Sparring with Mutants

I live in a community filled with limousine liberals. Many do take limousines, around here referred to euphemistically as “cars”, but mostly they just drive themselves around in $80,000 Land Rovers and Mercedes AMG’s.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. But it’s ok because they donate to the kids who ring our doorbells in the summer representing so-called Public Interest Research Groups or “PIRGs”, another euphemism for enviro-fascist shake down artists advocating the banning of fracking (which causes, you know, the water from your faucet to ignite) and the banishment of gas pipelines (which, after all, disturb chipmunk and snail darter migrations and can EXPLODE!). And they also have hybrids sitting in their garages which offset the use of the Land Rovers.

Sometimes I want to run screaming for the hills, away from these incredibly shallow, self-absorbed and condescending people who get their out-of-gym exercise by patting themselves on the back for all their wealth and accomplishments. 

I’m tired of having to collect, memorize and arm myself with the facts necessary to defend traditional values, economics, etc. And I’m tired and getting more and more tired of trying to have discussions with these Leftists to whom the rules don’t apply and facts are relative.

Facts simply don’t matter to them. It is impossible to have a rational discussion with a Leftist because all they do is repeat the drivel they hear. Pointing out facts and using logic is pointless. They merely say stupid things like “You have your truth and I have my truth.” It’s like trying to nail jello to a wall, like pushing on a string. Neither reason nor any attempt to explore the disastrous consequences or history of their ideology or the fallacy of their positions resonates.

The image that comes to mind is from a Will Smith movie called “I am Legend”. It’s the post-apocalyptic story of the sole survivor of a plague that transforms humans into bloodthirsty mutants. He wanders alone through New York City, calling out for other possible survivors, and works on finding a cure for the plague using his own immune blood. He is badly outnumbered and the odds are against him, and all the while, the infected wait for him to make a mistake that will deliver him into their hands. They huddle in packs in dark places like subterranean parking lots always facing inwards, shaking and panting. A sound or smell of an uninfected animal or human alerts them at which point they suddenly and viciously turn towards and run at full tilt boogie to brutally assault it.

Today’s Leftists are like those mutants. They wait for a normal, traditional human being to expose themselves and then pounce, spouting nonsense and catch-phrases with one, shrieking voice that seeks to drown out and overwhelm them.

Which reminds me of another movie called Invasion of the Body Snatchers where aliens take over the souls of normal humans and then intermingle with them. To survive, the normal humans mimic the body language and behaviors of the mutants. Should a normal human slip up, all of a sudden there will be a blood curdling shriek from the mutant who identifies the normal person, and then all the mutants will turn and scream and with outstretched arms point to the normal human being.

What we witnessed at the Kavanaugh hearings was a perfect example of body snatchers in unison pointing their fingers at a normal human being and shrieking.

They will stop at nothing to destroy the innocent. Again, facts don’t matter. The consequences of the personal destruction they inflict don’t matter. Lies and hypocrisy are ok because in their minds they are means to an end. All the care about is power and control so they can pursue and achieve their absurd utopian fantasy.

There, I’ve gotten that off my chest. Now I’ll take a deep breath and rejoin the fight to restore sanity to our country and communities.