Could The Tide Be Turning?

It’s depressing to witness what’s happened to our country over the last ten to fifteen years. The leftist ideologues since the 60’s have infested and polluted every one of our institutions. There is no need to list all the evidence of leftist infiltration and rot here. Readers are well aware of it all (see my previous “Sitrep” post).

But there’s a whiff of fresh air amid all the leftist pollution. It’s just a whiff, but there is cause for optimism that the pendulum may have started to swing to the Right, that the long slide down the slippery slope has stopped, or at least slowed. I suggest readers read Ian MacConnell’s excellent March 2023 article in American Thinker for an inspiring and hopeful look at the landscape.

As he notes, the turning point, in retrospect, may have been Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter last October 2022.

Twitter’s penetration and influence cannot be denied. Truth or falsehood, it became the journal of record, and it was exclusively dominated by the Left. It was utilized very effectively to brainwash whole swaths of society.

Musk’s purchase began to peel the onion of leftist control, indoctrination, ideology. For the first time, the corruption we on the Right always knew about and spoke of was exposed to the masses, the already brainwashed, the dumbed down who inhabited and dominated the “Twitter-Verse.”

In the last few weeks leading up to the 2022 election the “Twitter Files” exposed how the federal government hid a ton of information from the public on everything from COVID to the Hunter laptop. They exposed how conservatives were censored and cancelled. The result was not the red wave we were all expecting, but, thank God, we at least got back the House!

And despite the rocky start, Kevin McCarthy started some of the payback so sorely and urgently needed. Among other things, he kicked the Swalwell and Schiff scum off committees. He started investigations into the leftist corruption, appointing the solid James Comer and Jim Jordan to lead the inquiries.

Now, the general public, even those who watch MSNBC and CNN, know about the corruption: of the FBI, the DOJ, the Bidens. They now know the January 6th narrative was nonsense, about all the lies and misinformation surrounding COVID, about the canceling and censorship of anyone who spoke against leftist ideology.

What’s happened to FOX News is a harbinger. Aside from Trump hurting the Rupert Murdoch’s feelings, their viewership growth had stalled. In a bid to gain viewers from the Left, it moved more to the middle in its reporting and its opinion shows, allowing leftist commentators more and more airtime. The Murdoch sons, upon inheriting the helm from their father, advanced the leftist slide at the network until the pressure to go full woke got to the point where it fired or lost various conservative hosts. The last straw was firing Tucker Carlson. Bad move.

Jumping on the leftist bandwagon, Anheuser Busch and Disney not to mention scores of other ESG/DEI compliant companies, also went full woke. The Bud Light and Disney results are evidence of the backlash to which I’m referring.

School board meetings where parents, particularly mama-bears, have drawn the line, the leftist media forced to cover the Biden corruption, more and more whistleblowers appearing before Congressional Committees publicly exposing the leftist rot in all our institutions…all of these represent the beginnings of what may be a turn in our country’s fortunes.

Now, if we can just clean up the elections and eliminate the censorship so we don’t have a repeat of 2020 and 2022 (we SHOULD have had a RED WAVE!!!) , take back the Presidency and the Senate and hold the House, so long as we can keep the RINO’s and Swamp Republicans on a leash, we may, just may, be able to start the long climb back up the slippery slope to restore America to its traditional roots and rightful place in the world.

Fingers crossed, hands clasped, arms folded in hope and prayer.

The State of the Union Address

I admit. I didn’t watch it. I am so disgusted by the continuing marionette show I prefered to simply review the commentary afterwards. Others far more informed than I have already pointed out all the lies and distortions that spewed forth from the mouth of the puppet-in-chief. I’m going to, rather, address the peripheral question as to whether the GOP over-reacted and/or inappropriately reacted to the deliberate, pre-meditated misrepresentations and accusations hurled at them. Should they have sat quietly shaking their heads as Kevin McCarthy did, or should they have stood and yelled, “liar”, as Marjorie Taylor Greene did?

I’ve listened to both sides of the argument. Some on the Right say that not only was it uncharacteristic of members to shout out their opposition, but unseemly at best, rude and obnoxious at worst. They suggest that having done so, the GOP descended into the mud pit and acted no better than the Democrats. “Take the high road” has more often than not been the admonition of the Right.

What good has taking the high road done? I’m all for nobility and decorum, but when your opposition elevates their game from name-calling to defamation, censorship and character assassination (not to mention threat of REAL assassination – e.g. Kavanaugh), i.e. nonsensical speech to verbal kinetics, and has destroyed all means of civil undertakings to oppose him, the decision has to be made whether to take off the gloves and fight back, or not. The Democrats have so destroyed the principles by which we as a nation have governed ourselves for over three hundred years, so twisted and perverted the vocabulary, the rules of engagement, our history, even FACTS, that we have no choice, really, but to fight fire with fire.

This does not mean that we should simply resort to the kind of perverted antics so cherished by the Alinsky/Cloward and Piven brainwashed Left. Throwing the BS flag onto the floor of the House as was done during the SOTU isn’t a duplication of their style. Rather, it was a transparent, for-all-the-world-to-see return of fire akin (but more honest) to the ripping up of Trumps SOTU speech by Pelosi.

While some on the Right have argued that we gave the MSM a golden opportunity to castigate us further, I could almost hear the unified voices of the Traditionalists and Conservatives in America joining MTG, in unison!

Just as the Chinese push and push to see how far they can go, what our limits are, the Democrats have pushed and pushed to determine how far THEY can go. And once our limit is reached, and we push back, they cry, “See, you’re pigs and fascists and racists and anti-democracy and insurrectionists and threats to America.”

This is projection of the first order! Their banal vituperations are so childish, so outlandish, so petulant, so descriptive of precisely what THEY are and what THEY do, it would be laughable if it were not so destructive.

Shouting “liar” may be rude, but it’s factual, and for many brain-addled, MSNBC/CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC-watching Americans, it’s the first time they’ve ever seen any opposition to the BS spewing forth from their “leaders”.  The MSM has so distorted and censored the truth, they have created an alternative reality that millions of our fellow Americans actually believe! They are shocked to see the Right stand and call “BS”. They are puzzled when the MSM is forced (follow the money!) to cover the Democrats’ patently obvious treachery and deceit, their attempts to hide their failures and the results of their destructive policies and actions.

Is vocal opposition such as that witnessed during the SOTU enough to turn the tide? Does it help push the pendulum back? Will the probes by Comer and Jordan and the continuing exposure by what remains of conservative media start to repair the damage done to the hearts and minds of so many Americans who have fallen for the Leftist “alternative reality”?

I fear not. As good as it felt to hear someone voice what I would have said in the House chamber that night, it’s all talk. Until the GOP uses its power to halt the idiocracy created by the Democrats, until it garners and uses every tool at its disposal to pierce the dark fog of BS with which the Democrats have filled the airwaves, until more MTG’s, Gaetz’s Jordans, Kennedys, etc. create enough headlines with truth bombs to get the lemmings to break from their rush to the precipice, we will continue to simply hurl invectives at one another and continue sliding down the slippery slope.

As I have come to conclude, it’s going to take something monumental to wake America up. Not a balloon, not the Hunter laptop, not yelling “liar”. Something truly nasty may need to happen that will cause us to apply chemotherapy combined with radiation to kill the cancer that has metastasized. The Democrats have skillfully exploited the ratchet effect to incrementally destroy our values, our principles, our country.

We need to strip the ratchet.

Others Will Say It Better Than I can…

but I just have to throw my two cents in regarding Biden’s speech last night. It couldn’t have been more sinister, dark, divisive, frankly FASCIST. It’s everything we expected it to be, full of threats, ominous warnings, vitriol, lies, half-truths, deflections, dishonesty, pandering, and so on. What I REALLY worry about is, “Who is listening and nodding as they watched him?” It is THESE stupid, mindless, lemmings/sheep who actually believe his drivel that concern me. Allowed to see the truth they’d be harmless. Poisoned as they are by the excrement emerging from the mouths of the Left, they become a REAL threat to America. Brainwashed and led by radical Democrat demagogues – pick whatever label you want for them: socialists, communists, eco-fascists, anti-Americans, metastatic cancerous leeches…they comprise a force of zombie-like zealot idiots who attack and destroy on command and at will every traditional value, institution, cherished principle that made America great to begin with.

The Democrats/Leftists are what they are and what they have always been. Now that we are in a cold war for the soul of America, the only thing that’s different is that they’re cornered and unhinged and exposed and thus far more dangerous than they’ve been in the past. Their acolytes and lemming followers drool and nod and repeat the slogans and dogma emanating from the sick minds of the puppet masters BEHIND Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the whole panoply of fools following their lead.

So saturated are the airwaves and print media with the absolute garbage they spew, many otherwise smart, experienced, what I would call NORMAL people are being infected. I hear what should be conservatives, or at least traditionalists regurgitate Leftist talking points. I hear them questioning the morality, values and virtues that they grew up on, that they KNOW are right. I watch them meekly deny their beliefs so as not to offend their already terminal neighbors. I expect a cock to crow as they abandon what they know to be true.

I get it. The Left has so destroyed our sense of meritocracy, of fairness, of good and evil that from our bosses on down we’re silenced into compliance. Should we speak up, our livelihoods are put at risk. Should we actively throw the BS flag on the woke nonsense being megaphoned from human resource departments, in “team building” meetings, etc., we risk at a minimum ostracization, at worst, our jobs.

Speeches like the one Biden gave last night contribute to the corrosion, to the pollution, to the spread of the Leftist cancer.

This guy has to go, of course, but so do all the despicable, pandering, anti-American underlings who lead and also serve the gospel of destruction which forms the basis of the Democrat/Leftist agenda.

Remember November 3, 2020 – Comments on Mollie Hemingway’s New Book, “Rigged”

I’ve just completed reading Mollie Hemingway’s book, “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections” which I have now placed at the top of my list of exposés documenting the fraud, deceit and slimy shenanigans in the pursuit of power and control perpetrated by the Democrats not just in 2020, but over the last forty or fifty years, and that now threatens a virtual Leftist takeover of our society. It is a tale of frogs sitting in lukewarm water with a flame underneath. It is the story of a death by a thousand cuts. It is an account of how manipulating perception can change reality such that we now face consequences most would never have thought possible even a few years ago.

One of human nature’s truisms is that time changes things. I don’t mean that things change over time. I mean time itself changes things. Perception is reality, and the impact of time on our memories changes our perceptions, thus reality. I know that’s a bit heavy, but time allows the Left to lie repeatedly such that the lie becomes ingrained in the collective psyche, and as time passes, the lie becomes history, with the truth being swept under the rug.

We have spoken among ourselves of all the outrageous things that have transpired just in the last year, as well as over the last ten or fifteen years, and continue to be appalled at what is happening now, right before our eyes. Yet time has a way of softening outrage, causing our minds to forget what angered us as it happened, and forcing us to pay attention to the present, leaving the past behind. Time erases both truths and falsehoods. Perceptions rather than reality are what remain.

Such is the case with what happened last November 3rd. As time passes there is acceptance of the lie that Biden fairly won the election. It is reinforced when even conservative news outlets slip phrases like “Trump’s unfounded accusations of fraud,” or “The debunked elections steal” into their retrospectives of what got us to this awful place where Leftist dogma is rapidly destroying our country. The truth almost always comes out, but often many years after the fact. Amity Shlaes’ history “The Forgotten Man”, for example, revealed the real truth about what the New Deal did to our society; the truth about the burden born by the forgotten who, head down, kept this country afloat while government increasingly and permanently began to take over our lives.

I am sickened by how quickly we have moved on: “nothing to see here”, “old news”, “that was debunked, discredited, etc.” Yet one of the most consequential periods and some of the most impactful events in history have occurred in our recent lifetimes, culminating in what occurred with the 2020 election. We are now facing the consequences of years and years of razor cuts, of an imperceptibly slow turning up of the flame beneath us.

Fortunately, there are those of us who, despite criticism, ostracization, ridicule and condescension, believe letting the truth wait twenty or more years to emerge is wrong. I continue to study the analyses of how the Left rigged, or stole – take your pick, the November 3, 2020 election and rail against the wrong that the Left so desperately want us to believe didn’t happen – that they want time to erase. And I will continue to speak out about this pivotal moment in our nation’s history and its caustic effects on our people.

In my opinion, this forgetting of even recent history is one of the greatest problems a society, a nation, civilization itself can face. I often speak of slides down the slippery slope, and I’ve often talked about how every great civilization, at its height, tipped over the top and rapidly declined due to what I flippantly refer to as getting “fat and happy.” When survival is displaced by comfort, meaningful things in life get replaced by less serious things that we use to occupy the free time those comforts afford us. What’s important gets lost in what feels good. A large part of life that had been previously devoted to survival is displaced by the constant search for other forms of gratification and self-actualization. Think Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. At the bottom of the pyramid are physiological needs, then safety, then belongingness, then esteem then self-actualization. Today way too many of us are focused on the higher levels while ignoring the more basic ones at the bottom, the provision of which we have left to the government.

History proves that leisure breeds indolence, narcissism, destructive ends-justify-the-means competitiveness, resentment against the “establishment”, pleasure at all costs habits, and ultimately, revisionist history, delusional utopian fantasies and an evil thirst for power and influence on the part of some who are wired to dominate and control. Think Egypt, Athens, Rome, Western Europe and now the United States. Meanwhile, third world nations are dozens of years behind us. Russia already faced their turning point with the collapse of the Soviet system. China is still rising but I predict will ultimately face a civil war as its middle class rebels against totalitarianism, just as other societies revolted against monarchies and dictatorships. Their rise continues while our civilization declines.

Reading Hemingway’s book, I’m grateful for her sober, well-documented and definitive, in my judgement, account of how it is that the ‘nice guy’, hyper-corrupt, professional politician Biden is now sitting at the Resolute Desk surrounded by Rasputins and marionette masters. The Left will no doubt have a glib or carefully crafted response for every assertion in the book, but they have already won and don’t really care whether the truth exposed in it influences anyone. Elections have consequences, and as the book documents and spells out to anyone with an objective mind and a modicum of critical thinking skills, the theft of the 2020 elections (I use the plural noun because the same cheating in Fulton Country Georgia put the Senate in the Democrats’ hands) consequently gave the Left the power, albeit barely, to forcibly enact their destructive and megalomaniacal agenda and ideology.

The Leftist abuse continues. Mark my words, another crisis will unfold before the ’22 election and the Democrats will exploit it to the fullest. Last Tuesday may have put a chink in their armor, but the cancer of which they’re composed is so metastatic at this point there are only two ways to rid ourselves of it: playing whack-a-mole in every corner where we find it or administering radiation and chemotherapy, which risks killing the patient. We should all prefer the former approach, starting with school boards. The latter may make a good movie plot, but it really could lead to a bloody revolution, not something anyone should desire.

Time has changed things. But we should never forget what happened on November 3, 2020.


Just a short note to comment that the reason the Left is so effective at pushing their agenda is that despite their differences, they have a binding precept around which they always coalesce: POWER. Like all collectivists and lemmings, they mass together in one body to vote, cheat, steal, report, bludgeon, infect everything they touch. They put on a good show about being “for the people” and wanting nothing more than to do what’s right for America, but anyone with half a brain, paying attention, knows their evil intent is political domination so they can impose their utopian nonsense on us all.

We used to watch them at the podium self-righteously blather about how everything they do is intended to help the underdogs, the victims of white male racism and privilege, those who are so oppressed they can’t help themselves. Now they don’t even make a pretense of that. They just spit their disgusting Leftist bile out with impunity. They know the media will amplify their vitriol and demagoguery and suppress the truth or any view that departs from the orthodoxy.

These people on the Left are the worst kind of hypocrites, the worst kind of infection and pandemic that befalls mankind. Throughout history the losers and have-nots of the world, the indolent and feckless, the weak-minded and gullible, led by the arrogant and condescending, enticing and demagogic, have demanded to be taken care of, have screamed of their oppression, of inequality, of racism, despite constant opportunities to rise on hard work and merit.

And we on the Right continue to act like ladies and gentlemen, couching our rhetoric in diplomatic terms, in conciliatory tones, in compromising language. We always seek to take the high road because we’re told if we don’t “we’ll be just as bad as they are.”

We encourage and celebrate debate. We think differences of opinion among us are healthy. Both true, and both self-destructive. So long as we allow ourselves to be led by the ladies and gentlemen of the Right, we will see our country continue down the self-destructive path we are on.

The Left loves it. They are guerillas on one hand, and lemmings on the other. They burst out of the underbrush to hurl invectives and ad hominem attacks on the Right, and then when the times are ripe to push their ideology over the goal line, they coalesce and with one voice do the will of their pied piper leaders. So long as the money and ego-food keeps coming, they’re happy not to tug too hard on the strings manipulating them.

The Left is effective in exercising their power, as noted many times, because a complicit tech oligarchy and Leftist main stream media amplify their drivel.

The Right is attempting to counter the tech monopoly/oligarchy. BUT WE ARE FAILING BECAUSE WE’RE TOO FRAGMENTED. We have no unifying leader, no meme or quip or slogan that brings us all together like Newt did with the Contract With America in 1994 which swept the GOP into power for the first time in 40 years.

There are dozens if not hundreds of websites, organizations, movements and efforts dedicated to exposing the truth and the destructiveness of the Biden/Schumer/Pelosi administration. New “platforms” for free speech emerge almost weekly. There are a multitude of “voices” on alternative (i.e. non MSM) media that are heralding the mess we’re in and many offer solutions. The problem is, there are just too many! The conservative think tanks, the right-wing tabloids, the new social media platforms encouraging conservative thought and speech…they’re all great, but the messages that bind us are muddled, unclear, and lack the Hollywood production values the Left so effectively utilize.

Trump is a unifying force in one sense. What he showed America during his four years in office is just how masochistic and destructive the Obama/Leftist “fundamental transformation” movement really was. Inarticulate, self-aggrandizing, politically inept and boorish as he was, all he had to do was reverse the crap Obama laid on us to awaken the country and put us on the path to peace and prosperity. Frankly, anyone with traditional values, basic leadership and communications skills could have done that, but only bombastic Trump had the audacity and chutzpah to beat the Clinton/Leftist machine. And, “Make America Great Again” was the kind of slogan that rallied the Silent Majority to overcome the Leftist cheating/fraud in the 2016 election, much to the surprise and amazement of the American people, the world, and above all, the Clinton Left.

But like any reality tv series, Trump’s arc and the MAGA slogan is in decline. Yes, he still brings out tens of thousands at rallies and there are “just like the good ‘ole days” variations on the MAGA theme.

But only once we are able to rally behind a leader who has the principles of Trump, the stamina, durability and energy of Trump but the attractiveness, inspirational, universally persuasive… perhaps the best all-encompassing word is “righteous” attributes that Trump lacks will we be able to come together, vote and demand fairness, transparency and integrity in voting and politics, and beat back the Leftist cancer that is rapidly killing us.

I don’t see that leader among us. The firebrands and flamethrowers who make us stand up and cheer won’t play well. The erudite old hands will just bend over to be spanked and say “yes sir, may I have more?”. The “rising stars” aren’t going to last through the next disastrous three years.

I think the only one who could fit the bill is a renovated, more polished and inspiring Trump. He still has time to develop a different kind of attractiveness to the full spectrum of our population. He can learn to string two sentences together without repeating himself five times. He can convey what he needs to convey with quips and quotes and barbs and jabs and encouragements that are less caustic to half the population.

In short, if he can reflect between golf greens on becoming a statesmen and leave behind his New York real estate thug past, and this time around be even more bold at fighting the swamp and the media but in more clever, perhaps more measured ways, we just might have in him that leader around which to consolidate our righteous indignation, our effort, our resources, our voice. Then, perhaps, for our children and grandchildren and perhaps a few more generations beyond them, we may be able to destroy the forces of evil embodied by today’s Left.

To the Contrary

Before, during and shortly after the 2020 Election I continued to believe and/or trust that truth would prevail, that fraud would be exposed, that a fair analysis and exposition of what happened would materialize and that the evil Leviathan I call the Left would be halted and defeated. I sincerely thought that this last election would represent the high tide of the Leftist Cabal…that finally, the truly insidious dark forces would be exposed and sent back to Hell where they belong. I now no longer feel so optimistic. To the contrary, I now see the inmates are now running the insane asylum.

For the last several weeks I have been studying all of the reports, essays, commentary, reviews, etc. regarding and surrounding the events beginning with the late winter/early Spring emergence of the Wuhan Virus, the convenient crisis it created, the election and all that has transpired since. It’s clear the Left used every arrow in their quiver to win their battle for control. And you know what? They won this battle!

There are no two ways about it. Disgusting and repulsive as their tactics were, they successfully prosecuted their cause and took over the reins of power in our country.

It has been said that World War III has begun. It has also been said that a secession of Red States or armed/violent rebellion against the Swamp are the only two paths forward barring complete submission to the godless communists (because that’s really what they are).

The cauldron is boiling. I know of NO thinking, patriotic, god-fearing, truth-reveling American who isn’t incensed right now. Unfortunately, no leader has yet emerged to coalesce them into a force able and willing to purge the demons. He or she is out there, and many names are being floated, but he or she has yet to step forward.

I, like many others, have wondered why the military didn’t and hasn’t stepped up to defend the republic. Studying this question and speaking to high-level contacts that I have in Washington, it has become clear that just like the country as a whole, there is a Swamp in the military and, I might add, the law enforcement and Intelligence Communities as well. While the vast majority of the military, law enforcement and intelligence community (MLIC) personnel are supportive of traditional American values, their LEADERSHIP consist almost universally of political swamp creatures interested at least as much if not more in their own advancement and careers as in the interests of our democracy and constitutional republic. The command hierarchy being what it is, the patriotic values and sentiments of the rank and file is suppressed, perhaps even more so than the Main Stream Media and the Democrat Party are able to censor, cancel and suppress that of the majority of the general population (and I still believe we are the majority!).

So the military wasn’t going to intervene on January 6th, or on January 20th, and while there is a lot of mumbling going on, so long as the top (swamp) brass is in command, the MLIC personnel will kowtow to their bosses. As an aside, this notion of “fighting for the man next to you” is just a fallback/excuse for not fighting for “truth, justice and the American Way.” THAT’s what they SHOULD be fighting for! In the absence of principles of freedom and right, however, which are nowadays largely absent from MLIC doctrine, it’s understandable the only thing our fighters have to fight for are the men on either side of them.

Like peeling an onion, as I read deeper into the answers to the question “How could this happen?”, I was reminded of all the history and forces behind this Leftist onslaught. As old as I am, and having spent my formative years overseas and seeing in my travels totalitarianism up front and personal, I have been reminded of the underpinnings. In short, the defeat of communism symbolized by the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, Glasnost, Perestroika, Tiananmen Square, etc. notwithstanding, the Left wasn’t defeated, just defanged momentarily.

I say momentarily because since the 80’s and Reagan’s “Star Wars” initiative bankrupted the Soviet Union, bringing it to its knees, the Alinsky-ites have sought to use more insidious means to infiltrate, poison and take over our institutions resulting in what we have today…a complete infestation of Leftist metastatic cancer in our society. It is embodied in the words and actions of the Leftists, from the globalists typified by George Soros, to the stupid, woke lemmings embodied in so many Gen Z snowflakes. With arrogant hyenas like Obama (behind the scenes), EVERY Democrat, from Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of them pulling the strings of all these manipulated, leftist idiots, and thunderously spewing forth their propaganda using the tech megaphone and dominance of the media, the Right will have to adopt an opposing guerilla mentality, strategy and tactics to combat the now entrenched enemy.

When I started this blog going on two years ago, I planned to celebrate the virtues of traditional values, the benefits of a free and open society, etc. I intended to remain apolitical.

Anyone who has followed my essays will plainly see, however, that succumbing to the fact that now EVERYTHING in life and society is political, I’ve morphed into a dedicated resistance fighter who with my remaining years and breaths will do everything and anything I can to reverse the slide down the slippery slope we’re on and prevent the downfall of the greatest civilization, nation and republic the world has ever known. I will speak out boldly from this point forth, until and even after I too am “cancelled” by the hyenas, against the spread of the cancer. I will do what I can to kill, yes, kill the cancer that is Leftist, totalitarian and tyrannical ideology and resist…RESIST (!) the attempts to take away more of my freedom and that of my family and friends.

As much as the Left subscribes to moral relativism, in my book, some things are simply morally RIGHT and some things are morally WRONG!

I choose the Right.