Attitude and Personal Responsibility

When I was growing up I was taught to “respect my elders”, meaning anyone who was a grown-up. Respect meant that irrespective of who they were it was “yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am” and behaving in a way that went along with the old adage, “children are to be seen not heard.” Included among grown-ups, especially, were policemen, firemen, soldiers. Today, from Hollywood, the media, celebrities, politicians, even teachers and pastors, kids are being taught to disrespect their elders and authorities. Perhaps worse, children are being taught to denigrate, criticize and belittle anyone, including their peers, who do not conform with the Leftist orthodoxy in speech and deed. Is there any wonder the country is so polarized?

Manners? Forget manners. They went out in the 60’s. Proper diction, grammar, basic getting the right answer in arithmetic…gone or being challenged by Leftist ideology. Meritocracy? “What’s that mean?” The fundamental differences between boys and girls, men and women? Blurred or in the process of being eradicated. Sovereign nations? A trite, old-fashioned concept. Borders? Naw…let ’em in.

Personal responsibility? Nope…the “Collective” means there is no such thing as an “individual” anymore. If you succeed, “everyone” succeeds. If you fail, “it’s the fault of society.

If you’ve either made money and accumulated wealth by the sweat of your brow or by creating a wildly popular “app” (today’s Pet Rock or Hula Hoop)… “you didn’t build that” (to quote Obama) – the GOVERNMENT made that possible.

With despicable race-baiters like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, the “Squad”, Maxine Waters and countless others doing everything they can to divide the country (all the while accusing the Right of doing so, of course) no wonder there’s racism around every corner!

So when disrespectful, in-your-face animals pour water on the heads of police officers, threaten them, spit on them, shove them, curse at them – KILL them(!), from where did this behavior emanate?

White Supremacists? Old, Angry White Men? The Privileged?

No, it needs to be pointed out, but rarely is, that the reason there are more shootings in poor neighborhoods, often but not always black neighborhoods, is that’s where the crime is occurring! It is there that the greatest disrespect for law, order, traditional values and thus authority, exists!

The media makes martyrs of victims of police shootings but they rarely if ever point out WHY the incidents occur! It’s not because of racism damn it! Police forces are among the most integrated of all government agencies! Frequently, the police officers involved are of the same race as the victim.

No, it’s because 9 times out of 10 the perpetrators are criminals already! At this very moment the Left is being fueled by the shooting of a teenager wielding a knife actively trying to stab another teenager! The policeman tried to break up the fight repeatedly, and the knife-wielder ignored him and assaulted the other young person anyway. Bystanders shouted invectives as the police while all this was occurring. Disrespect of authority? That’s an understatement. Had the knife-wielding girl simply obeyed the officer, she would not have been shot and would be alive today. The policeman’s action may have saved the life of the girl about to be stabbed! But no, the cop is being called a racist and the perpetrator of the crime being heralded, once again, as a martyr.

” It wasn’t the perpetrator’s fault. It was Society, ” and systemic racism and white privilege and rogue policing and rogue cops that are at fault. Just listen to the puppet president stating boldly that America is systemically racist! What a bald-faced, demagogic LIE spoken to curry favor with the woke crowd!

Jim Crow laws were enacted by DEMOCRATS, i.e. THE LEFT! The KKK was founded by DEMOCRATS! It is the Democrats who are racist! If you want a detailed and accurate description of all the evil they represent and are trying to foist on our country and people, one has only to listen to what they say. Whatever they accuse the Right of is precisely what they exhibit themselves. The hypocrisy is beyond breathtaking. It’s infuriating!

The lack of respect for traditional values, the absolution being granted by the Left for any personal responsibility for one’s actions, disregard for the individual and celebration of the “collective”…these are precisely what bring great nations and even civilizations down to destruction.

And it’s happening right before our eyes, right here in River City!

I can’t change the attitudes of several generations of brainwashed Leftists in the inner cities – that’s the job and challenge for reformed, converted-from-darkness-to-light inhabitants and refugees of such places. But I CAN speak out against my own neighbors, school district administrators, power-addicted and woke politicians where a smidgen of reason and critical thinking ability still occupies a tiny part of their addled brains.