The Real Existential Threat

HR1 is every bit as bad as we predicted it would be. Same goes for the other bills the Leftist mob is trying to ram down our throats. There are not enough pejorative adjectives and adverbs to describe the depth of the depravity, their willingness to do anything, say anything to garner power and lord over us.

What is so galling to so many Americans is that the Democrats/Leftists were allowed to not just fraudulently steal the 2020 election, but the two Senate seats in Georgia as well. The GOP were truly deer-in-the-headlights after November 3rd. Had we one even ONE of the seats we would have maintained the Senate majority and had a shot at stopping the onslaught in its tracks. So conniving, so dishonest, so evil is the Cabal’s machine that the honest voters in America never had a chance! Our election officials failed us. Our legislators failed us. Our governors failed us. Even our judiciary at the local, state and federal level, all the way up to the Supreme Court failed us. And the military, whom we hoped would step in, failed us as well. We have only ourselves to blame for this abrogation of adult responsibility!

Obviously the Fourth Estate and Big Tech’s control of social media had a lot to do with this takeover by the Left. As I consciously didn’t watch, listen or read any of the Leftist propaganda during the election cycle I was only in passing aware of how destructive the misinformation and resultant brainwashing was. While the notion that Biden got 80 million + legitimate votes is unadulterated nonsense, that he would get even 50% of that number speaks to how good a job the Cabal did at not just obscuring perception but altering it completely for millions upon millions of gullible, non-thinking voters. And as we all know, perception IS reality. Thus, even committed, traditionalist voters were swayed to vote either for the Democrat ticket, or against Trump. And now look what we’ve got!

We frequently hear the phrase from the oath of office, “…support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” Who domestic enemies are is defined in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Essentially, it is those who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same (the United States) or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

With that background, have the Democrats given aid to enemies of the United States? Are not members of the Obama administration and now the Biden administration doing exactly that by joining or now rejoining the so-called “Iran Nuclear Deal?” Or the Paris Climate Accord? Doesn’t the imposition of draconian lockdowns that damage our industry and commerce weaken us and therefore put us at a disadvantage against our economic and military adversaries? Doesn’t turning our armed forces and intelligence agencies into social engineering experiments similarly weaken us against our enemies? Does the incurring of debt obligations so great that they make us incredibly vulnerable to debt holders who could simply refuse to buy our debt, thus sending interest rates skyrocketing with devastating effect on our economy not qualify as aiding our enemies? Doesn’t creating mass chaos at our Southern Border with all its consequences also aid them?

The conclusion is obvious. It is precisely the Democrat Party and its megalomaniacal leaders who are domestic enemies. They of course continuously and egregiously guilty of projection and claim the opposite – that Republicans, Conservatives, even non-partisans who don’t fall in line behind their woke, socialist, some would say communist, agenda are the domestic enemies. Saul Alinsky is jumping up and down for joy in his grave!

But it is the Democrats altogether, not just the lunatic fringe of the “Squad” and other wackos who are destroying our country right before our eyes. It’s been happening for years…death by a thousand cuts, but in 2020 the leftist Cabal finally achieved what they weren’t able to achieve since Obama’s first term…total control over our politics. Then there was still some lip service paid to written and unwritten rules of political and ethical conduct. Now the Democrats don’t even bother trying to maintain some semblance of patriotism or normalcy. They are completely, radically, unhinged!

With the help of the wokies in the media, who are also domestic enemies, we’ve entered Bizarro-World where lies are truth and truths are lies, good is evil and evil is good, where up is down and down is up…a state fomented by the Democrats all consciously and deliberately intended to ride roughshod over their political opposition, the welfare of our country and its people be damned!

Bottom line is, these Leftist politicians and media types are by their completely visible and transparent actions domestic enemies and by extension represent an existential threat to our republic. Is it any wonder that there is talk of secession and armed rebellion? Until these enemies begin to face consequences for what they’re doing they will continue pushing their idiocy.

The understatement of the moment is, “It’s getting rather sporty out there.” Someone the other day said, “If I hear one more person say, ‘hang in there’, I think I’ll deck him!” We’re way past that. The cavalry (.sic) isn’t coming and we’re going to have to think and act every day like our families’ futures hang in the balance.

They do.

I’ve started using my coffee cup with the slogan “No More Mister Nice Guy” on it. I’m writing checks to every cause supporting freedom and our constitution that I come across. I’m not lowering my voice in restaurants when I speak of the damage the Democrats are doing. I don’t keep my mouth shut anymore when I hear drivel or nonsense come out of the mouth of a wokie. If someone condescendingly tells me to put on my mask I reply, “You’re wearing yours, so you’re protected. I’m protected by common sense and REAL Science! I try to remain civil, but “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore.”