Rumblings of Revolution

Yesterday I attended a training meeting organized by an emergency response team to which I belong. The topic was those actions we might undertake outside of our official capacity when happening upon an emergency, before first responders arrive. The instructor included in his preamble something along the lines of the following: “Today Trump was indicted so we should all be particularly mindful of the potential for insurrection and violence anywhere we go.”

What unadulterated BS! This guy has clearly been watching too much Fake News. The leftist talking heads WANT there to be violence. They WANT to show images of “white supremacist nationalist racist homophobic transphobic ultra MAGA Trump followers” engaging in violence to support their false narrative. They ignore the Biden corruption and breathlessly show video of snipers on roofs and any possible example of raised voices in order to be able to point, “There, see, they’re violent extremists”. So of course the instructor, a Leftist, virtue-signaler who get his news from MSNBC just HAD to parrot the idiot talking heads hyperventilating in hopes of “if it bleeds it leads” headlines.

It is, of course, the Left that riots, burns buildings and cars, kills people and engages in violent insurrection, not Trump supports or the Right! But let’s not let facts cloud the story!

What really happened was that thousands of people absolutely appalled by the judicial travesty that unfolded yesterday came out and PEACEFULLY protested the abuse. The Cuban refugee community prayed for Trump in a popular local restaurant he visited, and hundreds turned up for a fundraiser at Trump’s club in Bedminster, NJ last night to support him. No violence, no armed rebellion, no looting or burning or lascivious acts.

Every day our country descends further and further into the abyss of tyranny and oppression. Tucker Carlson, in the third installment of his Twitter monologues (see it here) puts it succinctly and in far more eloquent terms than I could ever articulate. His topic was the hypocrisy of the Uniparty, i.e. the Swamp, i.e. institutional Washington, but the underlying message was further explanation of why our country is going to hell.

As I have noted repeatedly over the last few years, short of Divine Intervention, only a Black Swan, Unknown-unknown, cataclysmic or catastrophic event will eliminate the evil that has permeated every corner of our institutions and our society. We have gone way past the point of no return. We are now careening down the slippery slope to a second-rate world power, no longer to be a land of peace and prosperity, a beacon on a hill.

An article by Glenn Elmers of the Claremont Institute goes so far as to suggest that a Revolution MAY be possible, may even be inevitable given how out of control the government aka the Biden administration has gotten. His article, which cites the Declaration of Independence and the factors that compelled the original Revolution can be read here. So, yeah, at some point the Left may push so hard against sanity and the American traditions that millions upon millions of pissed off people, having lost their freedoms, having lost their livelihoods, having lost their property and their way of life, WILL revolt.

I also commend to your reading the article by Kevin Slack, author of a brand new book entitled, “The War on the American Republic:How Liberalism Became Despotism”. The article, found here, is entitled, “The Constitution, Citizenship, and the New Right” and pretty well summarizes his thesis. He argues that it is the fact that the people ARE armed that forms a bulwark against tyranny, a deterrent to ultimate subjugation of the people into servitude.

The Left keeps baiting us. They want to foment armed conflict in order to be able to declare martial law and/or exert control by force. But as Slack notes…

“The only force that can oppose this servitude is an armed citizenry with a stake in society, angry about its managed decline, and insistent upon its rights. Thus the kleptocrats’ fear is an armed citizenry above all, and they seek to register, then confiscate, AR-15s to render the people defenseless against state coercion. Such tyranny could trigger open conflict—Americans own some 500 million firearms. And while the Left celebrates revolution, its marchers have never seen the systematic ordering force of conservatism when prodded to destruction. The Left can claim control of the bureaucracy and military command, but of actual fighting forces it holds few—it has alienated local police and the 3.3 million veterans who have returned from recent imperial wars. The Right, after such a long train of abuses, must confront whether it would be willing to leap into the revolutionary abyss. This willingness and preparedness for war may be the way to prevent open conflict, to force a common recognition of some table of values, of inalienable rights not subject to negotiation.”


The “Bruen” Gun Control Decision

The Left and the Right are immediately reacting to the SCOTUS decision to strike down the New York “must show cause” law that requires citizens to prove they have some kind of special need for self defense to obtain a concealed carry gun permit. Justice Thomas’ opinion for the majority is straightforward and the conclusion obvious. You shouldn’t have to PROVE you have a special need in order to benefit from the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Period! What galls me, however, is the panting whine of the Left that “this will turn New York City into the Wild West”. Nonsense. New York and all the other major cities are ALREADY the Wild West, where LAWLESSNESS RULES! What the possibility of ordinary citizens walking the streets of Manhattan with concealed guns will do is DETER many a thug from playing the “knockout game” (for example) or give a citizen a fighting chance to defend himself or herself when accosted by bad guys. The media doesn’t talk about the deterrence impact, however. They immediately go to the extremes to formulate the debate and controversy. That conflict, of course, like the car wreck by the roadside, is where the money is. Follow the money.

GrumpsReport Now On GETTR

Dear Readers. Things are moving so fast (still downhill I’m afraid) that to comment and remain current on breaking news and the vast array of insanity infecting society, we have elected to (gulp) dip our toe into the mayhem of social media by establishing an account and presence on the relatively new platform called GETTR. ( Enroll and look up Grumps and/or @GrumpsActual. There you’ll see all our commentary.

As our blood pressure rises and corpuscles boil, we’re able to respond/comment/rail quickly using this medium. The jury is still out as to whether we’ll stay on this platform, or any of the others for that matter: GAB, TruthSocial, Rumble, Parler, etc. but we’ll give it a try for a while.

Let us know what you think!

And hang in there!


More On What We Can Do Now!

Recently I came across several articles on The Burning Platform by a writer going by the pen name “Freed Radical”. The first, published February 4th of this year is entitled “Introducing the Overlay Nation of the Free People of America.” The Second, published April 1st, equally thought-provoking, is “Militia Formation in America“. And the third, also cause for rumination but providing a real recipe for action is entitled “What’s Better then Militia?”

                The first article introduced the concept of forming a nation within our nation comprised roughly of all the counties that voted red in the last election. Here’s the map from reproduced in the article:

                As we know, geographically Red dwarfs Blue and there are even pockets of red in all the Blue states with the exception of Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Vermont! The author suggests that just as many Americans hold dual citizenship today, those of us aligned with the Red should pledge allegiance to BOTH the United States as well as the new nation called, simply, the “Free People of America.” The fundamental creed of the FPA is embodied in a pledge, which is: “I pledge to live free and responsibly, and to respect the freedom of my fellow citizens.”

                The author then goes on to explain what each component of the pledge signifies, and how such a nation would grow and eventually displace the federal and state system which will inevitably decline. It is a novel and enticing proposition and a worthy and serious alternative to the discussion of red-state secession.

                The second article focuses on the simmering, some might say boiling cry for the formation of militias. The author’s thesis in this article can be summed up, “Not now.” Rather, he suggests, “At just the right time, in 3,000+ counties across America many groups will coalesce, independent of the government, the military, and law enforcement.” Cutting across all generational, race, socio-economic and gender boundaries, at the tipping point where the U.S. descends into socialist, communist, or some other ‘ist’ tyrrany, imagine, he suggests, thousands of groups (not militias per se but communities of fed up citizens coalescing around the basic principles of liberty and freedom), at the right time, all coming together spontaneously to resist collectivist rule and economic slavery. Thought-provoking stuff!

                Finally, the third article suggests what we can and should be doing now to ready ourselves for that time, in the future, when the tipping point is reached. Put simply, it is NETWORKING. I have a neighbor who is a veteran, trainer of state police SWAT teams, well-known critic of Leftist drivel, who has lived in our Blue town virtually all his life. Even today, he points out, there are far more Red residents in our town than would be expected given the number of virtue-signaling lawn signs displayed. And far more voters who are now embarrassed by their vote for Biden-Harris than one could imagine as well! We will seek to recruit them, quietly, to our network.

                I’ve taken the last article to heart and yesterday sent out an invitation to a number of friends whom I know to be 2nd Amendment supporters to come out to an informal get together of “like-minded” individuals, and to bring a friend. A purely social event: Pot luck, BYOB, masks optional, a day later I’ve already received acceptances from a half dozen participants, and I really look forward to getting everyone together to create an informal network of friends and neighbors on whom we might call in the event of something nasty going down!

                I urge my readers spread out across the country to think about doing the same in your own communities. It’s not in our nature (conservatives/traditionalists) to coalesce. We are, after all, fiercely individualistic rather than collectivist. But the only way we can prevail against this encroaching leftist cancer now and in the future is by setting up communication links and attaching faces to voices and names, looking one another in the eye and acknowledging that we’re in this fight together. That we can’t go it alone. That for the benefit of our families, friends, communities and citizens, we’ve got to leave our comfort zones and reach out to one another.

                May we take steps to associate, socialize, commiserate, and join together, even informally, in opposition to the darkness that threatens to overtake our great land!

A Reference Library You Should Know About

This morning I came across an article on our education system and was surprised it was published on a site dedicated to selling ammunition: Turns out they have a whole library of articles that are worth reading and knowing about.

I reproduce the library’s Table of Contents here:

Table of Contents

I found this to be a veritable treasure-trove of insightful, conservative and traditional material that “says it so much better than I ever could.” I commend it to my readers and want to thank the authors and editors of for making it available for sharing under a Creative Commons license.

Enjoy and absorb!

The “Assault Rifle” Canard

The shooting in Boulder, Colorado yesterday immediately generated a tsunami of ‘news’ reports which included references to an “assault rifle” used by the perpetrator. Before the facts were even known, Biden already had his teleprompter ready to decry “high capacity magazines” and “assault weapons”. He boasted that he previously authored the 1994 ban on “assault weapons” which was allowed to expire in 2004. Why was it allowed to expire? Because it didn’t work![i]

Setting aside the hysterical white male supremacy drivel that spewed forth from the Leftist press, I’d like to remind my readers of some hard facts:

1.            AR, as in AR-15, does NOT stand for “assault rifle” as so many ignorant politicians and reporters allege. It is a reference to the Armalite Company’s model AR-15, which was a scaled down version of the earlier AR-10 rifle designed by Eugene Stoner, a design engineer. Thanks to Stoner and Armalite, the M16 military version capable of fully-automatic (a.k.a. “select-fire”) was developed. Over 8 million M16’s have been manufactured and most of the U.S. military adopted it at one time or another as standard issue.

2.            The AR-15 style rifle, which is manufactured by many companies, is NOT capable of fully-automatic/select-fire operation. It may LOOK like an M16 or M4 (another military version), but it is, by definition, NOT an assault rifle. It is a semi-automatic weapon, which means the trigger must be pulled each time it is fired. An assault rifle, by contrast, has the fully-automatic capability of a machine gun. For a layman’s discussion of what IS and what is NOT an assault weapon, here’s an excellent article on the subject. It is incredibly naive, inaccurate and misleading to equate the term “assault rifle” with any rifle that looks like an M16, M4 an AK47 (the other of the two most popular military rifles in the world) or any other semi-automatic or even a “scary looking” single shot pistol. I was appalled to see in the officer’s report on the Boulder shooting the misuse of the term, which shows just how successful the anti-gun-lobby has been in bastardizing the definition!

3.            If the shooter hadn’t used an AR-style semi-automatic pistol/rifle in the incident, are there other weapons he could have used? The answer is YES! Here are some examples of very powerful semi-automatic shotguns that don’t look scary but could have indeed been used, with the same tragic effect.

4.            As an aside, it is a fact that the greatest school mass murder in U.S. history was not Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, University of Texas – Austin or Columbine. It was the 1927 Bath, Michigan bombing, which claimed 44 lives, 38 of them children. In other words, a committed murderer has many weapons available to him (or her). If the Boulder shooter didn’t have ready access to a semi-automatic, AR style rifle and was bent on murdering innocent civilians yesterday, he had lots of other options.

5.            If all 300 million-plus guns in the hands of private citizens vanished on a Monday at the snap of a finger, how many guns would there be in America by the end of the week, and in whose hands would they be? The answer, many, and they’d be in the hands of criminals who would have free rein.

6.            While it’s a slogan, it’s nevertheless a true one: “The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.” While the anti-gun lobby wants you to believe this isn’t true, this article describes just a few, documented examples of this principle. Had another good guy with a gun (officer Eric Tally was obviously one) been present yesterday, how many of the ten lives that were lost might have been saved?

7.            “Of all murders recorded in 2018 by the FBI, rifles accounted for 297 deaths. Handguns accounted for 6,603 deaths, and shotguns and all firearms not described otherwise accounted for 3,365 deaths[ii].”

So when all the hyperventilation and anti-gun rhetoric spews forth over the next days and weeks, quoting directly from the article referenced in the footnote:

“The last point to declare once again and for all is the inarguable fact that prohibits a piecemeal or total gun ban from ever working: A criminal intent on committing a mass shooting, murder, or other crime will not decide against it because he or she must use a handgun, or shotgun, or some other gun instead of an “assault rifle.”

An assault weapon ban never has not changed that and it never will. The only thing a gun ban does is restrict the Second Amendment rights of Americans. To argue a certain type of firearm should be prohibited from ownership by Americans in a factually useless attempt to reduce shootings is to fail to grasp the scope and intent of the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment was not written by those who escaped tyranny for the purpose of hunting. Nor was it written to provide a means for the individual’s self-defense. It was written to ensure American citizens will always have the physical force which might some day be required to once again protect liberty and their Constitutional rights from tyranny. In 2020, perhaps even those on the far left of the political spectrum would concede such a necessity exists.”

[i] For a comprehensive exposé, see the article here entitled “Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work?“) And if you want to read the official federal sponsored study entitled “Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003” you can read it here.

[ii] ibid.