I’m sick of listening to Leftists lazily and endlessly repeat the phrases, labels and talking points they heard on the morning main street media news. I have neighbors around me who say truly stupid things like (and I’m paraphrasing closely from an actual, recent conversation) “I don’t subscribe to all the racism charges leveled at Dr. Seuss, but there are a couple of books that could be considered racist.” Yeah, right. “If I Ran the Zoo” is racist? Not then, not now…it’s absolutely ridiculous!
I get very angry when confronted by Leftist imbeciles denigrating all the things I value and hold dear and in the heat of the moment, it takes all my energy to keep from lashing out. Besides, with all the adrenalin coursing through me during one of these exchanges my usual glibness fails me. So I remain silent or neutral because I actually CARE about what I say. Afterwards, I often think of things I wished I had said.
Instead of having a ready supply of pejoratives to hurl at these cancer-carrying fools, I’ve come up with a number of questions that are only a little less confrontational. (Maxine Waters, I’m just following your admonition!) To wit:
- Why would you want to be a member of the REAL racist party? It’s not the Republicans who practiced slavery in the South, enacted the Jim Crow laws, promoted eugenics, segregation and formed the Ku Klux Klan of which their leader Robert Byrd was most recently a member. It wasn’t Republicans in California who expanded mass incarcerations, which predominantly affected blacks, it was none other than Kamala Harris. On the other hand, it was the Republicans who freed the slaves, who supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act in greater proportions than the Democrats under the four years of the Trump administration, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians…all were lifted economically. Why would you want to be associated with and celebrate as your leaders race baiters like Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Ilahn Omar, etc.?
- Why would you want to support leaders who don’t care about YOU or minorities or anyone or anything else but POWER. This is plainly exhibited in their push on HR1 which would be defacto the ultimate vote-stealing initiative. More importantly, HR1 is the epitome of racism – it plainly exposes the attitude of Democrats that poor people and minorities are too stupid or incompetent to get id’s when id’s are required to do just about anything today? Read the Bill!
- Why would you want to be a member of a political party that can’t tell the difference between boys and girls, men and women? Who want to redefine human nature because they think it will benefit them politically? Why would you support people who are in favor of sex change operations for children and who want you to introduce yourself and ridiculously add “and my pronouns are…”?
- Why would you want to be a Democrat when the Democrats preach “progressivism” but behave in virtually every way like true totalitarian fascists, doing everything and anything: cheating, stealing, lying, deceiving, bullying, cancelling, ignoring any truth or reality that contradicts their agenda, who think we must wear masks that REAL science shows are ineffective, not get together in churches and on July 4th with our families while you go into the grocery store or COSTCO all the time? Who want to confiscate not just your earnings but your wealth as well in order to doll it out to people whose political support and votes they believe they can curry?
- Why do you insist on listening to, believing and parroting “narratives” crafted from focus groups and lazily repeated over and over as talking points by an admittedly dishonest Leftist media looking only for viewership and ad dollars while avoiding and suppressing the truth? Example? The Russian Collusion nonsense. The bases for both the first AND second impeachment efforts. The narrative that we should take two weeks to “bend the curve”. Most recently the editing out by NBC of the fact that the 16 year old girl in Ohio was about to stab another girl and repeatedly ignored the police officer who demanded she stop. Oh, and edited the 911 tape to remove the part where the caller screams the girl “is trying to stab us!”
- Why would you want to support a Party that stupidly promotes defunding, “re-imagining” or eliminating the Police? Can you think of a more idiotic position to take? Yet, that’s what the Democrats are pushing.
- Why would you want to be a member of a Party that wants no national borders so anyone at any time can just waltz across and receive tax supported handouts?
- Why would you want to support Democrat sponsored environmental programs and legislation that won’t do a damn thing for “saving the planet” but will line the pockets of Green people and Green businesses but all the while allow the biggest polluters on the planet, the Chinese, to continue to pollute at will and impose draconian restrictions on America while turning a blind eye to those on, say, Europe. Oh, and who forget 6th grade science class where we learned that CO2 is not a pollutant but what plants use in photosynthesis to live and grow, and RENEW the breathable air on the planet! Do you really fall for the tripe that “CARBON is evil?” Guess what, carbon is what we’re made of!
- Or maybe you subscribe to the “Can’t We All Get Along” utopian fantasy where everyone is granted a basic income, which of course is nothing more than a redistribution of wealth from the productive to the unproductive. Or where all nations are dissolved into a New World Order under a Great Reset ruled by a bunch of elitist, holier-than-though, self-proclaimed and condescending experts who will tell you, as they did in the European Parliament, what society as a whole can and can’t do. Some examples:
- Limitation on balloon usage. According to EU rules from 1988 children under the age of 8 can not use latex balloons without a supervising parent. And text on the latex balloons must have such a warning on them.
- Whistle blowers, that scroll out into a long colored paper tongue when sounded have now been classified as unsafe for all children under 14.
- Eurocrats ban small fruit. “The diameter of the fruit is a way of measuring its maturity/development. Fruit grown organically or conventionally have to reach a certain degree of maturity in order to have a reasonable chance of satisfying the consumer.” – who is the EU to tell Europeans what satisfies them? Is it any wonder the relatively sane Brits said enough and seceded from the EU?
It’s this same kind of stupidity and tyranny that permeates every piece of Democrat legislation.
- Why would you want to vote for an administration that will relax the sanctions on the world’s greatest sponsor of terrorism, Iran, and allow them to with impunity move forward rapidly on their nuclear weapons program?
- Why is it that you Democrats squeal that no one should have guns, when you know damn well that when seconds matter, the police are only minutes away. Or that if all the 400 million plus guns in the U.S. were eliminated on Monday, there would be hundreds, perhaps thousands of guns circulating by Friday, and they’d be in the hands of criminals who, knowing you are unarmed and only defended by social workers (.sic), wouldn’t think twice of breaking and entering your home, place of work, or place of worship to rob or hurt you?
- And why would you vote for and want a sadly demented, corrupt man who never had a real job in his life, who is nothing but a marionette whose strings are being manipulated by imbeciles and woke, lying, anti-american idiots like AOC, and professional political megalomaniacs like Pelosi and Schumer, and the worst kind of behind the scenes operatives like Susan Rice and now Obama, to be the President of the greatest nation the world has ever known?
Shall I continue? I could go all day pointing out the stupidity of what the Biden and Leftist Cabal are trying to do to “fundamentally transform” America. Into what? Into a sniveling bunch of recycled, quiche eating, limp-wristed, merlot drinking 60’s hippies staring at their iPhones while sitting around a campfire with terrorists trying to strike up a rendition of Kumbaya?
- Or maybe you’ve been brainwashed to believe that we ARE a nation of racists, of colonialists, of exploiters of the earth, of knuckle-draggers bent on killing off minorities and gentle people?
All politics is abhorrent to me, and both the Left AND the Right say and do despicable things, but the vast preponderance, I repeat, the VAST preponderance of shenanigans, deception, falsehoods, hypocrisy, rules-for-thee-but-not-me attitudes, power-addiction, anti everything that made this nation great behavior and rhetoric is exhibited by Democrats. It’s not even close.
I’m very sorry for you. You have to be either asleep, willfully ignorant, too adolescent and subject to peer pressure and emotional blackmail, too dependent on their handouts, too brainwashed, or just plain stupid, to be a Democrat.
So tell me again why you are?