Changing The Basic Concepts Of Society

As I read about the soon to be passed, euphemistically named “Respect for Marriage Act” I shake my head once again at the Left’s success at changing the definition of fundamental concepts to suit their agenda. It’s all ok, of course, because this is meant to be “progressive” and move us further toward that utopian fantasy where we can “all just get along”.

The skill with which the Left (i.e. Democrats) are able to use the media and high production values to beguile or bludgeon us into changing what we name concepts and thus continue to insidiously change society as a whole is astonishing.

“Illegal Alien” is now “Undocumented Immigrant”.

“Global Warming” is now “Climate Change”.

“Sex Change Operation” is now “Gender Affirming Care”

“Male and Female” is “Sex Fluidity”, “Non-Binary” or any number of other ridiculous labels

“AR 15 Style Rifle” is “Assault Weapon”

“Utopian Absurdity” is “Progressive”

And now, in a reversal of the “Defense of Marriage Act” passed under the Clinton Administration, this “Respect for Marriage Act” changes a definition that has existed since Adam and Eve.

On the one hand, I get it that in some ways calling the committed relationship between same sex couples “marriage” is a shortcut way to ensure that, for example, a same-sex “spouse” enjoys the same rights and benefits as a heterosexual spouse in everything from hospital visits to probate law. On the other hand, these inequities were already being addressed with laws and policies being incrementally changed under the rubric “civil unions”.

What galls me is the degree to which the Left has sought, in many cases successfully, to shove their ideology down our throats. The LBGTQXXX invasion of our school curriculum is another example. Cancel culture, the designation “deniers” of this or that…all are meant to shame and or/demonize what has traditionally been the norm since the beginning of time.

In short, the tail is wagging the dog. A small minority of green or multi-colored haired, aberrant deviants, given a very loud megaphone by the “cool ones”…i.e. the unproductive losers who make up the majority of the print, televised and social media, funded by megalomaniacal, power-hungry and bent-on-domination godzillionaires, are destroying everything that made our country, and society in general, the most prosperous and civilized in the history of mankind. All so they can feel good about themselves, in the case of the deviants, or for power advancement, in the case of the puppet-string pullers.

Not only is the Left successfully changing the meaning of things, it is also successfully demeaning, censoring, blasting any voice that dares utter opposition to this civilizational suicide. Comparisons with Germany in the 30’s and what has repeatedly happened in totalitarian regimes across the globe aside, what’s happening to 2020’s America is nothing less than the necrosis of the greatest civilization in world history.

Can it be halted? Can it be reversed? I think so. For the good of my children, my grandchildren, my fellow-Americans and for all sane and traditional-minded human beings around the world, I pray so.


It was ugly, but we’ll take the win. My worst case scenario materialized – we took the House but not the Senate. Blame can be placed wherever you want. Firing Nancy Pelosi and being able to block the Biden administration idiocy and masochism was a critical precedent for climbing back up the slippery slope.

Trump running? If, and that’s a huge if, he can stay on message and not revert to his childish name-calling and belittling tactics, he just might, and it’s a tough bet, win over enough independents to win in 2024. Some big if’s there. More likely, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is tired of the antics, the self-aggrandizement, the narcissism, the self-promotion. If he’d just act his age instead of like a schoolyard bully who put on a clean shirt to run for student body president, we have a shot at winning it all in 2024. But if the Dems recruit Tulsi Gabbard or Joe Manchin or some similarly popular and populist figure, Trump will go down in flames.

As much as we’d like to think that performance record is the determining factor in how people pull the lever on election day, it ain’t! This election proved that. How on earth could the Red Wave not have materialized given the Left’s performance record?

They won because of OTHER factors: visceral factors; clever marketing and merchandising; good production values in the pro and con messaging, and, of course, exploitation of the rule changes, habitual and proven cheating methods and above all, the hundreds of millions of dollars of free propaganda supplied by the main stream media.

That Lurch (Fetterman) could have won in Pennsylvania, or pre-adolescent Hobbs in Arizona, is testament to the gullibility of the masses and the ability of the MSM to manipulate perception, thus reality.

So on we go. If this next House doesn’t get its act together and learn how to fight, how to use their newly acquired power to stymie the Left’s agenda and fully expose, prosecute and perp-walk their rampant corruption, the pendulum will swing back to the dark side ever more powerfully next time.

You can’t win by pointing out the other guy’s a fool. You have to beat him at his own game, and if you’re not fighting on your chosen ground but his, i.e. on a field occupied by dumbed-down, dependent losers, you have to be a better Santa Claus. Parents have the hardest time teaching their children right and wrong. The GOP are the adult parents, and the Democrat Left are, predominantly, the immature, dysfunctional, self-absorbed and prodigal children.

Time for some tough love. I hope McCarthy and the GOP can apply it.


The elephant in my room is large and gray. Why did we not crush/sweep/bury the Democrats in this election? With, ostensibly, 75% of the American public saying we’re going in the wrong direction, with inflation, an open border, unchecked crime, energy dependence, stunted education, outright lying, corruption and tyranny at every level of government, with candidates like Fetterman and Hobbs and Hochul even in contention, with so-called leadership in the hands of incompetents and fools like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, etc., how could there have been any question but that the Republicans would sweep the Democrats from control of Congress?

Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not going to answer the question. There are analysts and pundits wracking their brains and working overtime trying to figure it out.

Frankly, I feared this might happen. Our elation and excitement, then our pre-election hubris was a warning sign.

As I’ve noted a hundred times, the Left was and remains bent on creating chaos, just as Alinsky prescribed. Deftly using the propaganda machine on a now-dumbed down populace, they have created perceptions that have shaped reality for at least half and maybe more of us. Chaos so obscures that weak minds can and were and remain susceptible to the lies and nonsense saturating the airwaves, on both sides.

America isn’t just polarized at this point. It’s balkanized! There is no clean dividing line…the ideological landscape is splotchy…pockets of red and blue intermingled but directly proportional to population concentration. By that I mean, where people are concentrated in the cities it’s blue. As the population thins, it goes from pink to red. Why? Because losers, the unproductive huddle where they can be fed and clothed and taken care of, and concentrations of power and money in the hands of a cabal of Leftist megalomaniacs that can be doled out and used to control the people are attractive to the indolent, the unmotivated, the uninformed. They just want their Obama phones!

The productive, the self-reliant, the industrious, lovers of freedom, truth and meritocracy, don’t tend to concentrate at all. The more elbow-room they have, the more free they feel and the more self-determining they can be. They just want to be left alone to care for themselves and their loved ones. They are red.

Step back for a moment and look at how far we as a nation have descended down the slippery slope. We are now questioning the very essence of humanity…what is a man, what is a woman? We legalize brain-altering substances; we force compliance with unproven and as it turns out, ineffective “cures”; a blind eye is turned towards not just petty but even heinous crime; corruption permeates and has destroyed virtually every institution. The media, writ large, dominates our discourse. Gone are dinner table discussions. Gone is civility. Gone is the unifying influence of faith and dedication to country that once guided us.

Ayn Rand is turning in her grave as person after person shoots themselves in the foot! Half of us won’t even be driven by logical self-interest! Rather, we have allowed ourselves to be subjugated to circumstances that HURT US! How stupid can so many of us be?

And it’s not just happening here in the U.S. It is happening all over the Western World. Any student of history will tell you that what we are witnessing is a repeat of the demise of all the great civilizations. We are past the apogee and in a flat spin plummeting towards a state where third world countries and ideologies are now rising while we fall.

This election was expected to be the turning point, a significant advance back up the slippery slope. Instead, we must now regroup back at the bottom, lick our wounds and coalesce so as to fight the cancer that prevents us from healing. However, we need to forget about trying to unify the whole country. We need to unify ourselves first! We need to identify and rally behind a leader or leaders who will inspire us to set aside our rugged individualism for the good of the whole. We need to organize and speak and act with one voice as the Left so successfully does. We need to use their Alinsky techniques on THEM! We must surround, isolate, belittle, neutralize and eradicate the cancer pocket by pocket.

Let’s study what happened and pray the path back up the slippery slope becomes clearer and better lit.

Ten Reasons To Vote Democrat On November 8th

I can’t claim to be the author of this list. Credit and attribution goes to Pete McArdle via American Thinker. I urge my readers to read the whole article here.

Pete begins with this: “Regular readers of American Thinker are well aware of all the reasons why anyone with a conscience and a modicum of intelligence should vote Republican on Election Day.  But at present, sadly, there appears to be a surfeit of potential U.S. voters lacking a moral center, a working cerebral cortex, or both.”

Here is his list:

“You like your leaders brain-dead and nearly as old as Methuselah.

You love paying taxes

You want to kill inconvenient babies

You’re a criminal

You’re a druggie

You think you may be a two-spirit, genderqueer femboi

You like siccing the FBI and IRS on your political opponents

You hate yourself for being white

You believe what the media tell you

You hate America”

And he ends,

“God forbid we make America great again.”


On A Positive Note

With permission from a friend and reader, I reprint a heartwarming letter from him to his naval officer son as the latter leaves for deployment on one of our great Navy ships. It captures just about everything a God-fearing, patriotic American would and should hold true.

“Dear Son,

Today you start writing the story of the next chapter of your life. Time to flip the switch from student to professional. From this day forward you will be judged by what you say,  what you do, and how you present yourself. All future opportunities in the organization will depend on people’s perception of you and only you can manage that. Always be mindful of your leadership position and the responsibility that attaches.

Grow thick skin. Much stress, feedback and ball busting dead ahead. Your bosses will test you to see how you handle it. Manage response and body language. Never give the bastards the satisfaction.

Embrace the chain of command and resist the trap of micro management. Let your NCOs know what needs to be done and when and turn them loose. Let them deal with the enlisted bullshit, stay above the fray. Delegation is a key management skill. Give your team responsibility and authority to complete tasks and monitor and mentor for compliance. It instills trust both ways and inspires loyalty.

First 30 days: mouth shut, eyes and ears open. Old quote: “Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”.  Identify the competent, smart team members and develop relationships but always maintain a degree of professional separation with subordinates.

Lead by example. Appearance, demeanor, language, knowledge etc. Be the “Boss” they will remember as a professional who was competent and had their backs.

Take care of your people. Be fair and just. Do what you know in your heart is right.

Giving people a voice is a great tool and has always worked for me. You may not be able to give them what they want or agree, but they will appreciate the opportunity to present their perspective and ultimately accept your decisions.

Learn from and respect seniors and always maintain an open mind. Listen to their endless war/sea stories with great interest and they will embrace you. Take pearls of wisdom from each and build into your management style/approach.

Finally, head on a swivel, when things start going sideways…slow it down. When the shit starts people will look to you for calm leadership. Inevitably mistakes and accidents will happen. Make reasonable decisions… but make a goddamn decision. Indecisiveness is a poison to the team and mission. Assess all available information, consider options and pick the best path forward.

Take ownership of the good and bad. No excuses only explanations of thought processes and lessons learned.

Finally, be safe and take great care. I love you with all my heart and am indescribably proud of you.

Life starts to speed up now…enjoy the ride.

Fair winds and following seas my boy!

Much love,


To which I add, “God Speed”!


A friend of mine penned an email to me the other day that articulately summarizes the state not just of our nation but of the world. I reproduce it here in full (italics mine).

“Peter Zeihan (author of ‘The End of the World Is Just The Beginning’, a recommended read!) says that the world we knew in 2019 is gone and the post-Covid era will never be the same. Globalism, and the network of supply chains created in the past 50 years is fragmenting and will inevitably devolve into regional cooperatives of countries vying for fertilizers, food production, fuel, and the basics necessary to underpin civilized communities. Areas like Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia that have little or no food production and fuel sources may become hotbeds of civil unrest, starvation, and mass migration. And maybe that’s the best case.

Here, as inflation gets progressively worse and the costs of living and surviving get worse, it will undoubtedly lead to a greater chasm between rich and poor. We, too, may see civil unrest, for different reasons than those on the African or Asian continents, but unrest and lawlessness nonetheless. If the U.S. was the glue that held the world in check since WWII, the consequences of it turning inward to heal itself, may prove devastating for the world at large. I see this situation as self-inflicted by senseless policies, a government detached from reality, and priorities like climate change, that are divorced from the urgencies of today’s fragmenting world.

In all of this Biden and the Leftists dither in the world of gender pronouns and social justice while Rome burns. However, unlike Emperors before him, none now are held to account, and are destined to repeat the mistakes of the past. They never learn, or don’t want to learn.

I cannot believe the world we are in today; it’s the Upside Down and it is surely producing a generation of young that have a weak anchor to what is right or reasoned. Products of their time? Let’s hope not for all our sakes.”

Well put John, and scary as hell for anyone willing to pay attention!

PS, a follow up from John…

“I hope that my words did not come across simply as an intellectual, geopolitical treatise. I am profoundly concerned, and alarmed, at the state of the world, no…let me say, at the coming state of the world. We are silently going down the rabbit hole and most are not aware of how bad it can become… …I know that most people today are too lost in “The Bachelor” or “The View” to sense how the world is devolving. We have never experienced chaos, but I am starting to feel its potential in the air.

The U.S. must not, and can not, for all the reasons I just wrote about, throw aside the mantle of leadership, or my worst fears may be realized and the world turn in upon itself. Where are those few good men?”

Couldn’t agree more, particularly with respect to the fact that most people today “are too lost in the “The Bachelor” or “The View” to sense how the world is devolving.”

I Am A Threat-to-Democracy, a Fascist, a Racist, and Rebel Scum (Or So Brandon and the Democrats Say)

I love what Rob Carson calls “informed satire”. That’s humorous story-telling with a grain of truth in it. Well, there’s a grain of truth in what the Democrats are calling me too.

I am a threat to a democracy where the dead, non-citizens, disqualified and cheaters can vote, multiple times, and get away with it. The United States is not a democracy (for the eleven millionth time!!!!). We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC! In a republic, a constitution protects certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been elected by a majority of voters. In a democracy, the majority is not restrained in this way and can impose its will on the minority.

So OF COURSE Biden is in favor of democracy and we, Rebel Scum, stand in the way! And thus I, rebel scum, am a threat! I’ll accept the label.

Fascist? Et tu, Brandon? This is just another Democrat lie – deflection of what THEY are. Silly as it is, I feel like saying, “I know you are but what am I?” when Brandon accuses us of being precisely what he is trying to be! But you know, if being a fascist means taking the reins of a completely out of control horde of anti-American idiots; if being a fascist means righteously, and I emphasize RIGHTEOUSLY dictating the destruction of evil and draining of a sick, disease-infested swamp, then yeah, call me a fascist!

Racist? Once again, the Left accuses everyone who disagree with them of being a racist. And once again, it is THEY who are the racists, insisting on giving preferences on the basis of race or skin color, of accusing people of color of being so stupid and incompetent that they are unable to obtain and present identification in order to vote, of stoking resentment and victimizing them so as to extort endless amounts of money from everyone else…only to line their own pockets and prop up their own power.

My label should be: ANTI-Racist! I don’t give a rats you know what, what color you are. If you’re white and rob and steal and murder; if you pollute the streets with trash and boom boxes; if you burn and loot and destroy property; if you play the knock-out game; if you get in the faces of people and scream epithets at them; if you violate common decency… I don’t care that you’re white (or any other color), I care only that you be handcuffed, locked up and kept in prison.

If the Democrats, the Swamp, the Deep-State, the Marxist, Socialist, Communist LEFT are the Death Star, then count me among those in an X-Wing Fighter seeking to lob a missile into the center of its reactor.

If you don’t think something is terribly wrong with the condition of our nation, with what’s happening to everything that is sacred to those who fought and died for freedom and those of us who honor and cherish their sacrifice, either your head is planted deep in the sand, you’re asleep, you’re so wealthy you think you can buy your way out of anything and the rules don’t apply to you, or you’re so brainwashed that as the heat rises in the pot in which you swim, as you bleed slowly from the thousand cuts, you’re ignorant of the s-storm around you!

So Brandon, call me what you will. Sticks and stones will break my bones…etc. Keep it up. Keep goading the righteous and you WILL feel righteous indignation!

The 2020 Steal – Implications for 2022 and 2024

Many conservatives with whom I’ve spoken in recent months have said something to the effect of “Trump has to get off the 2020 Election thing and present a new vision for 2022 and beyond.” Sorry, but if he and we don’t keep the pressure on to expose and prepare to counteract the fraud that occurred in 2020, it will be repeated. While there are signs conservatives are prepared to stand up and fight (e.g. tail-gate parties at every ballot drop site), there is still way too much Alinsky-inspired shenanigans going on to ensure the 2022 election will be honest.

So, in that vein of keeping up the pressure, this article, penned by John F. Di Leo and published on August 15th on the always thought-provoking American Thinker, is one of those that had me nodding my head. Besides incitefully summarizing the fraudulent, lawless tactics used by the Left to manufacture 81 million votes for Biden, it addresses the impact that the otherwise laudable and critical feature of our elections, the Secret Ballot, has on the ability to AUDIT, ex-post-facto, the results.

On the one hand, we want our ballots to be secret. On the other, we want every ballot to be LEGITIMATE. As I pointed out back in November 2020, once a mail-in ballot is removed from its container (envelope), the latter usually bearing the auditable signature of a voter, and heads to the counting machine (themselves corruptible), it is impossible to determine whether the vote was legitimate. President Trump warned of precisely the potential for fraud in mail-out/mail-in ballots before the election. The Left executed their plan flawlessly, in all aspects!

WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN! If legislators won’t get rid of ballot drop boxes, if they won’t clean up their voter rolls, if they will not stop Democrat harvesting practices…and if it takes ALL NIGHT LONG, and FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES, we need to watch those drop boxes, as well as the COUNT, like eagles (eagles have even better sight than hawks)!!!

We are truly on the precipice. If we don’t decisively take back both the House and Senate in November, just a few short weeks away, we’re absolutely, fundamentally, possibly irretrievably, SCREWED!

Some excerpts from Di Leo’s article:

“In the “pandemic year” of 2020, Democrat bureaucrats across the country took advantage of public fears of Covid-19 to scare millions of people out of the traditional American election practice: in person, at a polling place, where each voter could at least potentially undergo an identity check as protection against vote fraud.

In 2020, numerous state, county, and city governments authorized such corruptible concepts as mass mail-in ballots, unguarded non-mail public drop boxes, and virtually unlimited ballot harvesting.

In Wisconsin, for example, the program known as “democracy in the parks” enabled Democrat activists to turn in tens of thousands of ballots that they claimed without evidence to have collected from hobos on park benches in the state capital of Madison. Nursing homes were told by the Wisconsin Election Commission that they could go ahead and cast votes on behalf of their patients, however conscious or unconscious they may be, without state officials supervising the voting to ensure that the actual voters’ wishes are the ones being recorded. Both practices are gross violations of Wisconsin state law, and likely resulted in tens of thousands of invalid votes being cast for Joe Biden in 2020… easily enough to change the statewide result in that narrow-margin election.

The same can be said of many states. There are dozens of different kinds of vote fraud, from the patronage worker bus tours of Chicago and New Orleans, to the late-night polling place openings judicially mandated in St. Louis, to the hundreds of thousands of votes cast by non-citizens, from green card holders to illegal aliens in sanctuary cities. There are states where poll workers traditionally take advantage of lulls on Election Day to cast ballots in the names of registered no-shows. There are college towns where votes are cast from dorms and student housing in the names of students who graduated and moved away years before.

Every state has a broad mix of these and other methods. No two states are identical.

There have been a host of election process investigations since November, 2020, when Donald Trump, who won 74 million popular votes, was declared to have lost to Joe Biden’s alleged 81 million, in a total purported voting population of 158 million. This would be an increase of 22 million over the turnout in 2016, in a country in which the only significant population demographic that’s increasing is that of non-citizens. It is statistically dubious, leading to the logical conclusion that a lot of those votes, certainly millions if not tens of millions, were fabricated.

What have almost all the investigations found? Even the most cursory review of their findings shows numerous opportunities for fraud — the lack of ID checks, the opportunity for round-tabling, the lack of any chain of custody in most non-election day voting… dozens of methods putting tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of votes per state in question. Nonetheless, these reports always conclude that they cannot “prove” that fraud occurred. They can show that opportunities exist ad infinitum, but they cannot establish beyond the shadow of a doubt that corrupt actors actually took advantage of these millions of opportunities.


Because of the secret ballot.”

“In any traditional audit, from an ISO-9000 audit at the plant to an IRS tax audit at your small business, a spot check is used to see if the intended results match the real recorded results.

The secret ballot makes such an audit impossible. A definitive election audit would not check the total ballots cast against the total count; it would check the ballots as processed against the actual will of the voters. And this is impossible because we don’t know who cast which ballot. We cannot determine if John Smith and Mary Jones cast that ballot, or if a different one was substituted for theirs, because their ballot was not signed, and in fact could not be, by law.”

“Our system recognizes the risks of a publicly known ballot – the risk of discrimination, for example, by a corrupt local political machine – so the secret ballot is rightly sacrosanct.

But what this means is that few election integrity studies can ever conclusively state that they have “proven” that an election was stolen. All they can do is show the overwhelming risks in an intentionally compromised system, and trust that the reader can figure out what it means. We must prevent vote fraud in advance, precisely because we cannot usually catch and prosecuted it after the fact.

How does the press report it, though? Without fail, the mainstream media – and their clients in the political class, from elected officials to the deep state denizens who rule them – report that yet another study failed to prove vote fraud. They can report, again and again, that the claims of fraud are all “unproven,” smirking under their Covid-19 masks in the knowledge that they’re reporting the exact opposite of the study’s real findings.

Vote fraud in America has been well known for generations, but the Democrat party has successfully managed to trick the public into believing that it’s limited to known dens of iniquity like Chicago and New Orleans. They hid how widespread it was. Until 2020.

With the 2020 election, everything was exposed. The tools used against Donald Trump, from 2000 real mules to 20,000 fictional hobos, smacked of desperation. They succeeded, but at great cost: they replaced incumbent Donald Trump with a basement-dwelling dementia patient who couldn’t fill a New Hampshire diner let alone a stadium rally. The canary in the coal mine – the Trump presidency – was extinguished.”

The Bolshevik Revolution

Only slightly under the radar of the news is the story of how the FBI confiscated the cell phone of Congressman Scott Perry the other day, right after the raid on Mar a Lago. Following is a transcript I prepared of Newt Gingrich being interviewed on Laura Ingraham’s show the other night discussing the insidiousness of this action:

Ingraham: “Mr. Speaker these tactics by those who casually throw around the word fascist reminds me of the days I lived in the Soviet Union as a student. You didn’t know what they were gonna take from you at any minute of the day. They’ll take anything: a book, a backpack, anything.”

Gingrich: “I think they’re actually more Bolsheviks then fascists but I think, first of all under our constitution and the whole idea of separation of powers, by what right does the, and I say this as former Speaker of the House so I’ve been through this… by what right does a member of the executive branch come to a legislative branch elected official, into his home, and take his phone? I mean that is an act frankly of destroying the American constitution and I increasingly agree with Mark Levin who says we’re right at the edge of a post-constitutional America. I cannot overstate for our viewers as a historian and as a Speaker of the House and as somebody who’s watched this for literally my entire lifetime, we’re on the precipice of a group of truly evil people who are prepared to destroy the constitution and the rule of law and who are proving it every day. We have to quit applying to them the kind of questions that would apply to normal people. These aren’t normal people. They are liars, they are bad people doing bad things and they’re going to do more bad things until they’re stopped. And the way to stop them is at the election this fall. The constitutional will still work if the American people will show up and throw out all the people who are trying to establish what is basically a dictatorship of the state against the American people.”

Well put Newt. I’d say this is a fairly gloves-off approach to the problem. He still doesn’t exude the anger that so many of us feel as we witness the destruction of our country right before our eyes, but for Newt, it’s pretty plain language.

The Democrat leadership are indeed liars, megalomaniacs, cheaters and despicably anti-American, and while they will claim that the fundamental transformation of the country is a good enough end that any means are justified, they really are abandoning everything our forefathers put down in our founding documents that are sacred to the nation. It’s enough to bring to despair those of us who cherish the traditions and conservative principles that made America the greatest country in the history of the world.

Like Newt says, we must get rid of these cancerous leftists through the ballot box in November. I continue to hope and pray that enough integrity can be restored to our election systems that truth and Right will prevail and overwhelm all attempts by the Democrats to cheat, steal and rig them.

The Raid

Are you really surprised? Outraged, yes. Sickened, yes. Angry, yes. But surprised, no.

I can’t decide whether the Democrats are so stupid and desperate that they really believe what they are doing is right, or is it they are so evil that they think they can get away with it. As despicable as they are, I’ll go with the latter. They believe the ends justify the means. They can and will do anything because they have the overarching protection of an equally stupid and evil press. They will use implausible deniability to gaslight the public: Garland and Biden didn’t know anything about the raid, yeah, right…they probably didn’t so they could with straight faces say, “We didn’t know”, but their puppet masters and henchman sure as hell did!

What tells me that the Left’s takeover of our institutions is virtually complete is the stranglehold they have on the leadership, thus the rank and file of the FBI and other three letter agencies. I know a number of dedicated, patriotic Americans who work or worked at these agencies and I can only surmise that they are following orders at the risk of having their jobs and livelihoods taken away from them if they don’t.

When I took the vow to defend and protect the Constitution I took it not just seriously, but with a lump in my throat. I am certain many if not all of the agents who participated in the raid on Mar-a-Lago did the same. Either they were just obeying orders and were thinking about their paychecks and livelihoods, or they too have become so brainwashed as to believe all the drivel in the Democrat talking points.

If the latter, we truly are on the edge of a precipice.

People are ANGRY, I included. Writers, pundits and commentators on the Right are writing about civil war, REAL armed insurrection, armed conflict.

Of course, this is precisely what the Democrats intended. What they want is to have some pissed off Trump supporter carry a gun to Mar a Lago or FBI headquarters and start shooting. The Democrats’ response will be martial law, suspension of habeas corpus, cancellation of the November elections, and permanent control.

“Come on Grumps, you’re way overreacting!” some of you may be thinking.

Not anymore. They have a crossed a bridge too far with this stuff. They are counting on the geographic dispersion of the Right and its split  into neocons, America First Republicans and right-side independents to run roughshod over us. They are counting on the media to carpet bomb the airwaves with their propaganda and lies, and they’re counting on their globalist deep pockets to fund their tactics.

Attention spans, even among educated, thinking conservatives, are limited by the exigencies of each day. From time to time a pundit cites the list of the atrocities that have been committed by Democrats to attempt to “fundamentally transform” our nation. The list is long, and the actions and rhetoric are treasonous by any patriotic measure.

But they plow on with impunity. Either, as some say, ordinary Americans are fed up and will have wreack  vengeance in November, or they are already so weakened by the thousand cuts that they are consciously complying without thinking or skepticism anymore.

What can we do?

Sign up to be a poll watcher. Work to support America First/MAGA Republican town committee leaders where they exist and attend meetings and vote out go along/get along, weak-knee’d GOP leaders. Stand tall and don’t back down to the intimidation of the Democrat thugs who will try to bully you into compliance and submission regarding voting, controlling the agenda, etc. Take you gloves off and get your hands dirty! Speak up, speak out, protest PEACEFULLY, and make so much noise that the sycophant Leftists in the media HAVE to cover it. If you truly cannot devote the time and effort to physically get involved, WRITE CHECKS! As wasteful as political campaign spending is, today it takes ridiculous amounts of cash to print signs, fund televised appearances, send out direct mail, etc.


If every conservative were to send even $10 to one or more campaigns for qualified, conservative candidates (not even the price of a burger these days!) it would amount to hundreds of millions of dollars to counter the hundreds of millions supplied by Leftist tech oligarchs, globalist megalomaniacs, power brokers and uneducated, brainwashed snowflakes desperate for attention and the approval of their peers, to the coffers of America-last, power and money driven Leftist Democrats.