Joe Biden Is Wrong On Everything

The following letter was sent by one of our readers in Pennsylvania to his senator and representative in Congress and is reprinted with permission. It reflects the anger of so many of us and is spot on!

Dear Senator Casey and Representative Houlihan:

What a disaster! Joe Biden continues to be wrong on everything, just like he’s been for 50 years!

He campaigned as a moderate but has ruled as an ultra-liberal. He claimed to be bi-partisan, but has governed by partisan executive order.

He’s wrong on the border and Pennsylvanians are paying for his incompetence with increased crime, depressed wages for legal residents and citizens, increasingly crowded medical care facilities, destruction of our sovereignty.

He is wrong on the Palestinians; they are Iranian backed terrorists and to support them is to support the world’s most prolific sponsor of terror.

He’s wrong on Iran, and he will be responsible when they get a nuclear weapon which doesn’t necessarily mean a nuclear warhead tipped intercontinental ballistic missile! How about a dirty bomb set off at Independence Hall?

He’s wrong on unions- just like the New York Times Op-Ed page being dismissed as passe, so are unions. There is now a government agency for everything they fought for. And they are more corrupt than the government. Either eliminate unions or get rid of all the government agencies doing the unions’ work. This goes particularly for government employee unions. What could be more corrupt than unions bargaining with themselves – that’s what public sector unions do by definition!

He’s wrong on the economy! We don’t need any more stimulus. We haven’t even spent what has been approved, and more money will just further stoke inflation. Unless you’re blind, just look at the price signs on gas stations and the cost of a half gallon of milk! I remember paying 12% for a mortgage – when the Fed runs out of options, we’ll be paying that and more for money!

He’s wrong on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Russia can have pipelines to our allies increasing their influence if not outright making Europe further beholden to them, but we can’t have the Keystone XL pipeline?

He’s wrong on fracking. So much for helping Pennsylvanians.

He’s wrong on electric vehicles, just like Obama was wrong on solar. Funny, he was always “Amtrak Joe” until he wanted to curry favor with the auto unions, now he’s a car guy??? What a hypocrite!

When are you going to stand up for the people you represent and who PAY YOUR SALARIES? You do not work for Pelosi or Schumer! You work for us! Now represent us, not your corrupt, power-hungry left-wing cabal in Washington!

With contempt (yes…contempt),
