The Real Existential Threat

HR1 is every bit as bad as we predicted it would be. Same goes for the other bills the Leftist mob is trying to ram down our throats. There are not enough pejorative adjectives and adverbs to describe the depth of the depravity, their willingness to do anything, say anything to garner power and lord over us.

What is so galling to so many Americans is that the Democrats/Leftists were allowed to not just fraudulently steal the 2020 election, but the two Senate seats in Georgia as well. The GOP were truly deer-in-the-headlights after November 3rd. Had we one even ONE of the seats we would have maintained the Senate majority and had a shot at stopping the onslaught in its tracks. So conniving, so dishonest, so evil is the Cabal’s machine that the honest voters in America never had a chance! Our election officials failed us. Our legislators failed us. Our governors failed us. Even our judiciary at the local, state and federal level, all the way up to the Supreme Court failed us. And the military, whom we hoped would step in, failed us as well. We have only ourselves to blame for this abrogation of adult responsibility!

Obviously the Fourth Estate and Big Tech’s control of social media had a lot to do with this takeover by the Left. As I consciously didn’t watch, listen or read any of the Leftist propaganda during the election cycle I was only in passing aware of how destructive the misinformation and resultant brainwashing was. While the notion that Biden got 80 million + legitimate votes is unadulterated nonsense, that he would get even 50% of that number speaks to how good a job the Cabal did at not just obscuring perception but altering it completely for millions upon millions of gullible, non-thinking voters. And as we all know, perception IS reality. Thus, even committed, traditionalist voters were swayed to vote either for the Democrat ticket, or against Trump. And now look what we’ve got!

We frequently hear the phrase from the oath of office, “…support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” Who domestic enemies are is defined in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Essentially, it is those who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same (the United States) or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

With that background, have the Democrats given aid to enemies of the United States? Are not members of the Obama administration and now the Biden administration doing exactly that by joining or now rejoining the so-called “Iran Nuclear Deal?” Or the Paris Climate Accord? Doesn’t the imposition of draconian lockdowns that damage our industry and commerce weaken us and therefore put us at a disadvantage against our economic and military adversaries? Doesn’t turning our armed forces and intelligence agencies into social engineering experiments similarly weaken us against our enemies? Does the incurring of debt obligations so great that they make us incredibly vulnerable to debt holders who could simply refuse to buy our debt, thus sending interest rates skyrocketing with devastating effect on our economy not qualify as aiding our enemies? Doesn’t creating mass chaos at our Southern Border with all its consequences also aid them?

The conclusion is obvious. It is precisely the Democrat Party and its megalomaniacal leaders who are domestic enemies. They of course continuously and egregiously guilty of projection and claim the opposite – that Republicans, Conservatives, even non-partisans who don’t fall in line behind their woke, socialist, some would say communist, agenda are the domestic enemies. Saul Alinsky is jumping up and down for joy in his grave!

But it is the Democrats altogether, not just the lunatic fringe of the “Squad” and other wackos who are destroying our country right before our eyes. It’s been happening for years…death by a thousand cuts, but in 2020 the leftist Cabal finally achieved what they weren’t able to achieve since Obama’s first term…total control over our politics. Then there was still some lip service paid to written and unwritten rules of political and ethical conduct. Now the Democrats don’t even bother trying to maintain some semblance of patriotism or normalcy. They are completely, radically, unhinged!

With the help of the wokies in the media, who are also domestic enemies, we’ve entered Bizarro-World where lies are truth and truths are lies, good is evil and evil is good, where up is down and down is up…a state fomented by the Democrats all consciously and deliberately intended to ride roughshod over their political opposition, the welfare of our country and its people be damned!

Bottom line is, these Leftist politicians and media types are by their completely visible and transparent actions domestic enemies and by extension represent an existential threat to our republic. Is it any wonder that there is talk of secession and armed rebellion? Until these enemies begin to face consequences for what they’re doing they will continue pushing their idiocy.

The understatement of the moment is, “It’s getting rather sporty out there.” Someone the other day said, “If I hear one more person say, ‘hang in there’, I think I’ll deck him!” We’re way past that. The cavalry (.sic) isn’t coming and we’re going to have to think and act every day like our families’ futures hang in the balance.

They do.

I’ve started using my coffee cup with the slogan “No More Mister Nice Guy” on it. I’m writing checks to every cause supporting freedom and our constitution that I come across. I’m not lowering my voice in restaurants when I speak of the damage the Democrats are doing. I don’t keep my mouth shut anymore when I hear drivel or nonsense come out of the mouth of a wokie. If someone condescendingly tells me to put on my mask I reply, “You’re wearing yours, so you’re protected. I’m protected by common sense and REAL Science! I try to remain civil, but “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore.”

The Global Domination Meme

The “GDA”/”Global Domination Agenda”, the “New World Order”, the Illuminati, “The Great Reset”, “Democratic Socialism”, “Cultural Marxism”…all refer to theories that at the core posit that there is a cabal of hyper-wealthy oligarchs arm-linked with elite political figures bent on subjugating and controlling humankind. In my opinion, there isn’t an organized cabal bent on “global domination” per se but rather an uncoordinated group of “holier than thou” utopian fantasy nuts believing in a state where we “can all just get along,” where there is no poverty, or illness, rancor, jealousy, crime, competing religion…you get the idea.

Not a global, unified plot on the part of these oligarchs, there is nevertheless a common arrogance that stems from wealth and success that gives people like Gates and Soros, etc. the mistaken notion that they know what’s best for society. Even the modestly-living Buffett is not immune.

With a blend of misguided altruism, (i.e. “if we control everything we can make the world a better place for all”) on one hand and a pre-occupation with power for power’s sake (a psychological state of megalomaniacal socio-pathology) on the other, this SPECTRE-like group (see James Bond) don’t meet in secret so much as rub shoulders at the Bilderberg and Davos meetings and arrive at similar conclusions and adopt similar strategies because of the human disposition towards Groupthink.

These are human beings subject to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, at the top of which is Self-Actualization. Once one has so much money that there is nothing more to buy, self-actualization or self-fulfillment comes from talking about and instigating activities and events that affirm their infinite wisdom. It takes the exercise of power and the delusion that one is smarter than 99.9% of the rest of humanity to feed their egos.

Warped, social-paraplegic geeks like Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and Bezos use the platforms handed to them to preach their nonsensical ideas, ideas that would never apply to them of course, because they are “above all that”. In a wonderful display of one-upmanship, they in a sense compete with one another to see who can “do the most” for the peons.

With this wealth, power and influence the oligarchs naturally adopt/assume/gravitate to the role of benevolent dictator. They learned quickly that to try to convince thinking people of the merit of their idiotic ideas is exhausting. So they rapidly default to simply making pronouncements from on high, paying people off to do their bidding, and summon the press to spew their diktats. It’s easier to command than to convince.

Meanwhile the media: attention-craving, narcissistic spotlight hounds that they are, scrambling to climb the ladder, desperate for recognition good or bad, willing to step on anyone or anything that impedes their rise, take every opportunity to hang out with the oligarchs and political celebrities in hopes their glow will reflect upon them. Anything they can say or do which advances the canon preached by the oligarchs and curry their favor they will do, truth and good be damned. They are the chief enablers of these utopian elites.

In the other, non-business sphere (although they frequently mesh together), under the heading of elite political figures, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Gaddafi, Hussein (Saddam, not Barack…) (on second thought…maybe Barack as well – but more on that later)…all are examples of politically/militarily successful demagogues who consciously or unconsciously, effectively or de facto assumed the ‘benevolent dictator’ role.

Today, combining the likes of the Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos, Soros, etc. crowd with megalomaniacal celebrity politicians like Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, Trudeau, and of course Harris, and their acolytes/puppet-masters like Susan Rice, makes for toxic soup.

I deliberately leave out Biden because he’s really a non-entity anachronism/placeholder without any real power aspirations – just the desire to make it through another day without keeling over. As an aside, it’s his wife who’s the megalomaniac, just like Michelle.

With the oligarchs and the politicians singing the same tune, here we have both pathologies: utopian fantasy and power mega acting in concert. And the woke sheep, equally needful of ego-food, nod and worship them and their ideas. “Hey, they MUST be right, they’re so rich and/or powerful!

History teaches that this doesn’t end well. Unfortunately, it takes cataclysmic events like wars and revolutions to unseat these eternally destructive ideas and the demagogues who perpetrate them.

A lot of damage gets done in the meantime. Examples: HR 1 – the bill that would institutionalize voter fraud and guarantee Democrat power retention; the so-called “Equality Act” that would shred any remaining gender definition; the pork-laden $1.9 TRILLION (yes, that’s with a T) COVID Relief bill that is unnecessary but doles out favors to democrat constituencies; the gutting of our energy self-sufficiency in genuflection to the god of environmentalism and THE CANCELLATION OF DR. SEUSS for Pete’s sake!

Right now the cauldron is bubbling…the American people KNOW the train is falling off the track. The flak in the air is so thick it’s impossible to navigate the near future without peril. Secession and armed rebellion are topics seriously being discussed, and the globalist oligarchs and politicians contemplate whether they moved too fast/pushed too hard as they stir their martinis and laugh all the way to the bank.

Everyone is afraid to speak of armed rebellion – it’s not politically correct and a direct affront to the Leftist agenda to suggest it. I can’t even count how may times I hear every day some politician or pundit saying something like “Violence in any form is wrong and cannot be tolerated.” All the while, LEFTIST violence and destruction IS ROUTINELY TOLERATED! Could we be headed to armed rebellion?

Is there are strategic plot to subjugate the world’s population à la George Orwell? I think not, but there’s no doubt the megaphones of wokeism and cancel culture are blaring, the hounds of hell have been unleashed, the cancer of utopian leftism is rapidly metastasizing, and the steamrollers of oppression are belching smoke (at least until they make electric ones) from their exhausts.

If the Left keeps this up, it’s just a matter of time before “the common folk” truly rebel against the sick depravity and evil they’re trying to force upon us.

Taking Stock of Where We Are

Ok, it’s been a little over a month now and as I predicted, the damage being done by the Left is already starting to take its toll. Our energy independence has already been damaged and gas prices are rising quickly, The Democrats are bending over backwards to hug the Iranians. They’ve rejoined the farcical Paris Climate Accords. There’s a bill just passed by the House that will encourage boys to invade the girls’ bath and changing rooms and win all the track and field awards. Everything GOOD about the last four years is being deliberately undermined. Why?…to try to erase/cancel anything and everything about Trump and permanently banish him from politics and the Earth!

Is it just me, or does this appear to be the most childish, petulant, unhinged and tantrum-throwing behavior ever exhibited by human beings…grown-ups (not adults and not children) you’ve ever witnessed? I wish I could draw…I’d have two scenes in the cartoon I have in mind. In the first Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and the rest of the Cabal are lying on the floor in a circle stamping their feet and fists and screaming, “Hillary should have been President! He stole the presidency from her.” In the second they’re all standing, jumping up and down screaming, “We showed them! We won!”

I think a third scene is needed. The same Cabal is sitting around a table, this time with the addition of people like Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Kerry, etc. Kamala Harris is there, of course, and Susan Rice is whispering in her ear saying, “Now, let’s do anything and everything we must to ensure we have power permanently in our hands: we’ll open the borders and give the illegals voting rights; we’ll demand compliance with draconian identity and “protection” regulations and statutes like mandatory vaccinations and mask wearing that will subjugate the peons and make them bend to our will. In short order they won’t be able to shop for groceries without an approved identity card! We’ll reward the homosexuals, transvestites and transgender ‘dysphoriacs’ so we can show how woke we are and continue the brainwashing we’ve been engaged in since the 60’s. We’ll push the military and intelligence community into accepting, no, celebrating sexual deviance and put leaders in place who will kowtow to us. Oh, and we’ll take away people’s ability to defend themselves by scrapping the 2nd Amendment. Don’t worry Ms. Vice President, as you know, Joe isn’t going to last for long and YOU will soon be our first woman (.sic), er gender-neutral, President.”

The tragedy of the above scenario is that it isn’t Orwellian fiction. It’s happening, right before our eyes and right here in River City (1)! The lunatics are indeed running the asylum, and the adults are chasing around after them as if they were herding cats or trying to catch a swarm of crickets. The Right is desperately trying to preserve traditional norms in politics and government. We are trying to act dignified and mature while the idiots on the Left don’t give a damn anymore who they offend, who they hurt…they don’t even acknowledge the United States as a sovereign, constitutional republic anymore! They say anything, do anything and with the endorsement and unbridled assistance of Big Tech and the media, will continue with their depravity and self-destructive, puerile antics until one of two things happen. Either: a) the People successfully revolt and cause the idiots to suffer the consequences of their idiocy (e.g. Gavin Newsome and Andrew Cuomo getting politically lynched) or b) enough anger and disgust builds up that the People, witnessing their impotence in the face of razor-wire protected government spewing forth diktats against their best interests, realize that collectively they have the power to root out and defeat the Leftists. The secession movements get traction, or some people get so pissed off that they REALLY incite armed rebellion and insurrection!

Both of the above are already happening, and this may not end well. So, in the meantime, getting prepared for not just temporary but long term utility interruptions, diminishing our reliance on tech and finding and supporting alternative sources of news and opinion are just some of the things we ought to be thinking about.

It’s said that “We are what we read.” Well, we also need to cleave to the voices we agree with! Forget the honest, liberal notion that we should welcome all opinions and views and subject everything, transparently, to honest debate. BS! If you think an honest debate can be had with domestic terrorists like the Democrat Party hyena leadership, I say, “Open your eyes…you’re sadly deluded!” Instead, gain strength and fighting words from those who can “say it better than we.”

A lot of people say, “That’s crazy! Reading and listening to conservative media is as bad as what the Left is doing listening to the mainstream demagogues and sycophants.” “It’s just as bad to live in the Right -wing bubble as it is to live in the Leftist one!”

I disagree. I’m discriminating and smart enough, thank you, to separate conspiracy myths and right-wing click bait from conservative-leaning and neutral news reporting and opinion. And I’m a skeptic of ALL media if I smell that what I’m reading is nothing more than sensationalism meant to lead the authors to “The Money”!

So, I constantly review and alter my newsfeed diet. Here is what I’m reading/viewing now:

The Epoch Times
Gateway Pundit
The Liberty Daily
Bongino Report
Just the News
Zero Hedge
Town Hall
American Thinker
Free Republic
The Daily Wire
The Conservative Treehouse
Straight Line Logic
Liberty Nation News
Love Breeds Accountability
World News Daily
Jonathan Turley
Mark Levin

You’ll notice Fox News isn’t on the list. Since Rupert turned over management to his son(s), their “follow the money” pursuit has caused them to abandon their original traditional/conservative roots. The Right personalities and pundits who remain, like Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo, etc. will eventually abandon the sinking ship and move to new, alternative platforms (or, like Lou Dobbs, will be cancelled).

You’ll also notice that I no longer have the Wall Street Journal on my list. The Journal, which was a mainstay of my diet for over 40 years, I’ve come to realize with age and wisdom is exclusively dedicated to the “Follow the Money” theme. In their case, of course, Money IS the topic and to have the worship and pursuit of money, even “clean” money as a constant in my diet seems misplaced now.

So I encourage my readers to be wise, be skeptical, be careful, be patient, thoughtful. Rededicate yourselves to Right principles. Live them. Do not abide fools…some of your friends may simply have to cease being your friends.

Be tolerant and patient with family members still under the spell of the little screens two inches from their noses… who lack wisdom, are filled with Leftist doctrine because they haven’t the exposure to Right principles, who lack courage to throw the BS flag and go along to get along. Love them despite their profligacy, sheepishness and naivete. It’s very easy to be angered when we hear nonsense coming out of their mouths with so much conviction. It often takes tremendous restraint to calmly, in our “indoor voices” try to exorcise the cancer they’ve been infected with.

Trying times.

Never give up. Never, never, give up.

(1) For those of you too young to get this reference, refer to the lyrics of the song, “Ya Got Trouble” from the 1957 Broadway Play and subsequent films, “The Music Man”.

To the Contrary

Before, during and shortly after the 2020 Election I continued to believe and/or trust that truth would prevail, that fraud would be exposed, that a fair analysis and exposition of what happened would materialize and that the evil Leviathan I call the Left would be halted and defeated. I sincerely thought that this last election would represent the high tide of the Leftist Cabal…that finally, the truly insidious dark forces would be exposed and sent back to Hell where they belong. I now no longer feel so optimistic. To the contrary, I now see the inmates are now running the insane asylum.

For the last several weeks I have been studying all of the reports, essays, commentary, reviews, etc. regarding and surrounding the events beginning with the late winter/early Spring emergence of the Wuhan Virus, the convenient crisis it created, the election and all that has transpired since. It’s clear the Left used every arrow in their quiver to win their battle for control. And you know what? They won this battle!

There are no two ways about it. Disgusting and repulsive as their tactics were, they successfully prosecuted their cause and took over the reins of power in our country.

It has been said that World War III has begun. It has also been said that a secession of Red States or armed/violent rebellion against the Swamp are the only two paths forward barring complete submission to the godless communists (because that’s really what they are).

The cauldron is boiling. I know of NO thinking, patriotic, god-fearing, truth-reveling American who isn’t incensed right now. Unfortunately, no leader has yet emerged to coalesce them into a force able and willing to purge the demons. He or she is out there, and many names are being floated, but he or she has yet to step forward.

I, like many others, have wondered why the military didn’t and hasn’t stepped up to defend the republic. Studying this question and speaking to high-level contacts that I have in Washington, it has become clear that just like the country as a whole, there is a Swamp in the military and, I might add, the law enforcement and Intelligence Communities as well. While the vast majority of the military, law enforcement and intelligence community (MLIC) personnel are supportive of traditional American values, their LEADERSHIP consist almost universally of political swamp creatures interested at least as much if not more in their own advancement and careers as in the interests of our democracy and constitutional republic. The command hierarchy being what it is, the patriotic values and sentiments of the rank and file is suppressed, perhaps even more so than the Main Stream Media and the Democrat Party are able to censor, cancel and suppress that of the majority of the general population (and I still believe we are the majority!).

So the military wasn’t going to intervene on January 6th, or on January 20th, and while there is a lot of mumbling going on, so long as the top (swamp) brass is in command, the MLIC personnel will kowtow to their bosses. As an aside, this notion of “fighting for the man next to you” is just a fallback/excuse for not fighting for “truth, justice and the American Way.” THAT’s what they SHOULD be fighting for! In the absence of principles of freedom and right, however, which are nowadays largely absent from MLIC doctrine, it’s understandable the only thing our fighters have to fight for are the men on either side of them.

Like peeling an onion, as I read deeper into the answers to the question “How could this happen?”, I was reminded of all the history and forces behind this Leftist onslaught. As old as I am, and having spent my formative years overseas and seeing in my travels totalitarianism up front and personal, I have been reminded of the underpinnings. In short, the defeat of communism symbolized by the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, Glasnost, Perestroika, Tiananmen Square, etc. notwithstanding, the Left wasn’t defeated, just defanged momentarily.

I say momentarily because since the 80’s and Reagan’s “Star Wars” initiative bankrupted the Soviet Union, bringing it to its knees, the Alinsky-ites have sought to use more insidious means to infiltrate, poison and take over our institutions resulting in what we have today…a complete infestation of Leftist metastatic cancer in our society. It is embodied in the words and actions of the Leftists, from the globalists typified by George Soros, to the stupid, woke lemmings embodied in so many Gen Z snowflakes. With arrogant hyenas like Obama (behind the scenes), EVERY Democrat, from Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of them pulling the strings of all these manipulated, leftist idiots, and thunderously spewing forth their propaganda using the tech megaphone and dominance of the media, the Right will have to adopt an opposing guerilla mentality, strategy and tactics to combat the now entrenched enemy.

When I started this blog going on two years ago, I planned to celebrate the virtues of traditional values, the benefits of a free and open society, etc. I intended to remain apolitical.

Anyone who has followed my essays will plainly see, however, that succumbing to the fact that now EVERYTHING in life and society is political, I’ve morphed into a dedicated resistance fighter who with my remaining years and breaths will do everything and anything I can to reverse the slide down the slippery slope we’re on and prevent the downfall of the greatest civilization, nation and republic the world has ever known. I will speak out boldly from this point forth, until and even after I too am “cancelled” by the hyenas, against the spread of the cancer. I will do what I can to kill, yes, kill the cancer that is Leftist, totalitarian and tyrannical ideology and resist…RESIST (!) the attempts to take away more of my freedom and that of my family and friends.

As much as the Left subscribes to moral relativism, in my book, some things are simply morally RIGHT and some things are morally WRONG!

I choose the Right.  

Where Do We Go From Here?

Honestly, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. As each day goes by more and more damage is being done by the new, illicit administration. As predicted, Biden is proving himself to be a puppet on a set of marionette strings. He has no fundamental values or love for our country. He cares only for the fact that he finally made it to the Oval Office. His handlers are comprised of Leftist ideologues with all the evil they embody, unwitting fools and sycophants who simply want to be at the table or in the room where the aura of power exists, or stupid, woke groupies with addled brains, corrupted educations and not an ounce worth of common sense or wisdom.

Now that my anger at the coup has subsided, I’ve begun thinking strategically. Counter-coups are springing up all over. Think tanks are being formed. The America First/Anti-Left Movement is alive and well, but it is as yet highly fragmented and uncoordinated. As I have noted before, it lacks new leadership that can consolidate strategies and coalesce the Right to fight back.

At one extreme, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, who are so angry they are truly contemplating armed rebellion. At the other, there are those who are content to “ride it out” and hope to take back the House and Senate in 2022. Setting aside the hyperbole and hysteria, there are valid arguments at both ends, and along many stops of the continuum.

I’m still mulling all this over. When I decide how I will devote my time, money and energies to which paths and causes, I promise to let you know.

In the meantime, please be patient, don’t make any rash decisions and don’t jump to writing checks or devoting time to every organization that pops up. While we foresaw this state of affairs as a possibility, our worst case scenario has materialized and it’s going to take a little time to sort out how to proceed.

Hang it there. Be grateful for what blessings and freedoms we still enjoy for the moment, hold your family and friends close, and…


The Rise of the Wokies (Apologies to Chewbacca)

It would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. The Leftist Cabal pulled it off. The metastasis has progressed (.sic) to Stage 4. No more chemo or radiation therapy against the metastatic cancer, we now will have to rely on Faith, wet cloths on our foreheads, a drastic shotgun approach of therapies and adrenalin to fight it. How do we do that without killing the patient – our cherished constitutional republic – the United States of America?

We need power, money, organization, coordination, leadership.

Power and money are, regrettably, linked. Money buys media and our population lives in a reality informed by the media, true or false. Obviously, false or “fake” news can overpower truth. And now, with Big Tech suppressing, cancelling, banishing truth, it will take immense amounts of money to build and expand on alternative media facilities and channels to build a bigger megaphone for it.

Organization exists somewhat in the Republican Party, so long as the professional hacks are purged. The lists, the communication and fundraising systems can be exploited.

Coordination goes hand in hand with leadership. We need one voice to inspire. And in my opinion, that voice is NOT Trump. He simply doesn’t have the rhetorical skills, personal restraint, consensus building and coaching abilities needed to lead the New War on Terror, which is what I will henceforth call it.

For the Democrats are terrorists, racists, globalists, anarchists, druids, elitists…all the things they have so cleverly tried to accuse the GOP of. They are arrogant, megalomaniacal beyond measure, petty and puerile, insolent, impetuous, dysfunctional, childish, vindictive and fundamentally dishonest.

On top of these, do you recall the harshest label of condemnation Jesus Christ ever applied to the Pharisees and Sadducees? “HYPOCRITES”!

While it is human nature to exhibit hypocrisy from time to time, above all, the Democrats have inculcated it into their very character!

We just learned that Trump will not sponsor a third party but will seek to purge the GOP from within through the mid-term elections. Necessary, but insufficient. The political process is broken beyond repair unless state legislatures are willing to tackle the reform of their election systems. This is a tall order. Even then, the judiciary is now so corrupted by Leftists that justice is no longer available. Period. So taking back the country from within the existing judicial and legislative systems may be a pipe dream.

What is needed to combat the cancer is an antidote to Big Tech and Fake News. What Trump CAN do, and I’m hopeful he will, is build an alternative megaphone that is louder than anything the Left has every built or could ever counter. In its embryonic form, consisting of news outlets like Newsmax, One America News and the many conservative websites and platforms that exist, this alternative megaphone might be dubbed, “New Tech“.

As an aside, the globalist/collectivist agenda of the Left can be used against them. The movement in tech of “open source”, developed largely by libertarian and left-leaning techies with an eye to “bringing everyone together” can be utilized to create an unassailable environment that cannot be controlled by oligarchs! (More on this in a future post!)

Trump has the contacts, familiarity with media, chutzpah and seed capital to build New Tech.

But he needs to remove his name and his ego from the process. He must turn the execution of the build over to others, putting new, attractive faces out front. More than 50% of the country can and will rally to New Tech if it can provide the same convenience benefits as Big Tech: alternatives to Amazon, Google, Social Media, Hollywood, to the Main Stream Media.

The underlying themes of New Tech will be FREEDOM, self-reliance, self-determination, self-respect and adherence to traditional values. Somehow, despite tremendous temptation to do the opposite, New Tech has to be built as an open tent. As much as I personally would like to shout down and stamp out Leftist societal perversions like transgenderism, abortion on demand, racism (remember, it’s the Democrats who are racist), same-sex marriage, etc., what we need to do is Make it Cool to be Good Again. Instead of trying to crush the perversion we need to set a candle on the hill where all can see that Good, Truth and Right lead to happiness and prosperity. We need to feel sorry for the perverted and though we might feel revulsion, we need to treat them as we would lepers…not shunning them but recognizing that leprosy is only mildly contagious and can be treated with compassion and effective protocols.

Can you imagine what could happen to our future if Wokeness referred to the awakening of brain-addled Leftist lemmings to the principles that made our nation great and our people the most prosperous the world has ever known? What if Wokies became synonymous with Traditionalists? Think how magnificent our country could become again!

We must reform what we can but build anew that which we must.

That may even require building a new internet backbone. Right now it’s fairly pluralistic but not entirely beyond the reach of the handful of Big Tech oligarchs who own and manage the servers. We need to sponsor and create truly “open source” internet channels that can’t be controlled by the Cabal.

Lots to think about. Lots to do. We can’t wait for two years…and by the way, the 2022 elections are already less than two years away! No, we must strategize while communicating deliberately to execute tactics that can prosecute the New War on Terror.


You will recall the alter-ego of Superman. Bizarro was the exact opposite of him in every way. Kinda like Trump vs. Biden. And we have now entered a Bizarro-world, where everything is turned upside down. What has transpired on and since last November 3rd has been astonishing and soul-crushing. That the Left could actually pull off what they did says with unequivocal clarity how invasive their infectious cancer has been to all our institutions, not to mention the millions of feeble-minded lemmings who voted for Biden and the two idiots who have become Senators in Georgia.

Much has been said and written in the ensuing days about what happened. Much analysis has been undertaken of how it happened, and now the rhetoric is turning to speculation and strategy as to how things might unfold and/or how the forces of Good can regroup to fight this Evil once again.

And make no mistake. The Left’s ideology IS evil. Taking away freedom is evil. Lording over a people through coercion and intimidation is evil. Obfuscating truth and denigrating Right principles is evil. Cancelling anyone who espouses much less openly advocates traditional principles of Right and Wrong is evil. Doxing people who stand up for Right is evil. Ignoring blatant manifestations of anarchy is Evil. Destroying and rewriting history is Evil. Brainwashing our children is Evil.

As usual, others have stated things much better than I. Today I quote from some of the smartest, most articulate minds extant. For example:

“The old word “science” comes from a Latin word meaning “to know.” The new word “technology” comes from a Greek word meaning “to make.” The transition from traditional to modern science means that we are not so much seeking to know when we study natures as seeking to make things – and ultimately, to remake nature itself. That spirit of making remaking nature – including human nature – greatly emboldens both human beings and governments, Imbued with that spirit, and employing the tools of modern science, totalitarianism is a form of government that reaches farther than tyranny and attempts to control the totality of things.” Larry P. Arnn, President of Hillsdale College in Imprimis December 2020 Volume 49, Number 12, “Orwell’s 1984 and Today

“…control the totality of things.” Sounds like “The Internet of Things”. Sounds like the invasive and pervasive creep of technology into our lives.

“Totalitarianism will never win in the end – but it can win long enough to destroy a civilization. That is what is at stake in the fight we are in. We can see today the totalitarian impulse among powerful forces in our politics and culture. We can see it in the rise and imposition of doublethink, and we can see it in the increasing attempt to rewrite history.” Ibid.

“Those of us who are over 35 or so years of age grew up in a different America. We were taught, very directly, what it means to be an American. And we absorbed, almost in the air, a love of country and an appreciation of its institutions. If you didn’t get these things from your family you got them from the neighborhood, from the father down the street who fought in Korea or the family who lost someone at Anzio. Or you could get a sense of patriotism from school. And if all else failed you could get a sense of patriotism from the popular culture. The movies celebrated democratic values and implicitly reinforced the idea that America was special. TV was like that, too, through the mid-sixties.

But now, we’re about to enter the [1990s], and some things have changed. Younger parents aren’t sure that an unambivalent appreciation of America is the right thing to teach modern children. And as for those who create the popular culture, well-grounded patriotism is no longer the style. . . . We’ve got to do a better job of getting across that America is freedom—freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise. And freedom is special and rare. It’s fragile; it needs protection.

So, we’ve got to teach history based not on what’s in fashion but what’s important—why the Pilgrims came here, who Jimmy Doolittle was, and what those 30 seconds over Tokyo meant. You know, four years ago on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, I read a letter from a young woman writing to her late father, who’d fought on Omaha Beach. . . . [S]he said, “we will always remember, we will never forget what the boys of Normandy did.” Well, let’s help her keep her word. If we forget what we did, we won’t know who we are. I’m warning of an eradication of the American memory that could result, ultimately, in an erosion of the American spirit.” Ronald Reagan, ibid.

Right before our very eyes. As we sip our coffee this morning. As we dutifully dress and get ready for work. As we make our way to our jobs (or the dining room table if that’s our office these days…) let us not be complacent about what has and is transpiring. We are at war. Some have argued that there are only two paths forward: secession on the part of people and states that wish to preserve traditional America, or a bloody revolution.

I still have hope that a peaceful push of the pendulum back towards the Right can occur. It will have to be fought in the minds and on the heart strings of the people. It will require NEW leadership. Trump stood up to the cancer and began the process of killing it. Now, others with greater and even more attractive and popular leadership skills must come forth to inspire us and make it “cool” again to be traditional and righteous. Kind of like a Jack Bauer without the flaws. Kind of like a Ronald Reagan for our times (Reagan couldn’t get elected today), one who is a different kind of “woke” and can reach the addled minds of Gen Z and everyone in between them and the Boomers.

We will probably have to replicate the internet backbone or find some way to exploit the Dark Web and Deep Web to create a whole new communication, financial and commerce system to “cancel” the stranglehold of the current tech oligarchs and their political adherents, but it can be done. We will have to band together in new ways to pursue not the utopian fantasy but, tragically, basic freedom. That might require an accelerated migration (it’s already happening…just look at the influx of people to South Dakota!) and a sort of natural secession away from Leftist Blue Strongholds to places where traditional principles can be practiced. And it may see the further wretched demise of the Leftist dominated big cities which will continue to decay and rot, ultimately becoming the cesspools that are already threatening.

But, and this may take some years, things will shake out. The Left will run full tilt into reality, or Armageddon will arrive, but things will never be the same again.

Sounds kind of dreary, but because people on the Right are traditionally independent individuals as opposed to lemming-collectivists on the Left, it takes us time to arrive at consensus, but when we do…we will galvanize and organize to beat back the Evil that befalls us.

Hang in there, and prepare.

What We Can Do About This

We ask ourselves, “What can we do to rebel against this Leftist surge without resorting to armed conflict?” There ARE things we can do. We often think, however, that one bit of effort on our part won’t make any difference. Perhaps not, but the one bit of effort on the part of MILLIONS can and will!

The fight begins with the courage to speak out. Someone suggested that at every opportunity, we state boldly, “Democrats are demonstrably, certifiably and manifestly RACIST!” That’s the truth and we need to state that individually and collectively. If millions get on board with the simple phrase: “Democrats are Racists”, all their banal vituperations, stamping of feet an histrionics will demonstrate what we traditionalists already know and further expose them to the somnolent lemmings who follow their hyena leaders.

Second, someone once said, “When your enemy is in the midst of doing something stupid, don’t stand in their way.” The 25th Amendment/Impeachment shenanigans is complete and utter idiocy. The accusation that Trump incited the riot at the Capitol is beyond ridiculous. The talk about censoring Republican congressmen who have voiced support for Section 530 repeal should be ejected from government is childish bullying. The demand that companies refrain from hiring Trump staffers is so over the top that only the most vindictive bottom-feeders would pay 2 cents worth of attention to it. So, let them keep it up and don’t stand in their way. The Democrats look more and more stupid and petulant by the day…no, by the HOUR!

Third, stop supporting Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc. I know it’s tough to shun Amazon. They have done to online shopping what FedEx did to snail mail. The conveniences afforded by Amazon and its ubiquity makes it particularly difficult. But there ARE alternatives. Search online for suppliers by simply looking up what you need. There’s almost always a small company or store who supplies what you’re looking for although you may have to go through several screens of search results to find them. Just today I was able to acquire a vitamin supplement that I “subscribed” on Amazon from a small online supplier. Cost differential…1% more. Time-to-delivery differerential….we’ll see, but I suspect no more than one day more than if I had ordered from Amazon.

And as for the search engines and web browsers, messenger apps, social connectivity and email providers you so commonly use: Google, Chrome, iMessage, FaceTime, Outlook…I strongly urge everyone to move to alternatives. For a search engine, use DuckDuckGo. For a web browser, use DuckDuckGo’s own web browser or Opera. Do NOT use Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer…these are all owned and operated by Leftists. For messenger app, I’m exploring either Telegram or Signal. I think I’m going to end up with Telegram because I like the anti-tech and anti-government/anti-tyranny attitude of its founders. It also streams content like Twitter does, so it serves a dual purpose. For social connectivity I have liked Parler but until it’s back online after its banishment from Amazon and Apple, all my favorite bloggers/commentators have moved to Telegram or Gab. I like Telegram better because the Gab guys seem “off” somehow, castigating Telegram as they have. As for email, I’m trying to figure out how to move from Outlook, which is part of my Office 365 Suite, to something like Proton mail. And, I’m looking at both LibreOffice and OpenOffice as alternatives to Office 365 anyway.

It’s not going to be comfortable or easy. As foreseen and cunningly planned by our new tech masters, the price of “free” is bondage. We have now so inculcated their products, channels, pipelines, apps, networks, etc. into our lives that it’s going to be difficult to extricate ourselves from their clutches.

But we must!

Again you think, “What difference is it going to make if I, one person, do this?” The answer, once again, is, “Virtually no difference.” But if MILLIONS do this, it’s going to hit these companies right where it hurts…in their wallets. Our journey/climb back up the slippery slope begins with one courageous soul taking the first step up the hill.

And as for government. It’s corrupt. It’s elitist. The judicial system is poisoned, biased and rigged against truth and justice. At every turn, we’re fighting not just Big Tech but City Hall, and City Hall has become predominantly and increasingly populated with Leftist thugs, Leftist morons, megalomaniacs, woke dysfunctional adolescents, limousine liberals to whom the rules don’t apply, or RINO’s who are far more concerned about their own skins than the people whom they’re supposed to serve. We must, nevertheless, attend the grass roots town meetings listening carefully until our temperatures rise sufficiently that we stand up and throw down the BS flag. I’ve seen time and time again that when a courageous patriot stands up and calls out Leftist idiocy and idiots in the public square, a lot of people agree and then also had the courage to stand up and push back on the drivel spewing forth from the Democrats’ and statists’ mouths!

A caution. We need to watch our backs. The Leftists have brainwashed so many otherwise sensible people into thinking the wildest and most ignorant things about our country, about the Trump presidency, about conservatives and constitutionalists and nationalists, that your own employer may very well persecute you in one way or another if you give any indication that you’re not “woke”. There are times to speak up and speak out and times to guardedly remain silent. Mixing religion or politics with work is foolhardy. If you’re constantly being fed Leftist propaganda by your employer, however, it’s time to start looking for another job.

And there WILL be other jobs. They wanted WOKE? They got AWAKE! Politically neutral and meritocratic, traditionally led and managed companies and organizations will not just spring up, but grow rampantly over the next few weeks and months. Keep you eyes open, your ear to the ground, and opportunity will arise from this debacle and current state of Idiocracy.

Hang in there people. Keep your seat belts fastened, your tray tables and seat backs in their full, upright position.

Why They Win

Human beings are either fundamentally Individuals or Groupies – Lions or Lemmings. The Left are Lemmings. They are stupid, cerebrally lazy, easily manipulated and ruled. A relatively few, megalomaniacal, attractive and articulate celebrity Lemming ‘leaders’ – Hyenas, tug at their heart strings, flatter them, overwhelm their God-given reasoning abilities with utopian fantasies and promise them prosperity and equality, and they march in lockstep. The Hyenas are demagogues, masters of deceit, twisters and shapers of perception, and thus “reality” for the Lemmings. They lie, delude themselves and the Lemmings, cheat, steal… will stop at nothing to achieve power and amass wealth for themselves.They are the few, the elite, the enlightened, who oversee the Lemming masses.

Hyenas constantly whine that the Lions “are trying to divide us”, “are selfish and mean”, are greedy, uncaring and unfeeling. They hate the Lions because they will not conform and obey. To garner power and control and keep the Lemmings brainwashed, Hyenas project onto the Lions everything of which they are guilty, which includes dividing people into identities and classes to more readily manipulate them, pitch them against one another, and then ride atop the fray as saviors, thus cementing their power. Conformity, obedience, collectivism, indoctrination…these are the principles that dominate the Lemming society.

It’s Karl Marx 101.

Lions think for themselves, have confidence in their own judgment and resist being ruled. They are providers, not takers, choose to congregate together bound by common values of truth, fairness, meritocracy, not because they have been coerced or manipulated to do so. They demand and assert freedom and the exercise of their free will. If they are led it’s because they selected their leaders, not because they were manipulated into turning over and subjecting their freedom.  

The reality is that the Lions are not trying to divide people, they simply know when they’re being fed bs and refuse to step into line. And because they’re individuals, they are NOT easily led. They must be persuaded to unite behind a common purpose. This takes time as the Lions’ critical thinking and BS monitors are always turned on. This makes them vulnerable. The Lemming Leaders incite the masses of unthinking followers to shout down the Lions with a collective, conformed voice. The Lions roar, but their roar is overwhelmed by the noise made by the Lemmings, so much so that some Lions even give up their freedom and join the Lemmings, turning on their own.

So Lemmings, led by demagogues, win because their masses surround and overwhelm individual Lions, or small prides of Lions.

Do we wish to be ruled by Hyenas, or rule ourselves?


With the Hyenas now virtually in control of all the levers of power, the Lions will have to decide how to use their superior strength, speed, cunning and real power to overthrow the Hyenas and restore freedom to the masses. No small task, as the Hyenas control the means of communication, can watch and listen to everything the Lions do, have infiltrators and spies everywhere, hold the purse strings and have the biggest megaphone that they’ve ever had.

Some of the Lions, though in the employ of the Hyenas, are already primed to exert the power and leadership they have over their prides and bond with other prides. Many will now have to be persuaded to join the fight against the Hyenas and Lemmings. It may take an apocalyptic ruining of freedom, democracy, our Republic to get the reluctant Lions to turn. New channels of communication, new leadership, new guerilla and insurgency techniques will be needed, but either the Lions unite and destroy the Hyenas, or the Hyenas will destroy both the Lions and the land.

Allow me some time to lick my wounds and paws, and then I will join other Lions in mounting and executing a campaign to rid the landscape of Hyenas, wake up Lemmings who can be awakened, and restore the traditional values, mores and institutions that have WORKED to bring peace and prosperity to mankind over thousands of years.

May God bless us in this effort.

Moving Forward Without Moving On

Many of us are so angry at what has transpired not just in the election, but to our country altogether, that we either quietly or loudly talk about revolution, rebellion, armed insurrection, etc. Many have bought guns, are hoarding ammunition, and above and below ground organizations are springing up discussing what to do about the raping of our country by the Leftist, woke mob.  

Others are complacent, waiting for either the MOAB (the Mother of All Bombs) to drop or some event or action that will save us from this madness.

It’s January 1, 2021. The cavalry may not come, the Senate could fall into Democrat hands, Biden and Harris might actually be inaugurated on January 20th, and America will have not just descended all the way to the bottom of the slippery slope, but have replicated the scene at the bottom of Mt. Sinai when Moses came down with the tablets. The whooping and hollering, the recklessness, the profligacy and debauchery will overshadow the anguish those of us who believe in a traditional America will feel.

I used to think the Silent Majority would speak up and speak out, and believed the majority, albeit a small one, of Americans would reject the stupidity of the Left. I now fear that the dumbing down of two generations behind me, their surrender to peer pressure of social media and the perversion of the “knowledge” that was placed in their heads by too many of the recycled hippie teachers of MY generation, i.e. the brainwashing, has finally caught up with us. The levers of power in all our institutions are now in the hands of the base-of-Mt.Sinai misfits.

What can we do about this? I’ve been wrestling with this question for months as Leftist forces seem to have grown in size and power and the influence of the Right waned.

First, we must not concede defeat. Even if traditionalists are now a minority in our nation, we know our values are right and just and must stick up for them, set an example using them, have courage to defend them in the face of ridicule, condescension, belittlement.

Second, we must not let disappointment and sadness give way to despair. We must become happy rebels. Think of the hedgehog in cartoons that gets slapped hard and is sent flying across the room. He rolls into a ball, comes to a stop and  then with a grin stands up ready to fight again. We’ve got to learn to derive meaning and contentment by fighting back against evil. We must band together under the banners and slogans we all know: “Don’t tread on me”, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself”, “Never give up. Never, never give up”, “The colors of our flag don’t run”, “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave”, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” and on and on.

Third, we must get fit physically. We need to shed the Covid pounds. We need to MOVE – even if we’re working from home, we need to force ourselves to get out of our chairs regularly and exercise. Just stretching and walking is helpful. We need to make physical activity a habit, not a chore.

Fourth, we must get fit morally. We have to practice Good (a.k.a. righteous) Principles that we know but have allowed to atrophy, starting with the Golden Rule. In our confinement we’ve gotten testy, short, frustrated, easily annoyed. We need to do unto others, starting with our own families, as we would like them to do unto us. And we need to consciously avoid the barrage of “trending” garbage coming at us from social media, television, Hollywood. We need to honor each other, be true and faithful to one another, seek to find the good in others instead of needing to find fault (tough task here!)

Fifth, we must restore faith. Whether we believe in God or not, we must recommit to believe in the principles of the Judeo-Christian tradition…the principles that have ALWAYS, IN ALL TIMES and ALL GENERATIONS, helped mankind to grow and prosper: Freedom, the tenets enshrined in the Ten Commandments, the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, belief in the dignity of Human Life, the Work Ethic, Meritocracy, common Decency, Self-reliance, Accountability, Kindness and Charity. If we have faith, we need to make it a habit to return to our houses of worship as soon as possible, to gather with others of like mind in fellowship. There is strength in numbers.

Sixth, we need to feed our souls with GOOD food. Uplifting literature, music, film, web destinations. There are many. I’ll devote another post to some we can rely on for inspiration, motivation and positive reinforcement of our principles.

Seventh, we have to keep our eyes and ears open and listen for the call to resist when and where needed. I’m not talking about armed rebellion. As angry as we are, we must stay under control, not give in, not give up, but not lose our cool. We need to “stay frosty” as the special forces and good guys would say.

So, no easy road ahead. But let’s breathe in, breathe out, stiffen our spines, do what’s right and even if we never get this mess turned around and aren’t able to climb out of the hole we’re in and back up the slippery slope, recognize that a journey of striving to promote Good, and Right and Truth will be a meaningful and gratifying one.