Failing to convince half the country that its ideology is replete with “progressive” truth and right, the Left now bypass nuance or even lip-service to honesty and just outright lie to our faces.
I’ve previously railed against economists and statisticians, so I’ll leave off the last third of Mark Twain’s famous statement: “There are three kinds of lies in the world: lies, damned lies and statistics.” I’m going to focus on the first two, which are rampantly manifest in virtually every form of media: print, radio, video and social medium.
It used to be called “spin”. In business schools around the country is was called “creative misrepresentation”. In its most benign form, it was called “casting the facts in the best light”.
Today it’s unvarnished, unsubtle lies.
The Left, masters of form over function, appearance versus reality and impression-creation, use media to touch the heartstrings and sensibilities of “root for the underdog” -fundamentally-good-people, convincing them that their causes and crusades are fair and just, and anything that opposes them are immoral.
It’s not just political theater. It’s mass manipulation.
With great drama and conviction, the Left proclaims as facts things they themselves know are false.
By repeating the lies over and over again, progressively (.sic) increasing the volume level and saturating the media with them, the Left seeks to steamroller their ideology over truth. Even truths that would be obvious and clear to any thinking human being are crushed by the onslaught.
I’m not going to a provide a laundry list of examples…to anyone reading this who has half a brain, the lies are obvious. Rather, I’m going to suggest two approaches for dealing with them depending on whether a) one just wants to be left alone to do what he or she knows is right or b) be an aggressive defender of and fighter for the truth.
For those of us who are simply too busy working hard, raising our families, supporting our neighbors and communities, and who aren’t news junkies suffering continuous blood pressure spikes, here’s my simple advice. IGNORE it all! Just keep doing what’s right, teaching your children the real truth, gently (if possible) correcting the nonsense they’re being taught at school, keep the tv turned off, and to the extent possible, ban all forms of social media from cell phones, tablets, laptops and other conduits to the superhighway of falsehoods called the internet.
For those of us who want to fight…put on the strongest psychological armor you possess, arm yourself with anecdotes, quips, one-liners and witty rejoinders (remember, facts will get you nowhere), and learn how to manipulate THEIR sensibilities and tug on THEIR heart strings. Take acting lessons if you have to, because you’re going to have to clothe yourself in sheep’s clothing while masking the disposition and determination of a wolf. Better yet, become strong enough to be a lion, afraid of no-one, impervious to the slings and arrows that will come at you from a hundred directions. Be prepared to see friends turn into enemies, family members shun you.
Join with others of like mind. There are closet conservatives and traditionalists everywhere…you just have to seek them out. Avoid the temptation to participate in rant sessions. Although the therapeutic value and catharsis of being able to speak freely, condemning with gusto what you know to be Leftist drivel, is great, it doesn’t get us anywhere.
Rather, by word and example cling to, espouse, demonstrate and exude traditional values and principles. Tell the truth. Mind your manners. Speak softly but carry a big stick (something like the guy called Negan had in The Walking Dead) in case you need it. Dress not to impress or to draw attention to yourself (that’s what the Left in its desperation for attention does) but in such a way as to say, “I’m not a fashion hound, I don’t care what the latest and greatest label is”. I also urge you to flee from the slavery of tech…pull out your handheld device only when absolutely necessary, and insist that your kids put a governor on their use as well.
Finally, I urge you to pray to whichever God you know for guidance, wisdom, strength and the ability to fight.
One step at a time…it’s a long way back up the slippery slope.