Sleep at Night Investing

My economics professor strode into the amphitheater the first day and in bold letters wrote “TINSTAAFL” on the board. He then turned to face the class and, waving the chalk in his hand as if he were holding a brand new dollar bill boldly stated, “Ain’t that sexy!”, and then marched out the door.

“TINSTAAFL” we all wondered. And then we got it…”There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.”

Similarly, I have been known to say, “TINSTAARFI”. “There Is No Such Thing As A Risk Free Investment.”

As I write this the stock market has plunged 350 points, after a see saw ride yesterday. Is the economy roaring? Yes. Is unemployment at a historical low? Yes. Are wages going up? Yes. Is the current administration slowly but surely getting the government off our backs? Yes. Are people better off today than they were 3 years ago? Yes.

Then why is the stock market going down?

The flip answer is, “Because there are more sellers than buyers.” The actual answer is not much more profound than that, but has at least three parts:

1) Because the “arbs” as they’re called (short for arbitrageurs or short-term, professional traders) are watching each other and have all joined a herd that are headed for the exit;

2) Because the computer algorithms that work in hundredths’ of a second have calculated that the market is going down; and,

3) Most importantly, because the headlines today are full of fear and dread: the China trade talks are stalled; our favorite Venezuelan insurgent’s attempt to oust the country’s dictator failed last week; Israel and Hamas are trading rockets; the Iranians are threatening to blockade (hah!) the Strait of Hormuz; and of course, the Arctic ice is melting.

In short, there are more sellers than buyers.

Depending on your investing goals, where you are in your life cycle, and a slew of other factors, a plummet in the stock market is either a shoulder shrug or a catastrophe. If you’re thirty something and you buy on the dips, this is a good thing. If you were about to cash out of a bunch of stock because you needed it for your daughter’s wedding or to make the final payment on that boat you’re having built, it’s a bad thing.

There are enough investment “experts” (see my article on this subject here) to provide reading material and television fodder that I don’t want to upset the apple cart. But I don’t know you, I’m not your advisor, and I can only suggest that if you are in danger of needing anything from Maalox to a defibrillator due to stock market gyrations, I have the following suggestion:

Put all your money in boring, low-yielding bank certificates of deposit and treasury bills, notes and bonds.


Because if you create the right mix of these instruments, you will earn an entirely predictable return on your money and be completely immune from market gyrations such as today’s. (P.S. the market is now down over 500 points).

“WOAH!”, the talking heads and experts will scream! You will lose money if you do this because while you may avoid market risk, you will still face inflation risk. In other words, your purchasing power will erode.

My answer to this fallacy is: the fees and commissions you pay for the advice you’re getting from the “experts” is likely more than enough to offset that risk, especially when inflation is low to moderate as it has been for some years and is likely to be for some years to come. Follow my suggestion and you’ll be able to avoid middle men entirely, saving you money and wear and tear on your body and psyche from sleepless nights.

By the way. I realize this is a touchy subject…one that could prompt hours and hours of hand-wringing and vituperations from my former Wall Street colleagues, but I offer up this suggestion because I managed just such a portfolio for my own father in his retirement, never paying a commission, never paying a percentage of “assets under management”, and month after month, quarter after quarter and year after year he pulled out of his “nest egg” more than enough to live on comfortably. In years when interest rates were relatively higher, he didn’t spend the extra, but we reinvested it and his nest egg grew. When rates were down, he still took out what he needed, and he slept well and was a happy camper until the day he died.

The market as I write this is now down 600 points. How will you sleep tonight?

The Left Should be Red! The Right – Blue

Now that the Left has officially wrapped itself in the Socialist cloak, why are we still referring to the Right as Red and the Left as Blue?

Red is the color of protest and revolution. Red is the color of Communism. We used to say, “Better dead than Red”! Historically, Federalists and Republicans (think Alexander Hamilton and Abe Lincoln) dressed in and were associated with the color blue.

I’ve read many of the explanations of how it is that every Right/ Conservative/ Traditional party and movement in the world is colored Blue while in the U.S. the Right is Red. And I’ve looked at the analysis of how and when the colors got switched.

My conclusion is that the media is responsible for the reversal. Those of us who lived through the sixties have known that for years the television network media (NBC, CBS, ABC- later, CNN) were increasingly infiltrated by the forerunners of our current Leftist News managements and staff. (Academia and Law were similarly infested, which is probably a more appropriate term, but that will be the subject of a different article.)

With the advent of color television, it made sense to contrast the Left and Right with different colors, but in an attempt to paint the Right as radical, reactionary, hostile (i.e. “Red”) and all the other adjectives normally applied to them, the denizens of the Leftist media (whether in collusion with one another or not we’ll need a Special Counsel to discern) showed Democrats as a cool and collected Blue.

Why do I draw this conclusion? Because the networks used the excuse, “Red and Republican both start with R.” Nonsense! It was deliberate, conscious, and now, completely contrary and opposite to what everyone knows: the Left and Democrats are the radicals, the socialists, the victims, the losers, while the Republicans are the optimists, the patriotic, the traditionalists, the meritocrats, the builders and the winners.

The Right are also the Silent Majority. In 2016, they said, “enough is enough”…the Left has taken us too far down the slippery slope”, and it took a major shock (Trump) to our political system to reverse course and start us on the long climb back up that hill.

So from this point on, we here at GrumpsReport will start referring to Republicans/ Conservatives/ Traditionalists… the RIGHT, as BLUE, and the Democrats/ Takers/ Victims/ Earth Worshipers/ Infanticidals/ as RED – the color of communism, socialism, nihilism and statism.

Phew..I feel better now having gotten that off my chest.  

It’s a Question of DEGREE!

When information is presented to us, the conclusions we reach at first glance may be what the presenter wants us to conclude, and may not reflect reality. For example, how MUCH hypocrisy; how MUCH falsehood; how MUCH racism; how Much of ANYTHING (!) is relevant and important.

Split a screen in two. Put a Leftist on one side and a Traditionalist on the other. Let the subject be Hypocrisy. The Leftist will cite example after example of conservative icons demonstrating hypocritical behavior. The Traditionalist will cite example after example of liberal/’progressive” icons demonstrating hypocritical behavior.

The casual viewer will conclude, “Both sides do it, they’re EQUALLY wrong!”

Here’s the problem. The split screen and selection of examples demonstrate that the sin of hypocrisy exists on both sides. What it DOESN’T show is the DEGREE to which each side engages in it.

It’s like the games played with representations of statistics. The following two graphs show identical data. Which presents the rosier picture of growth?

Back to the Hypocrisy graphic. By splitting the screen into two equal parts and by showing the same number of examples on each side of the argument, one would be led to believe that the Left is no more prone to hypocrisy than the Right. Usually, the argument devolves into a shouting match (either figuratively or literally!) in an attempt to bludgeon the opponent.

Whom to believe? What are the FACTS?

I wish we could tell you. Unfortunately, all we can do is give you our OPINION. We recommend that you employ critical thinking, do your own research and arrive at your own conclusion on virtually any subject. JUST DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ OR SEE!

PS, our OPINION is that the Left’s circle in the Hypocrisy diagram above is in reality a hundred times larger than the one on the Right. Think of the representations you’ve seen comparing the circumference of the Earth compared to that of the Sun. THAT’s a better depiction of the imbalance!

Left, Right or Center

Seems like there’s a new website, journal, emagazine or activist organization formed every day. How does one know where they reside on the Far Right to Far Left continuum?

Bias exists – period (.) We will go one step further: Every communication and human interaction is either verbally or non-verbally biased. We can’t help it. We are the product of our DNA and our experience and how we view and respond to the world is colored and informed by these two key ingredients.

One of the things we do unconsciously is make snap judgments about whether what we’re encountering in the media or in life conforms with our own biases or not. For comfort, we seek input that conforms. For critical thinking and challenge, or to engage in the battle of ideas, we look at input that conflicts. It’s hard to find “middle ground” on anything!

Sometimes it’s advantageous to have a clue, in advance, whether an information source is going to conform with our world view or not. There are lots of different scales, but for sake of simplicity we describe the spectrum with bookends at the Far Left and Far Right, a Center of course, and then with Left and Center-Left and Center-Right and Right stops in each direction.

Full Disclosure: As if you haven’t already figured it out, GrumpsReport is RIGHT!

There’s a site (of course there’s a site – there’s a site for everything) that purports to classify publications according to their bias. There’s even a cute “app” (for those of you living under a rock, an “app” is what we used to call a ‘software program’ or ‘software APPlication’) that you can install in your web browser that will automatically place a little icon (no, not a religious artifact but a small picture or image you can usually click on), in the top right corner that will label the publication as being at one of the above stops on the spectrum.

It is offered by Media Bias Fact Check and installs in seconds. It works primarily for publications, but since most organizations (e.g. the NRA) have publications, navigating to the organization’s site usually produces a result as well.

This is useful. So, for example, as we viewed the coverage of the recent Notre Dame fire, one of the sites we monitored was France24. France24 is CENTER-LEFT (you’d expect it to be… after all, it’s FRENCH!) and that helped us interpret what they were saying.

Similarly, we like to read what the Brit newspapers are saying about Brexit. The Daily Telegraph is RIGHT; The Guardian is CENTER-LEFT. That’s good to have in the back of our minds as we peruse what they’re saying.

Imprecise and biased (!) as these classifications may be, we think they’re interesting at worst and useful at best when we’re looking at information sources on the ‘Net.

We hope you will too.

Pushing the Pendulum Back the Other Way

In a society where celebrity politics reigns and people have the attention span of a gnat, how do we push the pendulum, now way too far to the Left and still moving in that direction, back the other way?

We think fire must be fought with fire.

With so many noses glued to tiny screens and every headline, every advertisement, every video and picture competing for “Shock Jock of the Year Award”; when supposed adults are more interested in keeping up with some Hollywood  actor or YouTube personality’s life than attending a local school board meeting; when “emotional intelligence” substitutes for critical thinking and REAL intelligence; in a world where clever phrases, “tweets” and seven second soundbites substitute for journalism, and where politicians have the audacity to say things like, “That may be YOUR truth, but it isn’t MY truth”…

…absent an alien invasion (from outer space…you have to differentiate these days from the one happening at our border) or global pandemic, or God forbid a real revolution, how can this Leftist idiocy be halted and sanity be restored?

We had hoped that a truly inspiring leader could serve as the adult, meting out harsh love and discipline to an otherwise dysfunctional adolescent populace. Alas, with the megaphones having been handed out to both the Far Right as well as the Far Left, no-one, and we mean NO-ONE is capable of cutting through the din.

So, how does a traditionalist society without a messianic leader effect the change so desperately needed?

First, we need to recognize that those of us who wish to inspire a return to traditional society will only be able to accomplish this by accepting that short attention spans and obsession with celebrity are ‘givens’, that emotion and not reason will continue to guide many if not most of our society. Thus, it must be done through a tugging of heart-strings or shocking stimuli – “Fire with fire”. We need to “Grab ’em”, like the Left has grabbed the airwaves with its drivel. We need to elevate heroes who prevail over Leftist cancer.

We’d be remiss if we didn’t give recognition to some organizations who are already trying to do this: The Hallmark Channel, for instance, has displaced Disney as the destination for heart-string-tugging shows celebrating traditional values. The highly successful “Blue Bloods” series, starring Tom Selleck as the head of an intergenerational family of NY cops, is filled with traditional values. There are quite a few others, including many serious, Talk Radio and cable or television non-shout-fest shows that are also contributing mightily to the fight. And we have to give huge credit to traditionalist celebrities who have had the courage to “come out” in Hollywood: James Woods, Clint Eastwood, Dean Cain, Mike Rowe, to name just a few.

We need more!

We need stories of individuals and families who encounter and are forced to fight against Leftist, amoral oppression…and who prevail, winning back hearts and minds to fundamental principles of right and wrong, of good and evil.

And we need comedy! In a brilliant article written by Mike LaChance in June 2018 on Town Hall, he suggested there be a mirror alternative to Saturday Night Live called “Live from Omaha!” Although tongue-in-cheek, there’s much merit in what he suggests. It’s recommended reading!

As LaChance notes, if we want to win the culture war we need to “Meet the left on their own turf and beat them at their own game. It would devastate their narrative and remind millions of Americans that not everyone agrees with the Democrat Media Complex. If we’re serious about culture, we have to get in the game.”

He concludes with, “As they say with the lottery, you can’t win if you don’t play”.

We agree.

The First Law of Experts

Seems like EVERYONE is an expert nowadays. The talking head on the television is an expert. Your neighbor down the street is an expert. Your barber or hairdresser is an expert. Your twelve-year-old with her iPhone in her hand or pressed against her ear is an expert, and so on and so forth!

Here’s the law:

“On any subject one can find a minimum of twelve, world-renowned experts who can cite irrefutable, documented, empirical evidence to support arguments which are diametrically opposed to one another.”

Think about it. Name any subject. Do a search on it. You will receive a zillion “hits” ranging from complete and utter nonsense to what just may be real, valuable information. It’s frequently difficult to tell the difference!

Take, for example, the subject of vaccinations and the controversy over whether they cause autism. Or, how about mammograms, or PSA tests for prostate cancer? What about whether or not holding cell phones to our ears causes brain tumors?

How about a really critical subject like, say, “strawberry jam”. Do a search on this very important food group and in .51 seconds you will get 7,500,000 “hits” (no kidding!). Among them you will find scholarly articles from experts on how to make it, the best ways to use it recipes, discussions on preserves vs. jam vs. jellies and whether they’re interchangeable…you get the idea.

How about the serious topic of healthcare. One would hope that visiting several doctors for an upper respiratory infection would result in similar diagnoses, prognoses and prescriptions. But it’s possible, perhaps even likely, that there will be significant variation in what one doc says versus another, ranging from “take two aspirin and call me in the morning” to ” let’s run blood tests to ensure you don’t have tuberculosis,” to “I’m going to order an MRI to rule out a structural anomaly in your lungs.”

So, there’s a corollary to the First Law of Experts. It goes like this.

Corollary 1 to the First Law of Experts

“Only listen to those whom you trust and apply critical thinking of your own to ascertain what’s right for YOU.”

In other words, in these times of information overload, be skeptical of experts, trust your own judgement and don’t allow yourself to be misled by broad generalizations or people who have ulterior motives like their own interests at heart.

Traditionalists vs. Progressives

by Treadstone (Contributor)

The battle for the soul of our country is not between Republicans and Democrats, not between Conservatives and Liberals, but between Traditionalists and so-called Progressives; in broad terms, the “Right” and the “Left”.

First of all, Progressives aren’t progressive. Just listen to any of the Democrat presidential candidates for 2020, all of whom wrap themselves in the “Progressive” label, and you’ll hear a mish-mash of old, tired, recycled Marxist/Socialist drivel dressed in inflammatory and headline-grabbing, 7 second soundbites and catchy phrases. It’s lipstick on a pig. It’s regressive, not progressive.

Look up “Traditionalists” and you’ll see a variety of definitions and descriptions. Some equate Traditionalists with religious conservatives, some with people born before 1945, some call Traditionalists the “silent generation”.

We characterize Traditionalists as those who espouse many or most of the Core Values listed in our About Page. In shorthand, we us the term “The Right” even though that term itself has many connotations. We use The Left as the opposing side in the culture war.

We Traditionals on The Right look around us and are appalled, perhaps even frightened by what we see happening before our eyes. We know we live in the greatest country in the world, but we see the light-shining-on-the-hill dimming, perhaps not precipitously, but as in a death by a thousand cuts, slowly but surely.

At its core, our society is still more traditional than not, but the megaphones the Internet and social media have put in the hands of Progressives: “victims”, takers, losers, indolent, faithless and statists gives them undue influence and exposure.

We recently came across a really good essay by John Hawkins on Town Hall that nails what’s happening to our culture.  We suggest reading the whole article, but here are the bullet points:

  • We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won’t educate themselves or who won’t work.
  • We’ve allowed pornography to become so accessible that it’s practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.
  • We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.
  • We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.
  • More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.
  • Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.
  • Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.
  • There’s a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be “offended” by things.
  • Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.
  • Legalism has superseded morality and what’s “right” and “wrong” has become secondary to what’s “legal” and “illegal.”
  • We’re the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.
  • Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.
  • In practice, our society focuses almost exclusively on the short term without thinking about the long-term consequences of our actions.
  • We have a higher moral standard for the NFL than we do for our own leaders in Washington.
  • We have a political party dedicated to the idea taking things from people who’ve worked for it and giving it to people who haven’t.
  • We make little effort to assimilate immigrants into our society and instead, encourage them to embrace the culture they fled for the United States.
  • We’ve stopped acting as if we have to pay back the money we borrow.
  • We treat the rule of law as optional, depending on who’s impacted by it.
  • We believe our children can grow up in a moral sewer and still turn out to be fine, upstanding citizens regardless.

Hawkins’ conclusion is both devastating as well as prescriptive:

We’ve become so divided, so antagonistic, so morally separated that for the first time in over a century there are people asking hard questions about how much we really have in common with other Americans. If you’re comparing let’s say a conservative from South Carolina to a liberal from California, the honest answer is “not much that matters.” Perhaps not even enough to hold a country together over the long haul if one group or the other ever became politically dominant.

There’s only one way to change that and it’s to address the real sickness at the heart of American culture. That sickness is our newfound reluctance to address the moral health of our society. Over the long haul, we can’t thrive and we may not even be able to survive as a divided, degenerate society full of people who reward failure, resent success and live for the moment. Morality matters and if we forget that, our nation is doomed to descend into decadence, decay and perhaps one day, even dissolution.”

Quite simply, we agree. In other articles we attempt to answer the question, “So how do we revive basic morality in our country?” Stay tuned.

Wish We Could Have Said It Like That!

We find sometimes that other wise and talented writers have said what we want to say better than we can. So in our articles you’ll often find us quoting them or inserting hyperlink references. We always give credit where credit is due. Even if we repeat something we’ve heard before and can’t recall or identify who said it, we’ll acknowledge that the words are not original.

On the other hand, sometimes we come up with thoughts and arguments on our own that we later learn were almost verbatim what someone previously said. In those cases we aren’t even aware of the unconscious plagiarism until someone points the peccadillo out to us, and so we apologize, in advance.

But since our goal is to promote our core values, we’ll always try to give you both “straight scoop” as well as the best information, stated as well as possible, whether original or sourced elsewhere!

As an example, many authors have described the current state of Leftist thinking in clever and engaging terms, and we came across an article the other day on American Thinker written by Deana Chadwell that sums it up nicely. Click here for her April 23, 2019 piece entitled  “Living in Leflandia.”

See what we mean?