“I Was Wrong”: Words You’ll Never Hear From The Left

As fond as Joe Biden is of quoting his father, I thought I’d write about an aphorism MY father taught me. It is: “The hallmark of a powerful man is the ability to admit when he is wrong.” In my opinion, one of the biggest problems the Democrats have is their unwillingness to do just that. That they’re wrong on most everything is undeniable except by die-hard leftist delusionists, pedants and sycophants. The last thing I want to do is give them a formula for righting (.sic) their sinking ship, but how jarring and rejuvenating would it be for the Democratic leadership to come up to the microphone and say the words, “America, we were wrong. We were wrong about the economy, about the border, about COVID, masks, lockdowns, about therapeutics and mandates, about defunding the police, about energy independence, about wokeness in the military, about selective prosecution, about lying for political gain, about the means and methods we used to manufacture and count illegitimate votes during the 2020 elections, about unconscionable gerrymandering, about packing the Supreme Court, about ending the filibuster, about Russian collusion, about the Afghanistan withdrawal, about the sham impeachments, about apologizing for and defending anti-American, antisemitic, anti-Christian bigots, about transgenderism, about deviant behavior (e.g. pedophilia), about critical race theory and the 1619 Project, about kowtowing to the unions, about conflict of interest investing with impunity, about suppression of dissenting views and canceling voices that disagree with us or don’t preach the leftist orthodoxy, about supporting fake news, fake polls and ignoring the will of the Silent Majority, about an ambiguous, flaccid and indefensible foreign policy, about China, about Iran, about North Korea, about Venezuela, about CUBA, about Russia…”

They will of course never admit any of this nor claim to be wrong on anything.

Much as I detest the content of the nonsense that spews forth from the mouth of the White House spokesperson Jen Psaki every day, I have to give her credit for her mastery at the podium. She has that skillful facility to deny, decry, defend, deflect, divert, dissemble, detract, and dismiss. “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”. Contrast her with two other equally talented spin doctor/press secretaries: Kayleigh McEnany and Dana Perino. The difference between Psaki and the other two is that the former can ONLY use the list of ‘d words’ above while McEnany and Perino had truth, facts and fundamental honesty on their side. They too spun the messaging so as to cast as positive a light on both successes and shed the spotlight on the failures of their administrations. But the successes so far outweighed the failures the preponderance of messaging was straight up truth. By contrast, Psaki has to cover, “circle back”, postpone, attempt to belittle valid questions, launch ad hominem attacks or just outright lie to cover the failures of the Biden administration. And of course, she NEVER admits Democrat wrongdoing.

Over the years I’ve had to admit I was wrong many times. It always stabs me in the gut to do it, but I WILL admit mistakes when I make them. Oh that we had leaders that could and would do so as well.

I’ve been reading Dwight D. Eisenhower’s book written shortly after World War II, “Crusade in Europe.” In it he describes the character attributes that would disqualify potential commanders: “Foremost among these was the one who seemed to be self-seeking in the matter of promotion.” Another was evidence that a man made any effort to ‘pass the buck’. Pessimists were eschewed, as were men who made every decision himself, i.e. who was unable to delegate both authority and responsibility. In the book he recounts numerous incidents when his own estimates or judgments were faulty or just plain wrong. The consensus building, the arbitrating, the therapy he had to administer to get the Allied commands to work together was superb preparation for leadership not just of the military, but of, as it turned out, the Country. Admitting he was wrong when he was garnered deep respect and support from the Allied command.

Lay these attributes up against what we have now. Self-aggrandizement on the part of all politicians is inveterate but the narcissism of the celebrity-addicted Left is manifest and amplified by a makeup-laden media. I’ll posit that the Left’s pre-occupation with celebrity has infected and damaged the two youngest generations to the point where social media (a euphemism to be sure) has created an almost universal self-centeredness among them.

Passing the buck or blaming everyone but oneself is commonplace, a REAL pandemic, but especially among the Left (Did you hear Kamala Harris the other day blame Congress for not fixing the border?!).

Weak-kneed positions on crime, on our duty and responsibility to be the beacon of freedom in the world (Nancy Pelosi: “Go compete at the Olympics but be careful not to offend the Chinese.”; “We will boycott the Olympics by not sending any diplomats.”), on supporting not tearing apart the American dream, about the rule of law, about the Constitution itself…the Left and Democrats have deliberately sought to “transform our country” according to a Rules for Radicals (Saul Alinsky), frankly, communist way.

I’ve been encouraged of late that there is more talk among the Republican leadership of fashioning a Contract With America version 2.0. I think they’ve figured out that it is not enough to expose and openly denigrate the idiocies of the Democrat Left. It is imperative that we provide an alternative vision of what America can and should be. Unfortunately, the Democrats have so mucked things up, it will be necessary to enact harsh measures to eradicate the detritus they have scattered across the political, social and economic landscape.

We need to distribute “No More Mr. Nice Guy” coffee cups to every elected or appointed, conservative-minded, constitution-supporting Republican now or prospectively in office. The true fabric of our nation is frayed and, in some cases, hanging by a thread. If we screw up along the way, we need to admit our mistakes and make course corrections that keep us on a path leading up the slippery slope down which we have so lamentably slid.

And by contrast let’s NOT encourage the Left to admit their mistakes. Let’s continue to point out their fallacies and destructiveness while also adhering to Napolean’s maxim: “Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself.”

And let us fashion a positive, seductive message that begins to restore America to the greatness her people deserve.

A Profound Essay on Post Truth

I find it’s increasingly difficult to have a rational conversation with ANYONE! There is so much falsehood, so much unbridled emotion and so much bitterness in communication today that it’s even hard to have a civil chat with members of my own family. While there are many topics on which we agree, there are many on which we disagree depending on what media we’ve consumed or exposure we’ve had to flak in the air! Now I’ve come across someone who has articulated the reasons for the conflict. Donald Williams, PhD is a Professor Emeritus of Toccoa Falls College and I think he nails it:

I frequently encounter people who do not seem to understand the difference between a fact and an assertion. To them, a “fact” is simply an assertion with which they agree. A “false fact” is an assertion with which they disagree. And “evidence” or “argument” mean repeating the assertion more loudly, more passionately, and/or with fancier rhetoric. These people appear on both sides of the political divide.

This kind of inability to participate in valid forensic reasoning has always been with us, of course. But I think at least two current influences are making it worse.

First, social media amplifies the idiocy. There used to be gatekeepers you had to get past to inundate the masses with your message. In so far as social media makes it easier (until it gets “community standards”) to make an end-run around the censors, it is a good thing. But the multiplication of mindlessness in public discourse is a huge downside. The old gatekeepers were not perfect, but they did as much good as harm. At their best, they did more good than harm. They helped to keep the grosser forms of illogic in public discourse to a minimum.

Second, the dominance of Post-Modern “theories” of various kinds in the academy has been an environmental factor that has caused this malady to mutate into even more virulent strains. Like social media but in a different way, this has neutralized some of the natural predators that used to keep it in check. Today’s students are constantly taught that objectivity is so impossible of attainment that it is dishonest to have it as a goal or even an aspiration. It is endlessly drummed into them that no one can escape the deterministic perspectivalism supposedly created by race, class, and gender.

Truth claims are automatically reduced in knee-jerk fashion to mere cynical attempts to assert power. It is not surprising that people come away believing that we really do live in a “post-truth” world. It should not be shocking that they will eventually act on that belief. Thus education, which used to inhibit the kind of thoughtlessness I am describing, now not only encourages it but actively foments it.

THAT is why rational conversations are no longer possible. Call it brainwashing, call it attention deficit, call it lack of emotional energy…the madness continues.

For my part, I have buried myself in history books. I’m rereading the texts on world history I didn’t pay much attention to when in grade, high school and college. Having traveled to many places described in those texts, I’m reading them with a renewed interest and comprehension. Moreover, it’s giving me perspective. Great civilizations have been down the road we’re traveling before. All were eventually purged of evil and in context, what we’re experiencing now in 2022 is but a blip in history. The great journey of our own civilization – call it The Western World or America, its archetype, is following the course of all great civilizations: struggle to prosperity to a breakdown of traditional values to indolence to jealousy to war to chaos to demise.

We’re in the chaos stage. In the future as we look back on the turning point and what happened, I predict we’ll say that the post-World War II period of relative calm and “normalcy” gave rise to a “fat and happy” indolence which gave rise to the 60’s breakdown in traditional values which gave rise to the Korean and Vietnam wars as well as the more recent hegemonic quests to the chaos we’re now experiencing as the deterioration of values and moral relativism reach their peak and chaos prevails.

What do we have to look forward to? If we don’t learn from history and not just arrest this slide down the slippery slope but return to virtue, eternal truth and traditional values, we will see America continue its decline and eventually either be surpassed and taken over by an ascendant China, a militant Russia, or Armageddon will occur.

On the other hand, if we can wake up, grow up and pay attention to what I will for lack of a better term call “real reality” vs. “manufactured reality”, we can turn the chaos back into a better world for all.

Alas, I’m not very hopeful. I fail to see the leader or leaders who can inspire us sufficiently to turn the corner. I hope I’m wrong, for my children’s and my children’s children’s sake.

The Left Doesn’t Build – They Only Destroy

I just read an article by Dennis Prager entitled “A Brief Guide to Leftist Destruction“. It makes the point that the Left never produces anything of value. It only destroys things and has done so since the first evil-doer walked the earth. It’s the age old conflict between the givers and the takers, of the producers and the indolent, of the haves and have nots. The Left are takers, indolent, have nots and all their whining and complaining is a product of their own making and choosing. Why work, why strive, why achieve when they can just take from those who DO produce, work hard and thus ‘have’.

I reproduce Prager’s article in full. It lists all the Left’s destructive results brilliantly.

To understand the modern world, perhaps the most important rule one needs to know is this: Everything the Left touches it ruins.

This first became clear to me years ago during my radio show. I was talking about the Left’s war on the Boy Scouts (for not accepting announced gay people). It was becoming clear that this would ultimately lead to the decline of the Boy Scouts, which led me to ask: “Will the left replace the Boy Scouts with a left-wing Boy Scouts?”

Then I answered my own question: Of course not. Because the Left only destroys; it doesn’t build anything (other than government).

In support of that observation, here is a list of many of the things the Left ruins and often destroys.

No. 1: Art. The Left long ago conquered the art world. Consequently, since the 20th century, most modern art has been ugly, meaningless and nihilistic — the opposite of what Western art had always been.

No. 2: Music. What the Left did to the eyes in art, it did to the ears in music. As a part-time conductor, I can say with some knowledge that since the invention of atonal music (an oxymoron if there ever was one), most contemporary classical music is also ugly, meaningless and uninspiring. The people who like such music are almost all music critics and, of course, music professors. Most lovers of classical music never listen to the stuff.

No. 3: Journalism. Journalists were once highly respected. Unless a piece was listed as “opinion,” people generally believed they were getting, to the best of a journalist’s ability, as truthful a report as possible — “just the facts.” Today, on virtually any controversial issue, they are getting opinion, not truth. The purpose of nearly every major newspaper and other “news” outlet is the same purpose Pravda had in the Soviet Union: to transmit the party line.

No. 4: Colleges and universities. The Left has destroyed universities as places of learning devoted to seeking truth and therefore welcoming, even cultivating, diverse opinions. Virtually every left-wing idea was born at a university.

No. 5: High schools and elementary schools. Most schools in America — private as much as public — teach children that America is systemically racist and that they are not born male or female, but at a later age will choose whether to be one or the other — or neither. And increasingly, American educational institutions deny objective truth exists, even in mathematics.

No. 6: Happiness. You can meet happy and unhappy liberals and happy and unhappy conservatives, but you are unlikely to ever meet a happy leftist. The only question is whether the unhappy gravitate to leftism or whether leftism makes people unhappy. Both are probably true.

No. 7: The family. People on the Left increasingly choose not to get married and not to have children — in other words, not to make families. And their welfare policies serve to disincentivize the creation of families.

No. 8: Women. The rates of depression among young people, especially young women, are higher than ever recorded in American history. One reason is that for half a century, women have been told, as one famous feminist saw put it, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.” But the fact is that the vast majority of (heterosexual) women need a man to be fulfilled, just as the vast majority of (heterosexual) men need a woman to be fulfilled.

No. 9: Childhood. One reason young people on the Left don’t want children is that the Left doesn’t particularly like children. The teachers unions’ adamant refusal to open schools for over a year has opened many Americans’ eyes to this fact. So has the war on children’s innocence – like prematurely talking to them about sex and having schools introduce them to drag queens from the age of five.

No. 10: Black life. Like the Democratic Party historically, the left is racist. And it is so in precisely the way the word was always used — the Left believes in black inferiority. That is why leftists advocate lowering standards for blacks. That is why they advocate policies that always result in more blacks dying at the hands of other blacks. That is why they believe the state must take care of blacks more than any other group. That is why left-wing policies, from the Great Society to today, have destroyed so much of black life, especially its family life — and they don’t care.

No. 11: Black-white relations. According to polls and according to just about every American who remembers life from about a decade ago, black-white relations were far superior then and both groups were optimistic about relations continuing to improve. The Left shattered that with its anti-white, “America is systemically racist” propaganda shouted from almost every major media and relentlessly pushed in almost every school and big business. The Left knows that when blacks and whites feel good about one another, the Left loses its appeal and loses elections.

No. 12: The military. As the military gets more and more woke — recall the testimony of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff testifying before Congress about the need to teach the military about white racism — soldier morale declines. Add to this the utterly gratuitous and cruel mandate that every member of the military get vaccinated or be discharged and you understand why military morale is in steep decline.

No. 13: Late-night television. Americans who remember the titans of late-night comedy — Johnny Carson and Jay Leno — remember how their sole aim was to bring some smiles and laughter to Americans before they went to sleep. Few people had any inkling of the political views of either host. That is now history. The Left has destroyed late-night comedy. It now consists of little more than angry rants against conservatives.

No. 14: Superman. Superman was an iconic American hero. Thanks to the Left, he is no more. About a decade ago, Superman stood in front of the United Nations to announce he was renouncing his American citizenship to become a “citizen of the world.” And the Left has now changed his motto from “Truth, Justice, and the American way” to “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow.”

No. 15: Free speech. Never before has freedom of speech been threatened as it is today. As has been true since the communist revolution in Russia, everywhere the Left has gained power — from Russia in 1917 to the university and social media today — it has suppressed free speech. There is no exception.

No. 16: Sports. Until last year, sport was a great American unifier. It was one place Americans could go and, leaving politics behind, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican could root for the same team. No longer. The Left has ruined it by radically politicizing baseball, football and basketball.

The great American tragedy is just about every liberal knows the above is true, but nearly every one will still vote for the Left.”

Couln’t have said it better myself.


There is so much to write about and comment on that I’m not sure where to begin. Rather than reflect back on that otherwise beautiful autumn day in 2001 as so many others are doing today (I was in midtown, Manhattan. My oldest son was at the Court House in Lower Manhattan. My wife was covered in ash and walked the length of Manhattan from her job in lower Manhattan. We all were unharmed but witnessed the horror first hand), I thought I’d reflect today on what I’ve come to call the “Daily Atrocities”. I thought I’d gather some thoughts of possible future outcomes from them. But first, let’s enumerate just some of the problems brought on or exacerbated by the Leftists in the current administration:

  • The “Fundamental Transformation” of America – the necrotic, cancerous, Obama theme on steroids;
  • Biden criminality, dementia, puppet, treasonous actions;
  • Pelosi criminality, dementia, megalomania, hypocrisy;
  • COVID: Lies, Distrust, Masks, Vax, Passports, Mandates, etc.;
  • Military & Alphabet Agencies (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.): Wokeness, Disregard for primary missions
  • Police: Resignations, Defunding, Disrespect
  • Assault on the Second Amendment as well as other Rights
  • Schools – Indoctrination, Lincoln, 1619, CRT, LGBTQ propaganda
  • Sheep – Adult indoctrination of dumbed down, compliant or gullible population
  • Open Borders – unequal treatment of illegal aliens vs. US citizens, drive to change the demographic
  • Energy Independence to Dependence
  • SCOTUS/Judicial impotence/decriminalization of crime
  • Elections: HR1, etc. – drive by Democrats for permanent power
  • Abuse of Power/Treason/Totalitarianism/Tyranny – examples too numerous to list
  • Radical Environmentalism, Feminism – Mars vs. Venus getting very ugly
  • Leftist Racism – the Left are the true racists, not the Right
  • China/Russia/Iran/NORKO – hegemony – growing perception of U.S. weakness, increasing vulnerability
  • Anti-Semitism/Anti-Religion/Anti-America – Evil at every level
  • Corrupt Professional Politicians/Groupthink
  • Declining Work Ethic/Snowflakes
  • Government Dependency
  • Reckless Fiscal & Monetary Policies/INFLATION/ Tax and Spend $3.5 TRILLION bill
  • Protests/Riots/Lawlessness Spreading
  • Hollywood Brainwashing/ Leftist Production Values high and preying on a weak-minded population
  • Tech:Censorship/Privacy/Social Media/Addiction
  • Cyber threats, Grid Threats, Biological, nuclear
  • Corporate/Professional Sports submission, compliance with wokeness
  • Government unions – scourge that allows workers to negotiate with themselves for salaries and benefits
  • World Affairs – American Decline.

So, where’s all this going? Here are some possible scenarios/outcomes as I see them:

1.            Status quo. God forbid the Right is unable to marshal the will or resolve to lay nail strips in front of the Leftist agenda and we succumb to this fundamental transformation. If that happens, we the frogs sitting in water that is starting to boil are either going to die or jump out of the pot. Allowing this current leviathan of Leftist idiocy could very well result in the destruction of America, but if this keeps up, it could happen.

2.            The GOP gets a spine. We’re already starting to see some courageous Republicans throwing the bulls#$t flag and attempting to throw wrenches into the Democrat works. One possible scenario is the Red States are able to not just lay out the evidence of the 2020 election fraud, but PROVE it in court. I don’t hold out a lot of hope on this because the judiciary is so hopelessly corrupt and Left-infected that the Democrats will be able to draw out the process indefinitely. We can only hope that the PROOF (not just the evidence) is so unequivocal, so clear and so damning that a constitutional crisis at the SCOTUS level ensues forcing either a forced resignation of Biden’s entire administration, a re-election or NEW election occurs, or somehow Trump is instated as the true winner of 2020.

3.            2022. Or, the evidence of fraud in our elections is sufficiently exposed that election fraud is rooted out of the system and the Democrats are prevented from utilizing their fraudulent tactics to steal another election. In 2022 the GOP takes over the House and perhaps the Senate and drives a spike into the Democrat agenda. Of course, a LOT of damage can still be done before January 2023, but a combination of some GOP backbone to stall their onslaught plus a fair election in 2022 could turn the tide.

4.            Newsom Recall. I’m skeptical that the California governor will be taken down. The Dems will use every tool at their disposal to cheat to keep him in office and I’m not sure public opinion against Newsom will suffice to push him out. (Who know… I never would have thought Cuomo would get taken down in New York.) But if he does get booted and a Republican governor is elected, it’ll be a start. Now, if Diane Feinstein keels over shortly thereafter, Larry Elder or some other GOP governor will appoint a Republican Senator and the Senate control could revert back to the GOP even before 2022 and the Leftist tsunami could be halted that way.

5.            Secession. There’s a lot of talk about Red State Secession. It’s possible, but not likely, at least not in this generation. The complexity of extricating themselves from the Federal clutches is probably too great, but I’m in favor of the idea if by 2023 we’re unable to neutralize the Democrats’ power.

6.            Civil Disobedience/REAL Insurrection. There is also a lot of discussion about armed rebellion, perhaps even a revolt against the Federal Government. As crazy as that sounds, the anger and actions of so many traditionalist patriots is growing to the point where this is no longer out of the question. When and how such a rebellion/revolt would start is anybody’s guess, but if 50,000 armed citizens were to descend on Washington and demand the resignations of all the Leftists, that would most certainly ignite the tinder. Armed squads that take it upon themselves to assassinate Leftist leaders in guerilla fashion is also not out of the question. Scary, yes, but not out of the question. This too would light the tinder.

7.            Shadow Government. It’s clear that Trump’s team are still largely intact and are no doubt watching and waiting and biding their time. The “enemy” is clearly destroying itself from within so there is no reason to stand in their way. If, however, a revolution begins or there is sufficient popular/populist support for a removal of the current administration in one way or another, Trump could position himself as the legitimate President, set up a government in a Red State, and potentially challenge the status quo with a non-lethal rebellion.

8.            Biden Resignation or Invocation of the 25th. I think there’s a real chance that the Democrats will try to figure out a way to get rid of Biden. However, installing Harris as President, no matter how delightful the Leftist news headlines might be, could be even more problematic than leaving the puppet in place. Nancy is next in line, and if they figure out how to get rid of her as well, which I would think they would have to do (if Biden is thrown out, Pelosi has to be as well – she’s too much of a nut-job), Patrick Leahy as President Pro Tempore of the Senate is next in line, and he looks like a saint compared to the other wackos and could very well be accepted by the nation as President. It’s a complex, three-dimensional chess game, but not out of the realm of possibility.

9.            Military Takeover. I don’t have any inside information as to just how many officers have resigned from the military either on ideological grounds on vaccine mandate grounds, but there is NO DOUBT that there are a hell of a lot of Colonel-on-down as well as some of former and current general staff who are talking among themselves about who they can count on to join them if the Joint Chiefs and current command structure had to be removed. The number of military who are on the Right far outweigh those on the Left, and while a military coup is inconceivable in America, the Democrats are already governing as if we’re a banana republic so again, such a coup in not out of the question.

10.          Foreign Attack. Most likely our weakness will give Russia and China carte blanche to invade Ukraine and Taiwan, respectively. It has already allowed the Iranians to ramp up their nuclear program to the point where they can deploy dirty bombs just about anywhere in the world. The NORK’s are watching with glee and even Kim Jung Mentally Ill has lost weight and is preparing to set foot on the world stage. The panoply of jihadists are undefeatable in a classic sense…it’s a game of whack-a-mole with them and no conventional military force will prevail. And while we may not like it, the only way, in my opinion, we’re going to be able to secure our nation is to place troops in strategic locations around the globe, harden our infrastructure, and restore our rightful place as the world’s sole, benevolent but self-interested superpower. If we are attacked, which is unlikely because our adversaries know that will galvanize us as a nation and then don’t want to awaken a sleeping or wounded tiger, we will coalesce and mount a counterattack that truly could bring on Armageddon. Biden and his puppet masters have destabilized the world and the threats to peace are greater now than they have ever been.

11.          Another 9-11. I often say, “The further away we get from 9-11, the closer we get to the next one.” I’m writing this on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the horrendous event. Since that time our enemies have learned the lessons of what is called Fourth Generational Warfare. Without going into what that is in great detail, suffice it say that 4GW is a fight of small, agile and maniacal guerilla “cells” against a superpower like ours. It took only a couple dozen terrorists and about $500,000 to pull off 9-11. A successful cyber attack or even a conventional small-arms attack on our electrical grid could push America into the Stone Age in short order. Given our wokeness/weakness, this is not out of the question either, and the effects could be more permanent than what 9-11 did to us.

Pretty gloomy stuff, I know, but this is where we are today. If your head is in the sand, please get it out. Start to prepare for what could happen out there and hope and pray that we’re able to ride out this storm. Remember, once it happens, whatever “it” is, it will be too late to prepare.

May God bless us and may God bless America. It’s no longer morning Maya Angelou, it’s twilight heading into night.

Real Heroes

Let’s face it, calling every member of the military or the Intelligence Community or teachers or first responders or medical providers HEROES cheapens the contribution and sacrifice of REAL heroes. The term “garbage marine” is one my own marine sergeant nephew attaches to some with whom he served. The term has been so overused it can be said that a hero “is in the eye of the beholder”. I’m going to state categorically that while there are many who serve, who have served or who will yet serve out country and its citizens, or our allies and their citizens (or subjects as the case may be), worthy, honorable, helpful and achieving though they may be, not all are heroes.

So who’s a hero? Perhaps it’s best to first describe who is NOT a hero.

An idol is NOT a hero. There are innumerable Hollywood celebrities who are idolized because they use that celebrity to “speak out”.  One of the biggest problems of Gen Z is sycophantically following the lead of some moron actor or actress that has no connection with the real world, believe their notoriety gives them credibility, and preys on weak minds like demagogues primarily to increase their celebrity. Just because someone is held in high esteem doesn’t make him or her a hero. Is the current president (uncapitalized deliberately) a hero because there are millions of Americans who look up to him (excuse me while I force down some bile)? The last thing I’d call the president and all who control or follow him heroes!

Someone just doing their job is NOT a hero. Serving others is not necessarily heroic. The majority of service jobs are just that: jobs. That they do jobs others won’t or can’t do doesn’t make them heroic. They may do work that requires courage, but that still doesn’t make them a hero.

So, who IS a hero?

A hero is someone who does something to serve one or more fellow human beings that requires tremendous courage or sacrifice. I’m not talking about the courage to do slightly above ordinary things. I’m talking about adrenalin flowing, internal shaking with fear courage. A hero is also someone who sets aside his or her own safety and welfare and consciously chooses to take on something that serves others because of a cause they believe in.

One caveat.

There are many fools and idiots who fall into the above categories who are NOT heroes. How? Because what they’re doing is fundamentally wrong. Many members of ANTIFA or BLM may be heroes to one another, but their cause is evil. Yes it’s a value judgment, but in my opinion, anyone who ‘heroically’ supports or advances EVIL is not a hero but a villain.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Nathanael Greene, Paul Revere, John Paul Jones, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Alan Shepard, Chuck Yeager, Rosa Parks, Theodore Roosvelt, Martin Luther King,  Oskar Schindler, Neil Armstrong, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, and on and on…THESE were heroes. All overcame tremendous adversity, scorn, ridicule, fear, doubt, trauma, withering criticism, isolation or a host of other impediments to achieve greatness, not for themselves, but for their fellow human beings.

Thus, the men and women who have organized quietly and acted with alacrity to effect the Pineapple Express rescue operation in Afghanistan are heroes. Others, unheralded, unknown to the public, unsung, are also risking their lives to save fellow citizens and allies from the grips of terrorists.

May they be blessed, guided, protected and successful.

Dear Allies

In February 2008 Michelle Obama famously said, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.” Setting aside for a moment the obvious anti-American undertone of that statement, I plagiarized/paraphrased it when her husband was re-elected in 2012 after continuing the Leftist destruction of everything we hold sacred and dear in America for four years by saying, “For the first time in my adult lifetime I’m ashamed of my country.” Today, I say “For the second time in my adult lifetime I’m ashamed of my country.” Many have echoed this sentiment in so many words, with accusations of treason and gross dereliction of duty being properly ascribed to the Puppet-in-Chief and his administration.

So, I address my blog post today to our friends in England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and all our other allies opposed to the march of totalitarianism, communism, socialism and abject Leftist idiocy across the globe.

Dear Friends and Allies,

Please understand that America is still the light shining on the Hill. Part of the cost of freedom is permitting idiots to from time to time obtain power and influence in our constitutional republic. It’s a high price to pay, but it’s worth it for the freedoms we enjoy here and those we’re hoping to preserve for you our friends around the world.

Know that the majority of the people in this country, (and among that majority I include the fat and happy, asleep, indolent, inattentive, dumbed down Democrats and similar morons who know better and who aren’t so hopelessly brainwashed that they can yet set aside their insanity and mental lethargy when tyranny and Leftism come to their doorstep), will fight for their freedom and by extension, yours.

The anger that is building among those who cherish traditional ideals is rapidly approaching a tipping point. I don’t know how this disastrous encroachment on our freedoms and traditional way of life will be arrested. The cancer that is Leftist ideology is so metastasized now that it will take us some time to stamp in out, but I do know that the silent majority in this country are waking up and speaking out. It’s evident in school board meetings, where Critical Race Theory is being exposed and will be eradicated. It’s evident even in the Leftist Main Stream Media (MSM) who are being forced to tell the truth about the incompetency and destructiveness of Biden and his administration. If you follow the money, you see that the patrons of CNN/MSNBC/NYTIMES/WashingtonPost etc. are increasingly throwing the BS flag such that the only way the MSM can retain their viewers and thus their advertising revenues is to admit the truth, and the truth, we trust, will keep us free.

So we ask you to be patient with us for a while longer. Aussies….keep protesting the tyranny you’re facing. Frenchmen and Germans, don’t let the fascists get you down. And our brothers and sisters in the U.K., know that despite the threat to your language becoming secondary in this country, we will continue to drink Guinness, celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, remember fighting side by side with you in so many conflicts, and honor the law and culture you landed on our shores so many years ago. (Just don’t ask to put extra o’s in words like color and honor.) And THANK YOU for saving Americans as you extricate your own countrymen from Kabul!

Paraphrasing some other famous words, those of the Terminator,

“We’ll be back.”


The Silent Majority of America

Just Sayin’

Those of you who follow this blog know one of my key tenets is: “Go Where They Ain’t”. It’s not that I’m a non-conformist, although that turns out to be true. It’s rather that crowds and the herd are generally things to avoid not just in a crisis but also in non-threatening times as well. Similarly, I tend to go where they ain’t when collecting information. And with respect to my views on everything from local to world affairs, I ask “why?” when wisdom becomes “conventional”.

So, for example, the conventional wisdom is, “We are not nation-builders.” Nation-building, by the way, means the idea of invading and occupying a land afflicted by dictatorship or civil war and turning it into a democracy. That line is dogma for conservatives and in general, I don’t believe we should be nation builders, however, when I ask “why?” I have to also think that in the absence of us “exporting freedom and democracy”, what takes place? Turns out despotic adversaries like China and Russia move in for hegemonic reasons. That’s not good.

Another bit of conventional wisdom is, “America can’t be the world’s police force.” On this matter I have to ask, “What happens when we abandon that role?” Again, China and Russia move in. Is that what’s good for society and the world at large?

“We must withdraw from Afghanistan!” I have to ask, “why?” While we maintained a presence there, as we have in South Korea, Japan, Europe and other places around the world where we’ve acted as policemen, the country wasn’t great, but look at what we have now! And I don’t think a “prudent withdrawal” would have created a different outcome from the Taliban taking over.

No, I submit we ought to think about whether we SHOULD maintain an active military presence in places like Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and other locales where we’ve spent blood and treasure both eliminating evil and also setting up self-determination (aka democracy). Walk away and we might think we’re doing ourselves a service, but every time we’ve done so, it’s cost us more in the long run!

It boils down to this. Either we believe that freedom and democracy are good and dictatorships and terrorist-led theocracies like the Taliban are evil, or we don’t. If we believe in freedom, doesn’t it become our DUTY to export it and ensure it around the world? Or do we pull in our horns, think we can create a bulwark against it with walls and prosperity here at home, and allow other nations whose ideologies and societal norms we believe to be evil, take over?

I grew up in Europe, an American kid going to an American school, surrounded by Americans, but with local foreign friends as well. They envied us. They worshipped the United States because of the freedoms and wealth that we enjoyed. Were we to leave our bases in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, they would be terrified! Our troops provide a deterrent that keeps bad actors from taking over. Had we troops in the Ukraine, or better, in Crimea, do you think Russia would have annexed it as they have?

If we stop patrolling the Taiwan Strait (and now, weak as we appear to be, even if we KEEP patrolling the Taiwan Strait), or the South China Sea, how quickly do you think the Chinese will take them over? They’re already establishing military bases in the disputed Spratly Islands and we’re just letting them get away with it. THAT’s what happens when we adopt the position, “We can’t be the world’s police force.”

Yes we can, and yes we should. It ain’t cheap, and it ain’t easy. But if we’re going to restore our nation as the Light Upon the Hill, I think we need to reconsider our foreign policy, our influence and Sole Superpower status.

Just sayin’