More On What We Can Do Now!
Recently I came across several articles on The Burning Platform by a writer going by the pen name “Freed Radical”. The first, published February 4th of this year is entitled “Introducing the Overlay Nation of the Free People of America.” The Second, published April 1st, equally thought-provoking, is “Militia Formation in America“. And the third, also cause for rumination but providing a real recipe for action is entitled “What’s Better then Militia?”
The first article introduced the concept of forming a nation within our nation comprised roughly of all the counties that voted red in the last election. Here’s the map from reproduced in the article:
As we know, geographically Red dwarfs Blue and there are even pockets of red in all the Blue states with the exception of Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Vermont! The author suggests that just as many Americans hold dual citizenship today, those of us aligned with the Red should pledge allegiance to BOTH the United States as well as the new nation called, simply, the “Free People of America.” The fundamental creed of the FPA is embodied in a pledge, which is: “I pledge to live free and responsibly, and to respect the freedom of my fellow citizens.”
The author then goes on to explain what each component of the pledge signifies, and how such a nation would grow and eventually displace the federal and state system which will inevitably decline. It is a novel and enticing proposition and a worthy and serious alternative to the discussion of red-state secession.
The second article focuses on the simmering, some might say boiling cry for the formation of militias. The author’s thesis in this article can be summed up, “Not now.” Rather, he suggests, “At just the right time, in 3,000+ counties across America many groups will coalesce, independent of the government, the military, and law enforcement.” Cutting across all generational, race, socio-economic and gender boundaries, at the tipping point where the U.S. descends into socialist, communist, or some other ‘ist’ tyrrany, imagine, he suggests, thousands of groups (not militias per se but communities of fed up citizens coalescing around the basic principles of liberty and freedom), at the right time, all coming together spontaneously to resist collectivist rule and economic slavery. Thought-provoking stuff!
Finally, the third article suggests what we can and should be doing now to ready ourselves for that time, in the future, when the tipping point is reached. Put simply, it is NETWORKING. I have a neighbor who is a veteran, trainer of state police SWAT teams, well-known critic of Leftist drivel, who has lived in our Blue town virtually all his life. Even today, he points out, there are far more Red residents in our town than would be expected given the number of virtue-signaling lawn signs displayed. And far more voters who are now embarrassed by their vote for Biden-Harris than one could imagine as well! We will seek to recruit them, quietly, to our network.
I’ve taken the last article to heart and yesterday sent out an invitation to a number of friends whom I know to be 2nd Amendment supporters to come out to an informal get together of “like-minded” individuals, and to bring a friend. A purely social event: Pot luck, BYOB, masks optional, a day later I’ve already received acceptances from a half dozen participants, and I really look forward to getting everyone together to create an informal network of friends and neighbors on whom we might call in the event of something nasty going down!
I urge my readers spread out across the country to think about doing the same in your own communities. It’s not in our nature (conservatives/traditionalists) to coalesce. We are, after all, fiercely individualistic rather than collectivist. But the only way we can prevail against this encroaching leftist cancer now and in the future is by setting up communication links and attaching faces to voices and names, looking one another in the eye and acknowledging that we’re in this fight together. That we can’t go it alone. That for the benefit of our families, friends, communities and citizens, we’ve got to leave our comfort zones and reach out to one another.
May we take steps to associate, socialize, commiserate, and join together, even informally, in opposition to the darkness that threatens to overtake our great land!