Remember the Alamo and 2020

The dust hasn’t settled, but the Left has wasted no time attempting to complete the “fundamental transformation” of America. Unless one has one’s head in the sand, which, regrettably, millions do thanks to a media that has successfully created an alternative reality that they’ve been brainwashed to accept, the slide down the slippery slope to the destruction of the greatest civilization ever known to man has accelerated almost to the point of no return. As we go forth, we must never forget what the Left did to us in 2020.

What we see happening right before our eyes is Evil unleashed. I used to think of the Leftists as whack-a-moles. At least with whack-a-mole the player has a chance at winning. I would now characterize what’s happening as the gates of Hell being opened and its hounds unleashed. The outcome of this war is uncertain. And while I hope and pray that Right and Truth will prevail, the tide is clearly in favor of the Left and Lies.

The Left has been trying to gain complete control of our country for several generations. All the political shenanigans, all the lies and distortions, all the mischaracterizations and outright falsehoods the Left has perpetrated, the cheating, the duplicity, the outright theft…in 2020 all was coordinated to bring about the outcome we are now witnessing: the destruction of America as we know it and its replacement with a Marxist/socialist utopian wet-dream.

“Come on Grumps, don’t you think you’re being a bit shrill and melodramatic,” one might ask?

I don’t think so. As each day goes by a new atrocity is unwrapped. Here it is the end of March, and look at what’s happened. I’m going to assume that readers are already quite aware of all these things, so this is a just a list to summarize what we’ve since inauguration day:

  • The “Biden-Harris” administration directive.
  • Harris speaking to world leaders instead of Biden.
  • 1:15 PM “lids” on Biden’s day routinely.
  • $1.9 Trillion Covid boondoggle handouts to Leftists – only 9% actually for Covid.
  • Biden promised we would never see tax hikes
  • Keystone Pipeline shut down: skyrocketing gas prices, destroying America’s energy independence
  • Attempt to force $15 minimum wage
  • $3 TRILLION “infrastructure” bill to fund “Green New Deal” on tap
  • Slavery reparations for “systemic racism”
  • Defunding the police
  • Obliviousness to the REAL insurrections in major cities on the part of ANTIFA and BLM
  • The push for single-payer healthcare
  • Making the ‘wealthy’ pay their “fair share”
  • Rampant cancel culture
  • Kowtowing to the teachers’ unions on re-opening the schools
  • Stopping the completion of the Wall – The Crisis at the Mexican Border
  • Prospective elimination of the Filibuster
  • HR-1 to institutionalize fraudulent elections
  • DC Statehood now being debated
  • Students ethnic studies and critical rate theory curricula imposed
  • Dissolution of the 1776 Commission and promotion anew of the 1619 Project
  • Executive order on transgenders in sports and the “Equality Act” abomination
  • Penalties being placed on “climate deniers”
  • Cancel culture: Aunt Jemima, Pepe LePew, Mr. Potato Head, Mark Twain, Dr. Seuss
  • Statues of Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson being destroyed
  • Rejoining the Iran accord
  • Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord
  • Kissing up to the Palestinians again: obsession with the 2-State solution and undermining of the Abraham Accords
  • Putting the U.S. back on its heels versus the Chinese who made fools of Biden’s team in Alaska.
  • The White Supremacy canard.
  • North Korea flexing its muscles again
  • They’re coming for your guns
  • Cancelling Christianity

If this isn’t a tsunami of evil and filth I don’t know what is!

A better summary is provided by Lauri Regan’s article in American Thinker dated March 25, 2021 entitled “What Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Wrought“.

Here’s her conclusion, quoted verbatim:

So here we are. Unity? Moderation? Not in a Biden-Harris administration that brags about passing the most “progressive bill in American history.” Not in an administration driven by reversing Trump policy no matter how successful while driven by divisiveness, lies, ideology, and power. But Trump’s gone so we have that going for us.  Sadly, the 74 million American voters who didn’t cast ballots for these awful people and policies will pay the price for the vapidity of Americans filled with enough hate and ignorance to elect this garbage.

“Remember 2020” needs to be the new patriot’s rallying cry!