Stuff That Matters
With a salute and due credit to Charles Krauthammer (1950-2018) whose book Things that Matter (New York: Crown Publishing, 2013 available from Amazon here) was the capstone of his exemplary life and the inspiration of this and future related posts, I’ve begun my own list.
New items come to mind daily so it is a work in progress. They’re in no particular order, although Truth, God and Right would be right up there at the top of any ordered list. From time to time I’m going to address these topics in more detail but to get started, here’s a first stab.
Truth matters.
God matters.
Right and Wrong Matter.
Our word matters.
How we think matters.
People matter.
What we teach our children matters.
What we do as a family matters.
Helping others matters.
Being friendly matters.
Courtesy matters.
Being considerate matters.
Our reputation matters.
Loyalty matters.
Being kind to animals matters.
Conservation matters.
Courage matters.
Catching someone doing something right matters.
Thrift matters.
Obeying/Respecting our parents matters.
Respecting our elders matters.
Respecting authority matters.
Saying what we mean and meaning what we say matters.
Words matter. What we say and how we say it matters.
Listening matters.
Perseverance and determination matter.
The choices we make matter.
Temperance matters.
Anticipation and thinking ahead matters.
Knowing ourselves matters.
Our health matters.
Controlling ourselves matters.
Deferred gratification matters.
Grooming matters.
Situational awareness matters.
Whom we choose as friends matters.
What we read matters.
What we watch on television matters.
What we tweet/post/email matters.
What we eat matters.
Our morning routine matters.
How we spend our non-working time matters.
Hard work matters.
Honoring our spouses matters.
Standing up for what we believe in matters.
How we treat those above us and how we treat those below us matters.
What we value and how we spend our money matters.
Where we live matters.
What we don’t say matters.
Please send us your additions to this list by email to !