat them as we would lepers…not shunning them but recognizing that leprosy is only mildly contagious and can be treated with compassion and effective protocols.

Can you imagine what could happen to our future if Wokeness referred to the awakening of brain-addled Leftist lemmings to the principles that made our nation great and our people the most prosperous the world has ever known? What if Wokies became synonymous with Traditionalists? Think how magnificent our country could become again!

We must reform what we can but build anew that which we must.

That may even require building a new internet backbone. Right now it’s fairly pluralistic but not entirely beyond the reach of the handful of Big Tech oligarchs who own and manage the servers. We need to sponsor and create truly “open source” internet channels that can’t be controlled by the Cabal.

Lots to think about. Lots to do. We can’t wait for two years…and by the way, the 2022 elections are already less than two years away! No, we must strategize while communicating deliberately to execute tactics that can prosecute the New War on Terror.