The Topics Are Being Covered

I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks. It’s not because I don’t have anything to say. It’s because there has been a groundswell of commentary by others far more articulate than I who cover just about everything on which I might opine! Authors like Victor Davis Hanson, Brian C. Joondeph, Matt Vespa, Derek Hunter, Katie Pavlich, and so many others write superbly, say it like it is, and often take the words right out of my mouth, and before I can form them!

And it’s not just the conservative websites and blogs that carry their thoughts. Increasingly, and finally (!) even leftist media outlets are starting to react to the never-ending stream of BS that emanates from the mouths of the government and their lackies.

Actually, it’s the other way around. The lackies are running the government. The leftist demagogues in big tech, the media, academia, the Marxist implants in the judicial system, the use(less) idiots seeking their fifteen minutes of fame…all are formed into an assault on traditional values. Think the scene from the Battle of Helms Deep in Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers.

The topics are at this point, familiar. There is, like clockwork, an idiocy or atrocity or two or three stemming from the Left each and every day. It truly is like the scene shown above. The forces of good and evil are arrayed against one another, and for the moment, it’s as if evil has the upper hand.

Here’s the problem:

On the Right we have free thinking, self-governing, independent, solo practitioners of Life.

On the Left, we have lemmings, sheep, sycophants, utopian-fantasy, “can’t we all just get along”, head-in-the-sand, dumbed-down, addled and brainwashed followers led by power-and-wealth-hungry demagogues.

It’s extremely difficult for individuals to stand up to the crowd. Especially when the crowd has megaphones and billboards the size of jumbotrons!

It’s not a matter of the Right “waking up”. We’re fully awake. It’s that INDIVIDUALS cannot beat the COLLECTIVE without HELP.

Where does that HELP come from? Is it a charismatic, righteous leader? Is it a conservative institution that rises above all others? Is it a Black Swan/Monumental event that draws us together by forcing us to concentrate on the traditional things that matter? Is it Divine Intervention?

I think nothing short of a catastrophic or tipping point event that compels the weak-minded Left to set aside their foolishness and return to level-headed basics together with the aggregate pleadings of millions upon millions of God-fearing individuals imploring Divine Intervention will break the back of the cancer that has affected our nation and the rest of the Western World.

Another 9-11. China invading Taiwan. The Israelis nuking Tehran. NORKO bombing Japan. Russia using tactical nukes in Ukraine or invading Poland or Finland. Or less likely: a CME (coronal mass ejection) wiping out our electrical grid or Ebola/Marburg exploding in Africa and spreading throughout the world.

These are all what we’d call “known unknowns”. Then there are the “unknown unknowns”. By definition, we can’t see it/them coming.

The situation is beyond “out of control” at this point. We can hope and pray that the consequences of “wokeness” keep materializing. Corporations (Disney, Anheuser Busch) and Schools (school board attendance/protests) are just a couple of examples of the swinging of the pendulum. Late-night comedians (Maher, Gutfeld) are picking up on it. Legislatures are putting their feet down in various red-districts. Churches are sheepishly (.sic) returning to traditional dogma.

Voices more powerful than mine are becoming more bold, more heard, more acknowledged and maybe, just maybe, the ground is being prepared for the final battle. We must win or perish.

The Fake News Is The Stupid News

So, AXIOS, this alleged paragon of purported “neutral” reporting, publishes an article on the GOP Freedom Caucus’ position on raising the debt ceiling which position, in short, amounts to insistence that SPENDING be reduced. The headline of the article is “Freedom Caucus draws battle lines on debt ceiling”. It can be found here.

First, the attempt, which seems to be the hallmark of ALL so-called journalism, to turn a meaningful and needful conversation into a battle, the better to turn the article into an invitation to rubber-neck (remember, “if it bleeds it leads”).

Second, the author simply MUST characterize the Freedom Caucus as “The Right-Wing House Freedom Caucus”. Would he ever refer to Chuck Schumer as the “Left-Wing Senate Minority Leader?” His implication is clear. Right = bad. Left = normal.

Third, and this is the statement that almost made me spit out my coffee. In the section entitled, “Why it Matters” the author writes the most stupid explanation I think I’ve ever heard, and while I have an undergraduate degree in economics, it doesn’t take any formal training in the field to see how incredibly idiotic it is. He says, and I quote,

“Their [the Freedom Caucus‘] votes on the debt ceiling could mean the difference between the U.S. continuing to be able to borrow money to pay off its debts and a potentially catastrophic default.”

Yes, you read that right. The United States must borrow more money to pay off the money it owes.

That’s like obtaining a credit card and taking a cash advance to make the payments on another credit card that’s already max’d out.

What could go wrong?

And THIS is what passes for journalism. This is what the dimwits in Washington feed on. This is how dumbed-down and completely ignorant of basic sense the media/reporting has become.

This is the result of giving a voice to a whole generation of poorly educated, easily duped and fundamentally dysfunctional and child-like Millennial through Gen Z so-called ‘reporters’.


The State of the Union Address

I admit. I didn’t watch it. I am so disgusted by the continuing marionette show I prefered to simply review the commentary afterwards. Others far more informed than I have already pointed out all the lies and distortions that spewed forth from the mouth of the puppet-in-chief. I’m going to, rather, address the peripheral question as to whether the GOP over-reacted and/or inappropriately reacted to the deliberate, pre-meditated misrepresentations and accusations hurled at them. Should they have sat quietly shaking their heads as Kevin McCarthy did, or should they have stood and yelled, “liar”, as Marjorie Taylor Greene did?

I’ve listened to both sides of the argument. Some on the Right say that not only was it uncharacteristic of members to shout out their opposition, but unseemly at best, rude and obnoxious at worst. They suggest that having done so, the GOP descended into the mud pit and acted no better than the Democrats. “Take the high road” has more often than not been the admonition of the Right.

What good has taking the high road done? I’m all for nobility and decorum, but when your opposition elevates their game from name-calling to defamation, censorship and character assassination (not to mention threat of REAL assassination – e.g. Kavanaugh), i.e. nonsensical speech to verbal kinetics, and has destroyed all means of civil undertakings to oppose him, the decision has to be made whether to take off the gloves and fight back, or not. The Democrats have so destroyed the principles by which we as a nation have governed ourselves for over three hundred years, so twisted and perverted the vocabulary, the rules of engagement, our history, even FACTS, that we have no choice, really, but to fight fire with fire.

This does not mean that we should simply resort to the kind of perverted antics so cherished by the Alinsky/Cloward and Piven brainwashed Left. Throwing the BS flag onto the floor of the House as was done during the SOTU isn’t a duplication of their style. Rather, it was a transparent, for-all-the-world-to-see return of fire akin (but more honest) to the ripping up of Trumps SOTU speech by Pelosi.

While some on the Right have argued that we gave the MSM a golden opportunity to castigate us further, I could almost hear the unified voices of the Traditionalists and Conservatives in America joining MTG, in unison!

Just as the Chinese push and push to see how far they can go, what our limits are, the Democrats have pushed and pushed to determine how far THEY can go. And once our limit is reached, and we push back, they cry, “See, you’re pigs and fascists and racists and anti-democracy and insurrectionists and threats to America.”

This is projection of the first order! Their banal vituperations are so childish, so outlandish, so petulant, so descriptive of precisely what THEY are and what THEY do, it would be laughable if it were not so destructive.

Shouting “liar” may be rude, but it’s factual, and for many brain-addled, MSNBC/CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC-watching Americans, it’s the first time they’ve ever seen any opposition to the BS spewing forth from their “leaders”.  The MSM has so distorted and censored the truth, they have created an alternative reality that millions of our fellow Americans actually believe! They are shocked to see the Right stand and call “BS”. They are puzzled when the MSM is forced (follow the money!) to cover the Democrats’ patently obvious treachery and deceit, their attempts to hide their failures and the results of their destructive policies and actions.

Is vocal opposition such as that witnessed during the SOTU enough to turn the tide? Does it help push the pendulum back? Will the probes by Comer and Jordan and the continuing exposure by what remains of conservative media start to repair the damage done to the hearts and minds of so many Americans who have fallen for the Leftist “alternative reality”?

I fear not. As good as it felt to hear someone voice what I would have said in the House chamber that night, it’s all talk. Until the GOP uses its power to halt the idiocracy created by the Democrats, until it garners and uses every tool at its disposal to pierce the dark fog of BS with which the Democrats have filled the airwaves, until more MTG’s, Gaetz’s Jordans, Kennedys, etc. create enough headlines with truth bombs to get the lemmings to break from their rush to the precipice, we will continue to simply hurl invectives at one another and continue sliding down the slippery slope.

As I have come to conclude, it’s going to take something monumental to wake America up. Not a balloon, not the Hunter laptop, not yelling “liar”. Something truly nasty may need to happen that will cause us to apply chemotherapy combined with radiation to kill the cancer that has metastasized. The Democrats have skillfully exploited the ratchet effect to incrementally destroy our values, our principles, our country.

We need to strip the ratchet.

No Silver Bullets, No Easy Answers

Since the election, through the Holidays, now well into the New Year, I’ve been thinking about the answer to the question, “What now?”.

Sorting through the “news” each day, I can’t help but see more and more confusion over what is true, what is falsehood, what is sensationalism, what is understatement. The one word to describe our state of affairs is: CHAOS.

I don’t see any cohesive strategy, any clear direction, any comprehensible plan to either ‘make our country great again’ or ‘take it back’ or ‘drain the swamp’ or ‘root out corruption’. I see little to no consequences for malfeasance, for lying, for theft, for waste, for self-abusive destruction of what has since its inception been the greatest country in the world.

‘Common sense’ is no longer common.

Demagoguery,, self-delusion, obsequiousness and self-centeredness are common.

Psychologists call it ‘other-directed’. Fewer and fewer people think critically much less skeptically. Individualism has given way to herd instinct. Emotions rule – no one spends the time to think rationally.

What was fringe is now mainstream. Pushbacks against what would in other time be considered lunacy are met with overwhelming, crushing condemnation. It’s as if the one reasonable person standing in the middle of a valley is being charged by thousands of buffalo. Just read the responses on Twitter or any other social medium to a ‘traditional’ statement or viewpoint.

I’ve long thought that the way to change the course of our national ship is with good leadership, with the development of new Hollywood heroes who successfully fight and win against the encroaching and increasingly pervasive evil infecting our society, with ‘reality’ hitting Gen X and Gen Z such that they awaken from their folly.

It ain’t happening! The megaphone afforded by the Internet puts power in the hands of the deleterious, the destructive, the Evil. On one hand it improves lives. On the other hand, it destroys them.

It’s not just artificial intelligence that has supplanted real intelligence. Social media and the ubiquitous handheld phone/tablet/computer combined is now an addiction.

Pew Research tells us:

  • 46% of teens say they use the internet “almost constantly”
  • 48% of teens say they go online several times a day
  • 48% of teenage girls say they’re online “almost constantly”
  • 43% of teenage boys say they’re online “almost constantly”

Look around you. It’s not just teenagers. So long as our society continues to descend into an artificial reality, fundamental human priorities will be back-burnered, what’s important neglected, what’s moral diminished, what’s good scoffed at.

No hero, no charismatic leader, no game of whack-a-mole is going to turn this around. Artificial reality has become Real Reality!

Thus I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that it will take some kind of cataclysmic event to wake up society and get people serious again. A Black Swan. Something that completely shatters what I will call Artificial Delusion and return us to basics.

It’s long past time to prepare for that Black Swan event.

An Exceptional Article Worth Reading

As I have often said, there are many who say it like I wish I could have said it. The following article, found on American Thinker January 11, 2023, is an example. J.B. Shurk expertly lays out the case for “we the people” pushing back on government. I strongly urge you to read the full article which can be found here. Some excerpts:

“Ordinary people have extraordinary power. Don’t believe me? Watch what happens if tens of millions ever decide to close their bank accounts all at once. Or critical sectors of the workforce decide to stay home for weeks. Or a sizable percentage of the population refuses to obey arbitrary and capricious government orders. When citizens become fed up enough to take matters into their own hands, those with government-bestowed titles learn quickly how little power those vaunted titles actually have.”

“Nothing is so certain as death and taxes,” the old proverb goes, but it might just as accurately be said of almost all governments throughout history that those in charge will extract from those under their thumb either death or taxes — and often both. Force is the only language most governments know, although that force is often disguised as being performed for the people’s “own good.” As it turns out, force is generally sufficient for corralling humans into their government-controlled pens, especially if there are carrots or other treats inside to keep them content, if not particularly happy. When those pens have nothing attractive to offer and become overrun with filth, however, then those doing the corralling must resort to more and more force in order to make their captives obey.”

“It is not the American way, however, for citizens to live higgledy-piggledy under the ambiguous reign of one government dictate to the next. It is not American for an unelected bureaucracy to create rules out of thin air and enforce them upon the people through agency prerogative and regulation. It is not American for presidents to legislate through executive order.”

“It is not American for congresses to conduct show trials against American citizens or to demand that tech companies censor points of view. It is not American for courts to scribble over the Constitution whenever expedient. It is not American for the Department of (in)Justice to persecute citizens for their political beliefs or for the FBI to act as a lethal enforcer against the regime’s political enemies.”

“It is not American for there to be so many criminal statutes that no American could possibly know them all, let alone confidently act without fear of sanction. It is not American for there to be so many government agencies and divisions that no American could capably draw a diagram listing their roles and functions.”

It is not American for the government to champion its secular religion over the moral tenets of Americans’ spiritual faiths. It is not American for the government to ignore the will of its citizens and subvert immigration law by leaving its borders unprotected and wide open. It is not American for an amorphous Intelligence Community to spy on American citizens with neither warrant nor probable cause. It is not American for the news media to be so co-opted by the State that they almost universally support the government’s talking points — no matter how ludicrous and unsupported — while taking aim at dissenting citizens’ debate.

It is not normal for a “government of the people” to regularly denigrate its citizens as racists, extremists, deplorables, terrorists, misogynists, bigots, and rubes. It is not normal for any government claiming to be “for the people” to declare half the nation “enemies of the State.”

“These are the acts of a government committed to using intimidation, violence, and other forms of coercion in order to get its way.”

On The House Speaker Circus

I watched Hannity last night excoriate Lauren Boebert, referring to the sixth failed Kevin McCarthy vote, endlessly repeating “It’s 200 to 20”! No Sean. It’s 0 for 6! The issue isn’t whether there are more votes for McCarthy than against him. The issue is binary: either he has sufficient votes or he doesn’t. If he doesn’t, an alternative is needed.

I come down on the side of the rebels in this clash. If the Republican Party doesn’t change its leadership, strategy and tactics, it will continue to fail to take back the country, drain the swamp and prevail against the Leftist onslaught.

One of the phrases I keep hearing about Kevin McCarthy is: “He’s done the work. He’s raised the money. He’s recruited good candidates.”


As I’ve noted previously, our Speaker doesn’t have to be, nor should he or she be, another Nancy Pelosi. Couldn’t happen anyway – Republicans wouldn’t follow a demagogue or someone as corrupt as she was/is.

Our Speaker must do more, however, than eat rubber chicken, raise money and recruit candidates who will kowtow to “Leadership’s” diktats. Our Speaker needs to FIGHT, INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, LEAD, not just espouse, but TEACH and PROMOTE conservative principles (as Reagan did!). He or she needs to do more than just talk. The GOP Speaker needs to rally the Silent Majority who overwhelmingly support the conservative agenda and PUSH that agenda. And at the moment, while Biden controls the Senate and Executive Office, the Speaker needs to BLOCK, TACKLE and CLIP the Democrat agenda at every opportunity.

Kevin McCarthy lacks the most important of the necessary leadership qualities: the ability to inspire and motivate! He is, in fact, an archetype of the Old Guard (a.k.a. Swamp)!

I could be wrong on this, but isn’t is just possible that the Rebel 20 opposition to McCarthy is based on a sincere desire to change the way the GOP does business in Washington? Could it be that while they may not have a specific “hero/heroine” in mind as an alternative, that first they have to win the argument that electing McCarthy won’t help us win but set us back further? Could there be personal antipathies and hidden agendas, yes, but fundamentally, is what the Rebel 20 are saying, “This is our chance to change how the GOP will fight Leftism in the Future, and it begins on this hill.”?

Some pretty terrible labels are being attached to the Rebel 20: “terrorists”, “obstructionists”, narcissists, etc.

I, on the other hand, think they’re behaving the way they are because they fundamentally recognize the following:

Republicans are ill-equipped to take back the country, drain the swamp and fight the Left. If we don’t change, we’ll continue to atrophy and die.

The Left, lemmings and brain-addled followers that they are, coalesce whenever the music comes up and they “feel” righteous in their pursuit of the “Can’t we all get along” utopia they dream about. Like proper sheep, they follow the demagogue leaders who have written and pronounced the words of the hymns. No original thought. No concern for what’s best for America. Concern only for power and money, and I might add, celebrity.

Republicans, on the other hand, are the inheritors and keepers of the rugged individualism that built this country. They are skeptical, thinking, opinionated but generally more altruistic and freedom-loving, self-reliant, subscribe to the notion that “government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem”, and are unwilling-to-be-dominated and refuse to be told what to think or do.

So, with those solid principles in their ideology, of course they’re opposed to Kevin McCarthy’s business-as-usual approach to leadership!

Let it play out.


The attack on the electricity substation in Moore County, North Carolina this past Saturday evening is precisely what I’ve been warning about for years. Conventional arms were used to blast away at transformers and other equipment at the site resulting in a blackout that persists three days later for thousands of North Carolinians.

If you take the probability and likelihood of a disastrous event and multiply it by the impact it would have you get what I call the “Disaster Index”. It’s a measure of just how bad a disaster could be. In arithmetic terms DI=I x P. So while the impact, and forgive the pun, of a meteor hitting the earth amounts to the highest imaginable I (an extinction event most likely), the probability or likelihood of such an event is PDS (pretty damn small). The Disaster Index is thus extremely small.

On the other hand, the impact of a Katrina-like hurricane is both high AND likely, thus the DI is many times greater than the meteor strike.

I have long stated that the event with the highest DI is not an EMP, Coronal Mass Ejection, Reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles…all potentially catastrophic in terms of impact but, unlikely. Rather, it is a terrorist attack on the nine electrical grid substations in the country that, were they to fail or be knocked out simultaneously, would plunge the entire nation into darkness for upwards of three months. The knock-on effects of such an outage would create a chaos and “Walking Dead” scenario only Hollywood could dream up.

The attack in Moore County is being investigated as “vandalism”. Irrespective of whether the attack was that, or a deliberate vulnerability “test”, you can bet the many terror cells already existing in the United States took a very special interest in it.

Study after study have warned of the vulnerability of our power grid. Blackouts have already occurred that should have been wake-up calls that this kind of disaster could happen. But no, our government would rather…you fill in the rest.

God help us!


It was ugly, but we’ll take the win. My worst case scenario materialized – we took the House but not the Senate. Blame can be placed wherever you want. Firing Nancy Pelosi and being able to block the Biden administration idiocy and masochism was a critical precedent for climbing back up the slippery slope.

Trump running? If, and that’s a huge if, he can stay on message and not revert to his childish name-calling and belittling tactics, he just might, and it’s a tough bet, win over enough independents to win in 2024. Some big if’s there. More likely, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is tired of the antics, the self-aggrandizement, the narcissism, the self-promotion. If he’d just act his age instead of like a schoolyard bully who put on a clean shirt to run for student body president, we have a shot at winning it all in 2024. But if the Dems recruit Tulsi Gabbard or Joe Manchin or some similarly popular and populist figure, Trump will go down in flames.

As much as we’d like to think that performance record is the determining factor in how people pull the lever on election day, it ain’t! This election proved that. How on earth could the Red Wave not have materialized given the Left’s performance record?

They won because of OTHER factors: visceral factors; clever marketing and merchandising; good production values in the pro and con messaging, and, of course, exploitation of the rule changes, habitual and proven cheating methods and above all, the hundreds of millions of dollars of free propaganda supplied by the main stream media.

That Lurch (Fetterman) could have won in Pennsylvania, or pre-adolescent Hobbs in Arizona, is testament to the gullibility of the masses and the ability of the MSM to manipulate perception, thus reality.

So on we go. If this next House doesn’t get its act together and learn how to fight, how to use their newly acquired power to stymie the Left’s agenda and fully expose, prosecute and perp-walk their rampant corruption, the pendulum will swing back to the dark side ever more powerfully next time.

You can’t win by pointing out the other guy’s a fool. You have to beat him at his own game, and if you’re not fighting on your chosen ground but his, i.e. on a field occupied by dumbed-down, dependent losers, you have to be a better Santa Claus. Parents have the hardest time teaching their children right and wrong. The GOP are the adult parents, and the Democrat Left are, predominantly, the immature, dysfunctional, self-absorbed and prodigal children.

Time for some tough love. I hope McCarthy and the GOP can apply it.


The elephant in my room is large and gray. Why did we not crush/sweep/bury the Democrats in this election? With, ostensibly, 75% of the American public saying we’re going in the wrong direction, with inflation, an open border, unchecked crime, energy dependence, stunted education, outright lying, corruption and tyranny at every level of government, with candidates like Fetterman and Hobbs and Hochul even in contention, with so-called leadership in the hands of incompetents and fools like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, etc., how could there have been any question but that the Republicans would sweep the Democrats from control of Congress?

Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not going to answer the question. There are analysts and pundits wracking their brains and working overtime trying to figure it out.

Frankly, I feared this might happen. Our elation and excitement, then our pre-election hubris was a warning sign.

As I’ve noted a hundred times, the Left was and remains bent on creating chaos, just as Alinsky prescribed. Deftly using the propaganda machine on a now-dumbed down populace, they have created perceptions that have shaped reality for at least half and maybe more of us. Chaos so obscures that weak minds can and were and remain susceptible to the lies and nonsense saturating the airwaves, on both sides.

America isn’t just polarized at this point. It’s balkanized! There is no clean dividing line…the ideological landscape is splotchy…pockets of red and blue intermingled but directly proportional to population concentration. By that I mean, where people are concentrated in the cities it’s blue. As the population thins, it goes from pink to red. Why? Because losers, the unproductive huddle where they can be fed and clothed and taken care of, and concentrations of power and money in the hands of a cabal of Leftist megalomaniacs that can be doled out and used to control the people are attractive to the indolent, the unmotivated, the uninformed. They just want their Obama phones!

The productive, the self-reliant, the industrious, lovers of freedom, truth and meritocracy, don’t tend to concentrate at all. The more elbow-room they have, the more free they feel and the more self-determining they can be. They just want to be left alone to care for themselves and their loved ones. They are red.

Step back for a moment and look at how far we as a nation have descended down the slippery slope. We are now questioning the very essence of humanity…what is a man, what is a woman? We legalize brain-altering substances; we force compliance with unproven and as it turns out, ineffective “cures”; a blind eye is turned towards not just petty but even heinous crime; corruption permeates and has destroyed virtually every institution. The media, writ large, dominates our discourse. Gone are dinner table discussions. Gone is civility. Gone is the unifying influence of faith and dedication to country that once guided us.

Ayn Rand is turning in her grave as person after person shoots themselves in the foot! Half of us won’t even be driven by logical self-interest! Rather, we have allowed ourselves to be subjugated to circumstances that HURT US! How stupid can so many of us be?

And it’s not just happening here in the U.S. It is happening all over the Western World. Any student of history will tell you that what we are witnessing is a repeat of the demise of all the great civilizations. We are past the apogee and in a flat spin plummeting towards a state where third world countries and ideologies are now rising while we fall.

This election was expected to be the turning point, a significant advance back up the slippery slope. Instead, we must now regroup back at the bottom, lick our wounds and coalesce so as to fight the cancer that prevents us from healing. However, we need to forget about trying to unify the whole country. We need to unify ourselves first! We need to identify and rally behind a leader or leaders who will inspire us to set aside our rugged individualism for the good of the whole. We need to organize and speak and act with one voice as the Left so successfully does. We need to use their Alinsky techniques on THEM! We must surround, isolate, belittle, neutralize and eradicate the cancer pocket by pocket.

Let’s study what happened and pray the path back up the slippery slope becomes clearer and better lit.

On The Subject Of Election Integrity

As we approach November 8th, I continue to encounter friends and acquaintances on the Right who want to just “move on” from the 2020 Election. They argue that to echo Trump on the subject is counterproductive. They argue that not moving on constitutes relitigating the election and proves we’re sore losers. They argue that the ‘stolen’ argument is self-defeating as it plays into the left narrative. The suggestion is that it would be more productive to highlight what influences tipped the scales in Biden’s favor. I reproduce here below two of my responses to these arguments.

“The problem is the 2020 Election WAS NEVER LITIGATED! If we don’t expose what happened and refute the truly false narrative that it WAS legitimate we’ll never have another honest election in our country. To continue exposing the fraud and cheating that got Biden his 81 million votes isn’t being a sore loser, it’s being righteously indignant and protective of freedom, our constitutional republic and not allowing the leftist cancer to win. The tide is turning, the Silent Majority is starting to speak up, there is an opportunity to restore a modicum of honesty and integrity to our country and government, but not if we allow the BS in our elections to stand. We are fighting a foe that will stop at nothing for power and money and taking the high road and trying to be gentlemanly and “moving on” is precisely what they’re counting on. No, we must not let them get away with this again. The only way we could possibly lose this November in both the House and Senate is through more of the same kind of fraud and shenanigans as they foisted on everyone in 2020. If we don’t have drop box tail gate parties to prevent ballot stuffing, legions of lawyers standing over the vote counters, legislators willing to challenge the unconstitutional (both federal and state) violations of voting laws, and computer counting systems proven to be un-hackable, they will do it again, and God help us if the Dems remain in power through 2023 and beyond! We really can’t take much more of their brand of “progress” can we?”

And in response to the notion that to pursue 2020 is self-defeating and that we should focus on righting the tipped scales I responded:

“My big problem with “moving on” is that to do so is to allow the scales to remain tipped. I concede that Trump beating this theme continuously is not helpful for either him, the MAGA/America First Movement, the GOP or the country. He is not the right spokesperson to address this fundamental problem nor are Mike Lindell or any of the other champions of the ‘stolen election’ assertion.

 The reason I’m exercised about this topic this week is that Ginni Thomas, no publicity hound, had the courage to reiterate her contention that the election was stolen/rigged/whatever and that it needed to be thoroughly investigated and essentially, that we should NOT just “move on”. I agree. What I would like to see is some respected jurist like Clarence Thomas (or, preferably, John Roberts or several of the jurors) say, “We’ve got to get to the bottom of this” so the whole process gets cleaned up. Same day voting, paper ballots, proof of citizenship before registration, voter ID, legitimate monitoring of the vote count, consequences for violating state election laws, real penalties/perp walks for cheaters and the operatives behind them (those with “plausible deniability” for implementing the cheating schemes) and cleaned up voter rolls…Sounds like a tall order, but by already letting 2020 slide as much as we as a nation have, this November is going to be a s-show irrespective of the outcome. In my opinion, not resolving the problem of election integrity is the greatest threat to our republic, not all the crap the media and politicians grouse about. If our elections are honest and Millennials, Gen Y and Gen Z want to vote in all the leftist idiocy so be it…it’s their world and they can have it. But to stand by and allow a handful of evil, power-hungry and greedy politicians, oligarchs and technocrats permanently control our lives as they’re doing now on into the future without a fight is a bridge too far. I don’t have much time left on this planet but election integrity is, in my opinion, the hill to die on.”

So for those of you who have asked why I keep pounding on the 2020 Election thing, the above explains my position.