Considering Homeschooling

The Leftist indoctrination and brainwashing of our children has intensified to the point where parents who love them and care about our Nation’s future should seriously consider homeschooling, private or parochial schools. Not every family can afford private or parochial schools, however, so homeschooling may be the only realistic alternative.

Making the decision and committing to homeschooling would represent a tectonic shift in a family’s life to say the least. Dual incomes and $1000 iPhones has replaced living within our means, the traditional norm of father providing for the family, mother tending the hearth and nurturing the children, and the schools educating and preparing our youth to become productive achievers in our society.

Homeschooling would decidedly alter the current paradigm. Your taxes would still be paying for those teacher retirement benefits (largely), your income would drop and costs will rise, but it may be the only way to counteract the destructive ideology that has infused the curriculum and that is the real driving force tearing our country apart and causing our country’s decline.

I’ve only begun to research this topic, but virtually everything I read about the practice, in terms of preparing children for the world they face and equipping them with the tools they will need to survive in their future, is positive, even laudatory.

Mom usually takes on the homeschooling challenge and not all of our daughters and daughters-in-law are either educationally or emotionally able to do so. But for those who are, though it may mean abandoning or putting their careers on hold and running a different race than the one called “keeping up with the Jones”, it could be the most rewarding and fulfilling occupation of their lives. I don’t think it’s an overstatement to suggest that a generation of well-taught-through-homeschooling or private schooled kids could save the future of America.

One of the websites I found to be a useful introduction and guide to homeschooling is Mary Ann Kelley’s The Home School Mom. It lists many of the benefits of homeschooling, among them:

Academic flexibility. Homeschooling can work whether a child is ahead, behind, strong-willed, creative, challenging, quiet, gifted, or active.

Meeting current needs now. You can prioritize a child’s mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical health.

Meaningful learning. Avoid teaching to the test, testing mania in general, and arbitrary minimal standards.

Foster less peer dependence. Less early exposure to drugs, alcohol, sexual activity, and bullying.

Build a sense of safety. Parents can take their own steps to keep their children physically safe, and children can feel secure. (Grumps note: this also means safety from indoctrination and brainwashing!)

The full description of benefits can be found here.

I might add that taking on the responsibility for educating one’s children would of course force parents to become more educated themselves, and lifelong learning for us adults is a good thing too!

The education lobby will weep, wail and gnash their teeth, of course, and as the homeschooling trend continues to accelerate the assault by the Leftist-infused teacher’s unions will be ferocious. But consider these facts taken from research done by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D of the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) and published in January of this year:

  • “There are over 2.3 million homeschool students in the United States. That is, there were an estimated 2.3 million in spring 2016, and this was up from one estimate of about 2 million home-educated children (in grades K to 12) during the spring of 2010 in the United States. It appears the homeschool population is continuing to grow at an estimated 2% to 8% per annum over the past few years.”
  • “The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public school students on standardized academic achievement tests.”

As I wrote earlier, I’ve barely scratched the surface of this subject, but as a grandfather increasingly worried about my kids’ and grandkids’ future, as well as the future of America , I urge everyone to seriously consider abandoning the current educational rat race and provide the second most important thing (love comes first!) parents can provide their children: a sound education.