Attention GOP Voters in Blue States

Many Republicans and conservative or traditional independents living in Blue States intuitively feel their vote doesn’t matter – that the state is going to vote Democrat so their vote won’t count anyway. Not so! It DOES MATTER! Here’s why…

As Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has urged, “If you think you live in an area that is hopelessly blue and your vote doesn’t matter, consider the Republican takeover of Congress in 2010, in which we picked up 63 seats.” In that same year, he explained, Massachusetts elected a GOP Senator (Scott Brown) for the first time since 1972! In Illinois, Joe Walsh beat Democrat congresswoman Melissa Bean by 300 or so votes!

In 1980 Reagan was down 8 points behind Carter a week before the election. On Election Day, Reagan’s electoral victory was 489-49!

As Speaker Gingrich points out, “No matter where you live, you cannot believe polls. Nearly all the major national polls were dead wrong in 2016, and nothing substantial has changed in the way that these same Washington Beltway pollsters are surveying Americans today. They continue to over-sample Democrats, under-sample Republicans, and focus on largely liberal urban and suburban areas while ignoring the middle of the country. There is no reason to believe the big Biden lead some of these polls are reporting.”

Even if it turns out that your state votes Blue, the stronger the Republican showing, the more pressure is put upon the elected to watch their backs and not wholesale rubber stamp every dumb leftist idea!

As for the distressing stories and words coming out of the mouths of Democratic/leftist, as well as RINO talking heads on Fox News that seem to bear the same weight as GOP/traditional voices… as Sean Hannity famously says, “Net not your heart be troubled”. Fox is a for-profit commercial company. Stirring up controversy, showing the conflict between Right and Left earns them ratings, which earns them profits. That anger that brews in your gut when you hear a Fox reporter or commentator say things that sound surprisingly leftist, just remember that when they do that it gives Leftists a reason to watch, thus generating revenue and profit for Fox as well!

If you really can’t stand hearing any leftist drivel (I know that the vast majority of my readers don’t watch the MSM except for amusement or entertainment value), I recommend One America News Network and Newsmax TV.

And for those of us who are news junkies, feeling our blood pressure jump up and down like a crazy stock market, I suggest turning off the tv and your computer altogether, putting on some soothing classical music, and picking up a good series of books, like William F. Buckley’s Blackford Oakes novels.

However you choose to spend the next few days until the marathon viewing session we’re all going to undertake on November 3rd and 4th…

MAKE SURE YOU VOTE, AND DO SO WITH YOUR BRAINS, NOT YOUR HEARTS! Set the theatrics aside and ask yourself, “Who, for President and at the state and local level, will help me, my family and my country more?” The answer should be obvious.