So Scratch GETTR (and all the other social media platforms)!

It was brought to my attention today that GETTR is funded in part by Miles Guo, a Chinese dissident who, while having a legitimate beef with his overlords, is flooding GETTR with propaganda…with impunity. I was getting scores of self-professed patriots whose profiles were filled with kanji characters saying who knows what. So, I copied all my posts since March 2nd and will create a page here with an archive. Meanwhile, I’ll start to post the same kind of short, immediate reactions and thoughts as I had on GETTR here from now on. Hope my readers will be ok with this new format.

Thanks for your support,


May 31, 2022

RE: Sussman acquittal. Expected or not, is there any doubt that the Left have taken over our institutions, including the judicial system? I guess pictures (i.e. emails) of perps holding smoking guns standing over corpses and eye-witness testimonies don’t seem to have the same weight these days as they used to. As I noted previously, we can only hope Durham knows what he’s doing and doesn’t quit. No question the trial was revealing in other ways…perhaps the positive result will be a greater recognition that the leftist cancer must be eradicated from every corner of our society.

It is axiomatic that people who make and/or have a lot of money/wealth or power believe they are smarter and superior to those who struggle “beneath” them. The rules don’t apply to them, their demagoguery doesn’t impact them, they compete on the basis of their wealth/power rank and how “philanthropic” they can be while paring their fingernails and pontificating on how they will save the world. Give me the ragtag woman who approached the altar with a couple of pennies to place in the offering plate any day over these self-absorbed hypocrites! I’d much rather associate with the poor kid who followed orders and charged the pillbox than the guy who invented the pet rock, hula hoop or today’s equivalent…an APP!

We all recall Biden screaming at the Detroit auto worker in 2020, “Do you need 100 rounds?” The answer is: “YES, especially if the guy shooting at me has 300 rounds!” Not only is Biden uneducated with respect to firearms, he’s belligerently and confrontationally stupid on the subject. He wouldn’t know the difference between a 9MM, .308, 5.56 weapon in ANY shape or form much less between a semi and an automatic, a consumer firearm and a real assault weapon! The Left’s despicable politicization and lying on virtually EVERY subject is disgusting, immoral and destructive. We simply MUST vote these idiots out in the coming elections.

Spent the weekend in DC. We have a beautiful capital marred by two things: homeless tent cities in many public parks and police presence as if we were about to be invaded by the Russian army. All federal buildings were surrounded, fences up, streets lined with snowplows (.sic) as if anticipating riots. What was REALLY happening was thousands of patriots paying their respects down the Mall at the WW2 and VN memorials. It was PEACEFUL, dignified, uplifting and GOOD people bumped fists, hugged, talked solemnly, shared memories, prayed. No doubt the MSM panted that the gathering was an “insurrection”. May God bless the souls of the fallen and their families.

May 27

Many questions re: Uvalde remain but here’s something to consider while everyone piles onto the police/law enforcement. If they were aware the perp was barricaded in the classroom, since the blinds were closed it would have been suicide to breach the classroom door WITHOUT a ballistic shield. If it HAD been breached, and the first officer had been shot, the perp would have access to the officer’s handgun, ammo and possibly his radio, giving the shooter immediate tactical superiority and the officer or officers would have given their lives in vain. The spokespeople for the authorities are not very good, but I give them the benefit of the doubt for the moment. In the meantime, may God bless those children, the teachers and their families.

May 26

Dear CONSERVATIVE pundits, journalists, commentators, etc. STOP CALLING semi-automatic rifles that RESEMBLE M16’s or AK47’s or like something out of Hollywood that looks scary ASSAULT RIFLES!!! By definition, an assault rifle must either be select or burst-fire capable. They are NOT readily available to the public. They are NOT what the Avalde shooter bought and used! The Left has hijacked the term to suit their agenda. We must NOT let them get away with this! The rifles in the public’s hands that the Left has taught everyone are scary assault rifles are semi-automatics, NOT select or burst fire! Call them a semi-automatic rifle but STOP calling them an ASSAULT RIFLE!

May 25

PARTIAL solution to mass murder: put trained and armed guards and teachers, install remote door locking systems and metal detectors in every school. Remove stupid “Gun Free Zone” signs. FULL solution: return this country to its traditional value system of Right and Wrong. Spend $40 Billion (.sic) on heartstring tugging and heart thumping entertainment that celebrates the triumph of Good over Evil. Recruit and promote heroes who make it cool to be GOOD and RIGHT again! Stop bowing to destructive, degenerate, deviant and diabolical Leftist demagogues and have zero tolerance for ANY and ALL crime! REFUND law enforcement and back them up! Charge those who would subvert law and order with treason or accessory. TEACH, PROMOTE AND CELEBRATE TRADITIONAL VALUES!

May 24

We lost the battle for election integrity when we fell for the COVID hysteria/lockdown/paranoia and allowed unsolicited ballot mailings, unverified (and unverifiable) mail-in ballots and extended pre and post election day voting. What do we do now? We overwhelm polling places with observers and watchers. We place people on duty at every single drop box recording every encounter with video. We demand that mail-in ballot openings be observed, signatures checked, discrepancies rejected and all be double verified. We demand that voting ends when the polls close and that no ballots received post closing be accepted. And if anyone deviates from these rules, we EN MASSE PROTEST, LOUDLY, FORCEFULLY BUT PEACEFULLY!

May 23

Monkeypox. The latest fear-mongering tactic to lay the groundwork for perpetual mail-in, fraud-inviting, extended voting shenanigans. With these distractions, diversions and sideshows the Left continues its full blown assault on election integrity and its push to institutionalize voting fraud. ONE CITIZEN, ONE VOTE. Presenting a driver’s license is insufficient. Signature verification is insufficient. The rolls are so egregiously erroneous we will never have a fair election until they are cleaned up. And until we insist on tamper-proof registration of CITIZENS (not just residents with drivers licenses), election day, in-person voting or VERIFIED and JUSTIFIED absentee ballot submission, the Left will traffic, harvest and cheat with impunity.

May 22

It continues to shock me how many smart, educated, thinking people believe the drivel peddled by the White House, MSM and Tech. The Chaos the Left has created has turned every institution into idiological, woke, mush. Academia, the judiciary, military, healthcare, and of course media, Hollywood and the government are so necrotized our nation is truly threatened from within. Alinsky is rolling with laughter and Beijing is smiling from ear to ear. The tsunami of bs filling the airwaves, the efficient production of ‘shiny objects’ by the Democrats are all obscuring reality, and way too many of our countrymen are falling for it! Slowly, more and more of America, however, seem to be waking up as the Left once again overplays its hand. Reality bites.

May 18

Of course the Dems cheated in 2020. No sane person believes Biden got 81 MM LEGITIMATE votes! The problem with all the evidence, e.g. 2000 mules, is that there is an alternative, implausible, unlikely and unbelievable explanation for it. This gives the Left license to call it “unproven”, “misinformation”, “unsubstantiated”, etc. The Dems knew that once they perpretrated their fraud it would be darn near impossible to PROVE it. Look what Durham has had to go through! Hillary isn’t stupid. Even if put on the stand she would have plausible deniability. Keep up the demand for truth and accountability, but the best thing we can do now is insist on in-person, verified, 1 person 1 vote on Election Day!

May 18

As Einstein pointed out, there are only three things that guide human behavior: fear, greed and stupidity. The Right fear God, are greedy for the blessings of trying to be good and are far from stupid. Guess what happens on the other side? The Left fear they will be exposed, lose control, lose power, lose the approbation of countless fawning sheep. They are greedy for what others have and what someone else will provide them without their having to work for it and for the luchre they derive from exploiting others (e.g. BLM). And, the Left are, in a word, STUPID! It is said that Democrats think Republicans are mean while Republicans think Democrats are dumb. Guess who’s RIGHT!

May 18

Dear Democrats (those who still care about our country, its values, its traditions, its people): Please do what Musk and other Democrats have done. Set aside your hatred of Trump, of Republicans and for love of country and for its sake cast your vote in November for GOP candidates. As imperfect as they/we all are, they will reverse the course we’re on and restore America to its pre-eminent position as the world’s only Superpower based on freedom and the principles of a democratic republic. The vast majority of our people will be better off, including YOU!

May 17

Latest Democrat shiny object: “Replacement Theory”. That the Democrats are deliberately letting in thousands of foreign nationals in hopes of turning them into voters or at least affecting the distribution of dollars via the census is a FACT! Of course they’ll try to pin some “racism” label to any objection to their strategy. Their cry of racism at every opportunity is, frankly, disgusting and depraved. I pray ALL Americans, irrespective of party, see through and past this demagoguery and the govt reins of power to the Right this November. While far from perfect, the Right is RIGHT and the Left always has been, and always will be WRONG for our country!

May 16

The headline reads: “The Swamp is deep, people… Very deep…” Indeed it is, but here’s the good news. The vast majority of swamp creatures are sheep who will follow whomever is in charge. Sad, but true. Most (not all!) put in their 8-4, working hard but producing little to nothing of value, then go home and kick back without a care. They mark the days till their 20th work anniversary so they can get their pensions, work in the private sector, double-dipping. Why good news? Because most of this protected class can’t do a lot of harm, and with a change in leadership, they will conform to the prevailing mood. Some may even be inspired to lift themselves out of the Swamp and join the productive private sector! ‘Govt isn’t the solution. It’s the problem!’

May 12

Hey RINO’s. I’ve got a serious suggestion for you. If you don’t have something positive to say about another Republican, just don’t say ANYTHING! Not privately, not in public, not in bits and bytes of any kind! We used to say, “Live as if every second of your life is being recorded and will be played back when you are judged.” Now we just say, “Once it’s out on the internet, it’s forever.” Oh, and by the way, you’ll be judged in this life whether you like it or not. Might as well stick to your principles, say what you mean, and mean what you say.

May 12

The GOP needs to flip the January 6th Committee’s contention that Trump engaged in criminal behavior on its head. What he was trying to do was PREVENT and HALT criminal behavior! Fighter that he is, he rallied his loyal supporters, urging them to protest. He never and would never have suggested they should ASSAULT the Capitol nor would he have condoned any forced entry or destruction of it. All the Democrats are trying to do now is take the focus off all the economic and social mayhem being sewn by THEM and continue to brainwash their sheep to cheat and vote in November. Longer term they want to prevent Trump from running in 2024. He is a winner. They are losers. The American public knows his policies are RIGHT and theirs are destructive. They will continue to lose..

May 12

To my fellow Americans on the Right. We may disagree on such contentious topics as Ukraine, COVID (remember COVID?) the Border, energy policy, Choice vs. Life, etc. but if we are to coalesce and crush the Left in November we must focus on that which unites us: Freedom, Self-determination, Meritocracy, Family, Church, Friends, Reading, Writing and ‘Rithmatic, The Golden Rule included. Once we unite and take back control of our country…once we purge the Swamp and restore sanity, we can hunker down and figure out the best path forward on the contentious stuff. But the first step is to WIN in November and to do so we must set aside our differences and reserve our vitriol for the destroyers on the Left. We musn’t turn every diasgreement into a roadside car wreck!

May 11

I forced myself to watch a couple of MSM channels earlier today. I can see how a constant diet of the leftist propaganda they spew, with appropriate visuals, background music and sound effects…in short, production values, could warp even a relatively objective person’s brain and keep the addled in line. There really isn’t any middle ground. Either you’re on the Left or you’re on the Right. As for me and my house, we shall remain steadfastly on the Right. Our country is more divided than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime although I still believe the MAJORITY of Americans are Right of center. Heaven help us to heal after we purge our country of the cancerous, leftist rot that threatens to envelope us. #leftist #msm #propaganda #healing

May 11

I asked a small business owner yesterday whether he’s ever met any of the 35% polled who allegedly support Biden’s administration. I certainly haven’t. He replied, “No, but that’s because we talk to people who work for a living.” Behind the media are so-called fact checkers and pollsters who gin up whatever results they think will advance their cause. Not until the public at large start to discriminate and reject both obvious and subtle BS will we stop the firehose of lies, distortions, and REAL disinformation spewing forth over the airwaves, cable and internet.

May 9

The headline says, “Biden admin reaches deal to provide ‘free’ internet plans for low-income households”. Since the Democrat string pullers aren’t all that stupid, they’re saying low income voters ARE, and that they can buy their votes. Either this shows how desperate they are, or the Dems believe that they’ve now got a huge swath of the people in their grasp…the same people who got Obama phones. I remain hopeful that low-income households are NOT just looking for handouts but for honest opportunity and jobs.

May 7

The crescendo of leftist idiocy and destructiveness, all part of Obama’s “fundamental transformation”, is due in part to the realization that the Left will never have another chance to succeed after November. It is going to be a chaotic summer with crisis after crisis all meant to convince us that the government is our only salvation. The divisiveness will get worse. We must be prepared to choose who is friend and eschew who is foe, where we will draw the line, how much we will tolerate, and march steadfastly and decisively to the polls to take back the power to arrest this metastatic cancer of leftist masochism. #fundamentaltransformation #november #evil #divisiveness #crisis #drawtheline #leftist

May 5

Every red-blooded American needs to read Kurt Schlichter’s piece in Town Hall this morning. He so artfully puts it the way so many of us would like to articulate our utter disgust at what the Left is doing to our country.

We Can’t Let Ourselves Be Oppressed by Weirdos, Losers, and Mutations

Have you noticed the absolute freakshow quality of the people who want to keep us in chains? Perhaps it’s one thing to be repressed by people who are at least

May 3

Life begins at conception PERIOD! In vitro fertilization is common today. In vitro gestation is doubtless on the horizon. Viability is heading towards 20 weeks gestation. In this day and age contraception is readily available thus the use of abortion in lieu of it is murder plain and simple. Oh, and what ever happened to continence? The only time termination of a pregnancy is warranted is in the case of incest, rape or to save the life of the mother (NOT BIRTHING PERSON!)

May 2

Sorry to hear people speak about evidence like that presented by Catherine Engelbrecht (2000 Mules) in uncertain, indefinite terms like: “LIKELY altering the outcome of the election”, “CONCERN about what was happening at the drop boxes, etc. While the Democrats consistently lie with great certainty about their evidence (e.g. Schiff), on the Right we still try to be gentlemanly and liberal (.sic) and almost self-deprecating. Those who have real evidence of Democrat fraud and shenanigans, please SPEAK LOUDLY AND BOLDLY! Exposing them here and there isn’t enough. To turn the tide back to truth and reality we need to condemn them and speak louder, with GREATER certainty, not milquetoast phrases!

May 2

The World Economic Forum (WEC), The World Health Organization (WHO) and countless other totalitarian, utopian-fantasizing, megalomaniacal organizations give whole new meaning to the term “hiding in plain sight”. The vast majority of the world’s population have no inkling as to their strategies, tactics and goals. We must listen/hear their WORDS and observe/watch their ACTIONS. I know it’s a distraction from all the other roadside accidents out there but people, add this to your radar screens!

May 1

I can’t decide whether the leftist legislators, media and compliant sheep are dumb or evil. It must be some of both.

May 1

The only people who think the economy is just peachy are those who have so much money they could care less what the price of gas or ground beef is or those who don’t pay for anything at all.

Apr 30

“Free speech is free speech. It has bowled over the — what? — maybe twenty-three percent of the country that considers free speech “a threat to democracy.” This is what comes of inverting and subverting language itself for the purpose of mind-raping the nation like Jeffrey Epstein on a 15-year-old. The Left has exercised a Macumba voodoo death grip on free speech for years now. The deeper the Left’s crimes against the constitution and common decency, the harder they strangled the flow of news, information, and opinion until the mental life of the USA turned into a gibber of shamefully obvious unreality. It’s one thing to lose your dignity as citizens, and another to just lose your country altogether.”

“This is This” | Kunstler

Apr 28

Demanding Mayorkas resign makes for good theater, and it would be a welcome event, but it won’t do any good. Not until we change the entire administration and get rid of its deep state acolytes and minions will we be able to get control of our sovereign boundary. THEN, notwithstanding all the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, we need to DEPORT any and EVERY illegal alien. The pain that will be inflicted on them will be far less than the pain that has already been inflicted on and will in the future be inflicted on LEGITIMATE American citizens and legal immigrants! We’re sick of kowtowing to the tiny minority of faux as well as real victims. What about the honest and productive MAJORITY!

Apr 28

One of the first things we need to do after winning back control of our government is CHANGE THE VOCABULARY. The Democrats are masters at slogans, quips, and twisting words to accommodate addled minds, create memes and control the narrative. Terms like “Climate Change”, “Progressive”, “Socialism”, “Racism”, etc. have all been perverted and re-defined to suit the leftist agenda. We need to adopt a vocabulary, diction and tone that elevates the discussion. I’m thinking William F. Buckley instead of AOC.

Apr 28

I don’t trust Musk – while many positive things can be said about his vision, innovativeness, drive, showmanship, ability to hornswoggle investors and the government cash-register, he is not grounded in traditional much less conservative values. Everyone needs to see what he DOES with Twitter instead of prematurely celebrating the end of woke-ism, which is a long way from being eradicated.

Apr 28

We should immediately tell our allies in Europe that WE will supply them with the energy they need so they can’t be blackmailed by Russia. Of course, that won’t happen because the idiots in charge won’t turn on the spigots here in the U.S. to allow this to happen. What is wrong with these enviro-fascists that they would let the western world go to hell in a handbasket for fear they might raise the temperature of the oceans by 1/2 degree over the next umpteen years? Answer: Power hungriness, self adulation, infantile egos that must be stroked by a fawning, similarly ego-deprived mass of “have-not” losers. Or maybe they really are just knowingly or unknowingly evil.

Apr 28

It is said that in politics “loyalty” is prized and respected above everything else. How else can one account for the drivel that comes out of the mouths of people like Psaki, Mayorkas, etc. ? These otherwise sentient human beings spew forth falsehoods and nonsense out of loyalty, not necessarily out of conviction. What SHOULD be prized above all else is INTEGRITY. Politics has too little of THAT!

Apr 27

Overwhelm every aspect of “the system”. Lie, cheat, steal… the ends justify the means. Create chaos. Make left, right. Make up, down. Make truth, lies. Make lies truth. If challenged, deny, deflect, dissemble, deceive, dismiss, decry, divert, distract. Couch everything in “save the children”, “save the planet”, “save the victim” terms. Whine, cry and stamp your feet so vociferously you drown out all reason, all debate, any sense of rational thought or consideration. THIS is the Democrat/Leftist way. This treason, the dismembering of our good nation, must be defeated once and forever and consigned to the hell from which it sprang.

Apr 21

The Alinsky, Cloward-Piven strategy of “overwhelming the system” until collapse applies to the judicial system as well. The violations of the law perpetrated by the Left minute by minute have so overwhelmed the courts it’s impossible for justice to be served except sporadically and then only on an untimely basis. The reason the Left cheats, lies, censors, steals…breaks the law continuously is that they know there will be no consequences. Their perfidy is thus unrestrained and we are left with this chaos that envelopes our entire country.

Apr 21

I’m sorry Mayor Giuliani, but your very appearance on the Masked Singer has destroyed any remaining confidence and esteem I had in/for you. Thank you for your previous leadership and stewardship over the city of New York and public service but I now urge you to retire from the limelight. I’ll chalk this peccadillo up to aging.

Apr 21

Of course we don’t want Americans to die in Ukraine or anywhere else! But either we’re going to fight for our values and act like the superpower we are, or we’re just going to sit back and let the world go to hell while we’re checked out eating ice cream. It’s long past time for America to lead NATO in arresting this scourge/invasion by Russia. The Biden regime, however, has already lost the battle. It will take a new congress and a new administration to do something about this mess his weakness and fecklessness has gotten us into. Or, some other nation will step up and displace us as the leader of the free world. China, Iran, Venezuela and all the other bad guys are watching. Under this administration, we’ve abrogated our position and responsibility. I miss Reagan.

Apr 11

Is the following realistic? (I certainly hope not!) 1. The Dems remove Harris (one can conjure up innumerable ways this could be done) 2. Obama is appointed VP (22nd Amend. only says he can’t be ELECTED more than twice, thus a loophole!) 3. Biden resigns or 25th is invoked. 4. The “savior” returns for a third term. It’s clear the Dems will do ANYTHING to hold on to power and it’s clear Obama (a “quiet” narcissist) would like nothing more than to advance his “fundamental transformation” ideology. This, again, has to happen before the November election as he would have to be confirmed by both houses. Scary huh?

Apr 10

Whatever you believe about the efficacy or harm caused by the COVID jabs, Trump’s REAL accomplishment was eliminating bureaucratic and regulatory impediments to bring them to market within months rather than years. It’s that kind of bulldozing that Washington needed then, needs now and will need in the future.

Apr 10

Finally, it’s being acknowledged that the way the Clintons and Bidens and other corrupt politicians benefit is by contributions or payments to “foundations” and family members which in turn pay their lifestyle expenditures. The hundreds of millions donated to the Clinton Global Initiative and the millions paid to Hunter may have been legal, but they stink to high heaven. Influence-buying and selling is a tricky game using “plausible deniability” and other subterfuges to tiptoe along the legal/illegal line.

Apr 7

Keep your seat belts fastened. The Dems’ power to install a new VP will expire after the 2022 election. Biden will thus be gone by November, Harris becomes President and nominates ??? for VP? The House and Senate must confirm with a simple majority which they must exploit until they lose it. In a 50-50 Senate presumably Leahy as Pro Tempore breaks the tie. Between now and November it’s going to be, shall we say, turbulent?

Apr 1

Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the Democrat/Leftist Cabal…. TODAY IS THEIR DAY!

Mar 31

One of the Left’s (and Tech’s) divisive tactics is to create “communities”: The Black Community, The LGBTQ Community, The Gay Community, etc. They do this because “community” is supposed to represent what’s “good” about society. (Remember “It takes a village”?) “COMMUNITY” is a euphemism for “COLLECTIVISM”!!! And Collectivism is in the same category as socialism and communism, Marxism, globalism and New World Order. It’s INDIVIDUALS who make decisions, who take actions, who subscribe to an ideology or life-path. Stop sorting individuals into corrals! Stop talking as if you represent a Community! What shrill Leftist demagogues represent is a minority of obnoxiously militant sheep, head-nodders and lazy INDIVIDUALS who can’t or won’t think or act for themselves!

Mar 28

It’s clear to anyone watching or reading anything but the mainstream media that Joe Biden was a plant installed by the Left so they can wield power and “fundamentally transform” our country into the ridiculous “can’t we all get along”, utopian fantasy. So, who ARE the people pulling the marionette strings? There is a bile-inducing array of Clinton-Obama retreads and affirmative action picks straight from central casting. Look at any list and you’ll note that every other bio celebrates the individual is “the first…” of some kind. Why aren’t officials picked on the basis of love-of-country, down-to-earth-in-touch-with-the-people-and-reality qualifications? No surprise Biden’s picks reek of favoritism and political correctness!

Mar 7

Chaos is, well, chaotic. Let’s face it, the Left has succeeded in screwing things up so royally that their strategy of creating chaos so as to make the most people dependent on them as possible is working. While some are just getting back to some sense of normalcy after the “pandemic”, getting used to responding to an alarm clock and heading back to on-site work, others are still cowering in kitchens and walking around in masks. There are still virtue signaling “Hate hath no home here” and “We Believe” signs on some lawns but they’re now cockeyed (Occasionally I see a Biden-Harris sticker although it’s usually on a Prius driven by a recycled hippie.) For the moment, gas is available though getting more and more expensive by the day (cont.)

Mar 7

The truck convoy has been moved to the back pages of the media, and cat food is still hard to come by in the stores. Few at this moment are dutifully counting the number of illegal aliens slipping across our southern border. News channels compete for how “breaking”, how bloody their coverage is. Never has the slogan, “follow the money” been more apt. Even philanthropies are trying to exploit the chaos by flooding us with an unprecedented number of phone calls, text messages, snail and email. Selfishness and self-centeredness, “looking out for number one” have taken over. It’s a mess.

Mar 4

The current administration doesn’t lead from behind. They lead WITH their behind. They have so fouled up both foreign and domestic policy they can’t get out of their own way. They are a rudderless ship. Incompetence, ineptitude, and stupidity are their hallmarks. As Casey Stengel put it: “Some people make things happen, some people watch things happen, and some ask what happened.” Biden & Co. fall into the latter two categories.

Mar 2

I believe in…(cont.) I believe that we DO have a responsibility as the greatest nation the world has ever known to set an example and export democracy and our values to the rest of the world; and, I believe that truth is not relative but immutable and exists whether or not one person or the entirety of mankind believes it or not, and that we should be determined to seek it.

Mar 2

I believe in…(cont.) I believe in traditional marriage between one man and one woman; I believe the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms is a bulwark against tyranny and oppression, and must be defended; I believe parents, not bureaucrats and not public sector unions, should control education; I believe current immigration laws should be enforced; I believe in God and in freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion; I believe in the Golden Rule; I believe in private medical care, not government-provided, universal care; I believe “It Takes a Family”, not a “Village”; I believe in a strong National Defense, that we should talk softly and revert to war as a last resort but carry a BIG STICK… (cont.)

Mar 2

People ask me what I believe in and stand for: I believe in personal responsibility, self-reliance, hard work, and meritocracy; I believe in free markets and capitalism, but not “crony capitalism”, and that socialism has always been and always will be a scourge on mankind; I believe government is not the solution, but the problem; I believe the U.S. Constitution is not a “living document” but an inspired charter that was meant not just for the 18th Century but the 21st as well; I believe there are fundamental differences between men and women and boys and girls that must be respected; Without condoning behavior I deem offensive, I believe in treating everyone with respect, tolerance and courtesy irrespective of their creed, faith, gender, age or race…(cont.)

Mar 2

I’m not new to Gettr; I’ve just created a new account under my pen name “Grumps”. I’m consolidating all my social media involvement under the Grumps and GrumpsReport monikers. My views over the last several years are archived best on the website. In short, however, I am an unabashed Traditionalist (.sic) dedicated to promoting, preserving, defending and passing on the ideals, values and mores we were raised on by The Greatest Generation. In these posts I hope to in some small way add my voice to those who love our country as it once was, and can be again, not as it is becoming.

GrumpsReport Now On GETTR

Dear Readers. Things are moving so fast (still downhill I’m afraid) that to comment and remain current on breaking news and the vast array of insanity infecting society, we have elected to (gulp) dip our toe into the mayhem of social media by establishing an account and presence on the relatively new platform called GETTR. ( Enroll and look up Grumps and/or @GrumpsActual. There you’ll see all our commentary.

As our blood pressure rises and corpuscles boil, we’re able to respond/comment/rail quickly using this medium. The jury is still out as to whether we’ll stay on this platform, or any of the others for that matter: GAB, TruthSocial, Rumble, Parler, etc. but we’ll give it a try for a while.

Let us know what you think!

And hang in there!


A Reference Library You Should Know About

This morning I came across an article on our education system and was surprised it was published on a site dedicated to selling ammunition: Turns out they have a whole library of articles that are worth reading and knowing about.

I reproduce the library’s Table of Contents here:

Table of Contents

I found this to be a veritable treasure-trove of insightful, conservative and traditional material that “says it so much better than I ever could.” I commend it to my readers and want to thank the authors and editors of for making it available for sharing under a Creative Commons license.

Enjoy and absorb!

This July 4th (2019)

As I write this, Nike has withdrawn a shoe fashioned after the Betsy Ross Flag because the NFL player who elected to kneel during the playing of the national anthem says it offended him.

The Democrat candidates for 2020 are all whining about the expense of the celebration in Washington D.C. but have promised to give all illegal aliens free healthcare and have gone from “no crisis” to “manufactured crisis” to “concentration camps” to “drinking out of toilets”.

The 9th Circuit has predictably ruled the President may not use Department of Defense funds to defend the border.

Bernie Sanders says government is the solution to every problem and promises to raise everyone’s taxes to expand it, while promising free college tuition for all.

The San Francisco School Board is going to spend $600,000 to paint over a historical mural of George Washington’s life at GEORGE WASHINGTON High School because they have deemed it racist and degrading to black and Native Americans.

Antifa beats up a gay, conservative reporter in Portland and the main stream media apologies for or defends them.

The Supreme Court has ruled that a question about citizenship that has been on every census up until Obama may not reinstated for the 2020 census.

The President’s son is spat upon in a restaurant, the White House spokesperson is jeered out of another, with no consequences. Many in the public eye condone the actions as patriotic.

You can’t make this stuff up!

Meanwhile, we’re supposed to be troubled that tanks are going to be on display on the National Mall! God forbid we honor those who made them, who operate them, who defend our freedom, the freedom that permits Leftist to spit their anti-American venom.

I grew up in Europe as a teenager in the 60’s. I helped introduce skateboarding to France with a wood Hobie board on the plaza at the Palais de Chaillot opposite the Eiffel Tower. I was in France the day we landed on the moon. I played baseball in the park in Paris. I was there during the ’68 riots. I was there during the Peace Talks. For several years I covertly worked for the U.S. Embassy, trying to advocate against drugs in my school so that American kids would never have to face French justice or see the inside of a French courtroom or jail.

I was proud to be American, and when our family came home in the summer, I cherished a McDonald’s hamburger, fries and Coke (and change for $1, remember?) and wondered what was in Jack in the Box’s “secret sauce” that made their burgers so tasty and distinctive, and was thankful for the “Land of the Big PX” as we used to call it, and round doorknobs, and deodorant, and Noxzema shaving cream, and Converse Chuck Taylor basketball shoes, and Sugar Smacks, and BASEBALL, and REAL football, and real madras shirts with button down collars and fruit loops.

It’s one of life’s truisms that “we crave that which is out of our reach and have disdain for the things we can’t get rid of”. Having had so much of America out of my reach 9 months out of the year, I learned to yearn for and love it, especially juxtaposed against the many ofttimes peculiar European countries which I visited. And, by way of contrast, I grew to hate the oppressive, boot-on-the-neck, quasi-socialist, government-run society around me there.

On this July 4th I’m grateful to be American, to honor those who lived, suffered and died for our freedom, beginning with those Brits who vowed never to be “subjects” anymore, but “citizens” of what became, and thankfully still is, the greatest nation on Earth and the greatest force for good in the history of mankind.

May God bless the U.S.A., particularly now as the assault on everything it stands for intensifies and Good and Evil line up in opposition.

Stuff That Matters

With a salute and due credit to Charles Krauthammer (1950-2018) whose book Things that Matter (New York: Crown Publishing, 2013 available from Amazon here) was the capstone of his exemplary life and the inspiration of this and future related posts, I’ve begun my own list.

New items come to mind daily so it is a work in progress. They’re in no particular order, although Truth, God and Right would be right up there at the top of any ordered list. From time to time I’m going to address these topics in more detail but to get started, here’s a first stab.

Truth matters.

God matters.

Right and Wrong Matter.

Our word matters.

How we think matters.

People matter.

What we teach our children matters.

What we do as a family matters.

Helping others matters.

Being friendly matters.

Courtesy matters.

Being considerate matters.

Our reputation matters.

Loyalty matters.

Being kind to animals matters.

Conservation matters.

Courage matters.

Catching someone doing something right matters.

Thrift matters.

Obeying/Respecting our parents matters.

Respecting our elders matters.

Respecting authority matters.

Saying what we mean and meaning what we say matters.

Words matter. What we say and how we say it matters.

Listening matters.

Perseverance and determination matter.

The choices we make matter.

Temperance matters.

Anticipation and thinking ahead matters.

Knowing ourselves matters.

Our health matters.

Controlling ourselves matters.

Deferred gratification matters.

Grooming matters.

Situational awareness matters.

Whom we choose as friends matters.

What we read matters.

What we watch on television matters.

What we tweet/post/email matters.

What we eat matters.

Our morning routine matters.

How we spend our non-working time matters.

Hard work matters.

Honoring our spouses matters.

Standing up for what we believe in matters.

How we treat those above us and how we treat those below us matters.

What we value and how we spend our money matters.

Where we live matters.

What we don’t say matters.

Please send us your additions to this list by email to !

Wish We Could Have Said It Like That!

We find sometimes that other wise and talented writers have said what we want to say better than we can. So in our articles you’ll often find us quoting them or inserting hyperlink references. We always give credit where credit is due. Even if we repeat something we’ve heard before and can’t recall or identify who said it, we’ll acknowledge that the words are not original.

On the other hand, sometimes we come up with thoughts and arguments on our own that we later learn were almost verbatim what someone previously said. In those cases we aren’t even aware of the unconscious plagiarism until someone points the peccadillo out to us, and so we apologize, in advance.

But since our goal is to promote our core values, we’ll always try to give you both “straight scoop” as well as the best information, stated as well as possible, whether original or sourced elsewhere!

As an example, many authors have described the current state of Leftist thinking in clever and engaging terms, and we came across an article the other day on American Thinker written by Deana Chadwell that sums it up nicely. Click here for her April 23, 2019 piece entitled  “Living in Leflandia.”

See what we mean?