CS-CR(*) and Reversing the Brainwash

*CS stands for Conditioned Stimulus. CR stands for Conditioned Response. I learned in Pscyh 101 in college that it’s a lot easier to program human beings to respond to a stimulus than it is to reverse that response. The Left has programmed so many people with so much perverted stimulus that it’s going to take a LOT to deprogram them. In College I had the dubious privilege of listening to a guest lecture by the renowned psychologist B.F. Skinner. For those of you who took introductory Pscyh, you may recall Skinner was known for being the pre-eminent “behaviorist”, for the “Skinner Box” and “operant conditioning”. Skinner espoused the notion that free will is an illusion, and that all human behavior is the direct result of conditioning. To prove his point, he stood at the front of our class and began his lecture by explaining his theories about conditioning while holding a revolver in his hand.

Periodically, he would yell “CS” and fire the blank-loaded gun. Our guts would tighten instantly when we heard the loud report. He would then go on with his lecture, and every so often would repeat the “CS” – ‘BANG!” sequence. He did this three or four times and each time it predictably elicited the same visceral response among us, a pronounced tightening of the diaphragm.  

As he neared the end of his lecture, he once again yelled “CS”, only this time he did NOT pull the trigger.

We all nevertheless felt the contraction in our guts, expecting the loud bang.

“That,” explained Skinner with a wry smile, “is conditioned stimulus and conditioned response”. He explained that his cry of “CS” was the conditioned stimulus. The gut tightening was the involuntary conditioned response.

He went on with his lecture for another fifteen minutes or so, repeatedly yelling CS and NOT pulling the trigger. Our gut response continued, however.

During the question and answer period a timid student raised his hand and asked Skinner what it would take to deprogram us from the conditioned stimulus.

And this is where I was shocked to learn that while it took only a few instances of conditioned stimulus to produce the conditioned response of a gut twitch, IT WOULD TAKE AT LEAST TEN TIMES LONGER TO REVERSE THE PROGRAMMING!

Indeed, as we walked from class, all across the campus one would hear the cries of “CS” as we students tried to prompt the conditioned response. Because none of us had guns, the novelty and programming wore off after another class period or two and we went on our merry ways.

Think, however, what the never-ending Conditioned Stimulus of Leftist BS has done to the population! So programmed to respond to, for example, COVID fear-mongering, are grown adults that they cower before their conditioners and obediently comply with their demands, however unscientific, unsubstantiated, unproven or lacking in common sense!

(For a very recent summation, by the way, that dispels the COVID conditioning to which I’m referring, please see the wonderful piece in Off-Guardian.org here. Think you’ll find it a useful reference.)

So, to counter the Leftist drivel, now deeply ingrained in the weak-minded psyches of so many people, will take a WHOLE LOT OF TRUTH TELLING… many times greater than what the Left has conditioned us with.

I don’t point this out to be pessimistic of fatalistic. I do so because the war in which we find ourselves is a war of wits. The only way we are going to be able to reclaim our country and banish the evil among us is by changing hearts and minds…by deprogramming and reprogramming people.

We’ve started this process. The wealth of truth-telling in so-called “alternative” (alternative to the MSM) news sites and the willingness of the “un(brain)washed” to speak out and openly about the falsehoods, lies and deceit constantly emanating from the mouths of Leftist politicians, judicial activists, teachers and people who would otherwise know better but who have been unwittingly programmed, is bit by bit serving as an antidote.

We need to keep it up! It’s going to take a while!

Perception, Reality and Alternative Reality

I’m going to be uncharacteristically charitable and start with the premise that the Left (choak) and the Right truly believe in their positions, both ideological and political. Further, I’m going to argue that people’s behavior is a function of their perception, that perception is reality and perception derives from experience. In other words, I’m going to suggest that because of their life experience peoples’ reality is that everything that’s happening in our country is, in the case of the Left, just peachy keen and in the case of the Right, diabolical and destructive. And both honestly and sincerely believe their views of the world are correct.

Here’s the well-known exercise that demonstrates what I’m talking about with respect to perception. Look at the following picture:

You see a young woman.

Now look at this picture.

You see an old hag.

Now, the way this experiment actually works, an audience is divided in two and each half is shown ONLY one or the other picture. This is the EXPERIENCE.

The entire audience is then shown the following picture.

The argument that ensues is that one half of the audience can only see a young woman and the other an old hag in the composite picture.

I submit the Right has a life experience that is diametrically opposed to that of the Left. The Right has grown up and experienced the good in tradition, virtue, self-determination, self-reliance, hard work, meritocracy, limited government, strong national defense, preservation of life, and so on. The Left has grown up seeing big government, authority, the State, collectivism, globalism, atheism, self-indulgence, insolence, indolence, the means justify the ends, pleasure over pain, narcissism, and so on.

How do these experiences happen?

For some, it is actual, physical experience. The traditionalist/conservative who grew up in a happy home, was taught and earned the rewards of hard work, etc. inevitably sees the world one way. The Leftist who was raised in a broken home, or in a so-called ‘alternative lifestyle’, taught throughout his or her life that the world was an oppressive place filled with people out to get them, that they are entitled to the fruits of ALL labor, taught to follow their heart strings rather than their heads; they see the world the opposite way just as the two halves of the audience are certain they see either the young woman or the old hag in the third picture above.

Since the advent of the Internet, for many experience is vicarious. By that I mean that their lives have been impacted not by actual experience, but by what they’ve heard from people with loud and popular voices (actors, actresses, politicians, etc.), read in the paper, seen on television, heard on the radio, absorbed from clicking on social media. This “experience” is just as impactful as real experience. Witness, for example, the impact teachers preaching Critical Race Theory or pushing the LGBTQ deviance and similar ideologies is having on our children. The kids are repeating things at the dinner table that are revolting and abhorrent to traditional parents. But the kids’ “experience” is coloring what they see and believe, and day by day it is becoming reality to them. For example, see: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/warner-media-cartoons-woke/2021/09/15/id/1036621/. For the record, I’m revolted and repulsed by this blatant indoctrination.

It’s dismissed as silly that “it’s the Media’s fault.” BUT in large part, IT IS! The ‘Media’ creates what I’ll call “substitute” experience for many people, perhaps even most people, and thus determines both perception and reality. Because the Media preys on the baser instincts of human nature such as approbation and validation, sex, peer pressure, gluttony, pleasure, leisure, the herd/lemming instinct, etc. and generates revenues and profits from it, it creates a reality that feeds on itself and grows. By feeding on itself I’m suggesting that those who control and direct the media are themselves, addicted to and invested in the memes and reality they’ve created. And like any addiction, the lives they concoct get more and more perverse and masochistic until the people who believe them to be reality blow up, for example, by suicide or drug overdose. Think about all the violence, destruction, homicides, suicides, that so many have actually or vicariously experienced and how it escalates. Think about teen character destruction and the pandemic of them taking their own lives, of anger stemming from depression and lack of self-worth resulting in gang violence, drug abuse, sex trafficking. All of this can be attributed to the perceptions created by the Media and those who control it. And so long as revenues and profits persist, so too will the junk reality being put out by the Media.

The antidote?

Change perception and we change reality. We can’t just eliminate or eradicate evil from our lives. It has to be replaced by stuff that appeals to those baser instincts of human nature in a productive, positive way. An extremely tall order. Many conservative/traditionalist media outfits have tried and God bless ’em, continue to try. There seems to be some evidence that the tide is turning, but we have a long way to go!

The assault by the predominantly Leftist Media and the grip Leftist politicians now have on the minds and hearts of approximately half of our population is so strong that it can’t be broken by fiat or legislation. Overturning Roe v. Wade, for example, will not end abortion. It will just drive it underground. Counter the “my body my decision” position with enough “life begins at conception and is precious” using the same techniques and production values that the Left uses to push its agenda and we might have a chance of changing reality for so many who have been indoctrinated and brainwashed by the Left that abortion is just a procedure used in lieu of contraception or continence.  

As I’ve noted many times before, we need new heroes. We need attractive, articulate, persuasive, actors, actresses, politicians, leaders who can inspire and persuade those who believe their Leftist reality is ok that there is a better, happier and more satisfying reality than what they’re experiencing.

Many on the Left are seeing where things are heading and at least starting to scratch their heads. Unfortunately, the tsunami of Leftist reality is so strong and so pervasive in our society today, the peer pressure so great, that it’s a tough war. Many of my generation are giving up and suggesting that “it’s their world now.” I, however, feel it a responsibility and duty to try to move the two generations behind me to a course that thousands of years of history and REAL experience has taught is better than the one society is currently following.

We’ll never reverse the decline to destruction of our civilization unless we can change hearts and minds. For whatever time I have left on this planet, I will keep trying.


There is so much to write about and comment on that I’m not sure where to begin. Rather than reflect back on that otherwise beautiful autumn day in 2001 as so many others are doing today (I was in midtown, Manhattan. My oldest son was at the Court House in Lower Manhattan. My wife was covered in ash and walked the length of Manhattan from her job in lower Manhattan. We all were unharmed but witnessed the horror first hand), I thought I’d reflect today on what I’ve come to call the “Daily Atrocities”. I thought I’d gather some thoughts of possible future outcomes from them. But first, let’s enumerate just some of the problems brought on or exacerbated by the Leftists in the current administration:

  • The “Fundamental Transformation” of America – the necrotic, cancerous, Obama theme on steroids;
  • Biden criminality, dementia, puppet, treasonous actions;
  • Pelosi criminality, dementia, megalomania, hypocrisy;
  • COVID: Lies, Distrust, Masks, Vax, Passports, Mandates, etc.;
  • Military & Alphabet Agencies (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.): Wokeness, Disregard for primary missions
  • Police: Resignations, Defunding, Disrespect
  • Assault on the Second Amendment as well as other Rights
  • Schools – Indoctrination, Lincoln, 1619, CRT, LGBTQ propaganda
  • Sheep – Adult indoctrination of dumbed down, compliant or gullible population
  • Open Borders – unequal treatment of illegal aliens vs. US citizens, drive to change the demographic
  • Energy Independence to Dependence
  • SCOTUS/Judicial impotence/decriminalization of crime
  • Elections: HR1, etc. – drive by Democrats for permanent power
  • Abuse of Power/Treason/Totalitarianism/Tyranny – examples too numerous to list
  • Radical Environmentalism, Feminism – Mars vs. Venus getting very ugly
  • Leftist Racism – the Left are the true racists, not the Right
  • China/Russia/Iran/NORKO – hegemony – growing perception of U.S. weakness, increasing vulnerability
  • Anti-Semitism/Anti-Religion/Anti-America – Evil at every level
  • Corrupt Professional Politicians/Groupthink
  • Declining Work Ethic/Snowflakes
  • Government Dependency
  • Reckless Fiscal & Monetary Policies/INFLATION/ Tax and Spend $3.5 TRILLION bill
  • Protests/Riots/Lawlessness Spreading
  • Hollywood Brainwashing/ Leftist Production Values high and preying on a weak-minded population
  • Tech:Censorship/Privacy/Social Media/Addiction
  • Cyber threats, Grid Threats, Biological, nuclear
  • Corporate/Professional Sports submission, compliance with wokeness
  • Government unions – scourge that allows workers to negotiate with themselves for salaries and benefits
  • World Affairs – American Decline.

So, where’s all this going? Here are some possible scenarios/outcomes as I see them:

1.            Status quo. God forbid the Right is unable to marshal the will or resolve to lay nail strips in front of the Leftist agenda and we succumb to this fundamental transformation. If that happens, we the frogs sitting in water that is starting to boil are either going to die or jump out of the pot. Allowing this current leviathan of Leftist idiocy could very well result in the destruction of America, but if this keeps up, it could happen.

2.            The GOP gets a spine. We’re already starting to see some courageous Republicans throwing the bulls#$t flag and attempting to throw wrenches into the Democrat works. One possible scenario is the Red States are able to not just lay out the evidence of the 2020 election fraud, but PROVE it in court. I don’t hold out a lot of hope on this because the judiciary is so hopelessly corrupt and Left-infected that the Democrats will be able to draw out the process indefinitely. We can only hope that the PROOF (not just the evidence) is so unequivocal, so clear and so damning that a constitutional crisis at the SCOTUS level ensues forcing either a forced resignation of Biden’s entire administration, a re-election or NEW election occurs, or somehow Trump is instated as the true winner of 2020.

3.            2022. Or, the evidence of fraud in our elections is sufficiently exposed that election fraud is rooted out of the system and the Democrats are prevented from utilizing their fraudulent tactics to steal another election. In 2022 the GOP takes over the House and perhaps the Senate and drives a spike into the Democrat agenda. Of course, a LOT of damage can still be done before January 2023, but a combination of some GOP backbone to stall their onslaught plus a fair election in 2022 could turn the tide.

4.            Newsom Recall. I’m skeptical that the California governor will be taken down. The Dems will use every tool at their disposal to cheat to keep him in office and I’m not sure public opinion against Newsom will suffice to push him out. (Who know… I never would have thought Cuomo would get taken down in New York.) But if he does get booted and a Republican governor is elected, it’ll be a start. Now, if Diane Feinstein keels over shortly thereafter, Larry Elder or some other GOP governor will appoint a Republican Senator and the Senate control could revert back to the GOP even before 2022 and the Leftist tsunami could be halted that way.

5.            Secession. There’s a lot of talk about Red State Secession. It’s possible, but not likely, at least not in this generation. The complexity of extricating themselves from the Federal clutches is probably too great, but I’m in favor of the idea if by 2023 we’re unable to neutralize the Democrats’ power.

6.            Civil Disobedience/REAL Insurrection. There is also a lot of discussion about armed rebellion, perhaps even a revolt against the Federal Government. As crazy as that sounds, the anger and actions of so many traditionalist patriots is growing to the point where this is no longer out of the question. When and how such a rebellion/revolt would start is anybody’s guess, but if 50,000 armed citizens were to descend on Washington and demand the resignations of all the Leftists, that would most certainly ignite the tinder. Armed squads that take it upon themselves to assassinate Leftist leaders in guerilla fashion is also not out of the question. Scary, yes, but not out of the question. This too would light the tinder.

7.            Shadow Government. It’s clear that Trump’s team are still largely intact and are no doubt watching and waiting and biding their time. The “enemy” is clearly destroying itself from within so there is no reason to stand in their way. If, however, a revolution begins or there is sufficient popular/populist support for a removal of the current administration in one way or another, Trump could position himself as the legitimate President, set up a government in a Red State, and potentially challenge the status quo with a non-lethal rebellion.

8.            Biden Resignation or Invocation of the 25th. I think there’s a real chance that the Democrats will try to figure out a way to get rid of Biden. However, installing Harris as President, no matter how delightful the Leftist news headlines might be, could be even more problematic than leaving the puppet in place. Nancy is next in line, and if they figure out how to get rid of her as well, which I would think they would have to do (if Biden is thrown out, Pelosi has to be as well – she’s too much of a nut-job), Patrick Leahy as President Pro Tempore of the Senate is next in line, and he looks like a saint compared to the other wackos and could very well be accepted by the nation as President. It’s a complex, three-dimensional chess game, but not out of the realm of possibility.

9.            Military Takeover. I don’t have any inside information as to just how many officers have resigned from the military either on ideological grounds on vaccine mandate grounds, but there is NO DOUBT that there are a hell of a lot of Colonel-on-down as well as some of former and current general staff who are talking among themselves about who they can count on to join them if the Joint Chiefs and current command structure had to be removed. The number of military who are on the Right far outweigh those on the Left, and while a military coup is inconceivable in America, the Democrats are already governing as if we’re a banana republic so again, such a coup in not out of the question.

10.          Foreign Attack. Most likely our weakness will give Russia and China carte blanche to invade Ukraine and Taiwan, respectively. It has already allowed the Iranians to ramp up their nuclear program to the point where they can deploy dirty bombs just about anywhere in the world. The NORK’s are watching with glee and even Kim Jung Mentally Ill has lost weight and is preparing to set foot on the world stage. The panoply of jihadists are undefeatable in a classic sense…it’s a game of whack-a-mole with them and no conventional military force will prevail. And while we may not like it, the only way, in my opinion, we’re going to be able to secure our nation is to place troops in strategic locations around the globe, harden our infrastructure, and restore our rightful place as the world’s sole, benevolent but self-interested superpower. If we are attacked, which is unlikely because our adversaries know that will galvanize us as a nation and then don’t want to awaken a sleeping or wounded tiger, we will coalesce and mount a counterattack that truly could bring on Armageddon. Biden and his puppet masters have destabilized the world and the threats to peace are greater now than they have ever been.

11.          Another 9-11. I often say, “The further away we get from 9-11, the closer we get to the next one.” I’m writing this on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of the horrendous event. Since that time our enemies have learned the lessons of what is called Fourth Generational Warfare. Without going into what that is in great detail, suffice it say that 4GW is a fight of small, agile and maniacal guerilla “cells” against a superpower like ours. It took only a couple dozen terrorists and about $500,000 to pull off 9-11. A successful cyber attack or even a conventional small-arms attack on our electrical grid could push America into the Stone Age in short order. Given our wokeness/weakness, this is not out of the question either, and the effects could be more permanent than what 9-11 did to us.

Pretty gloomy stuff, I know, but this is where we are today. If your head is in the sand, please get it out. Start to prepare for what could happen out there and hope and pray that we’re able to ride out this storm. Remember, once it happens, whatever “it” is, it will be too late to prepare.

May God bless us and may God bless America. It’s no longer morning Maya Angelou, it’s twilight heading into night.

Dear Allies

In February 2008 Michelle Obama famously said, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.” Setting aside for a moment the obvious anti-American undertone of that statement, I plagiarized/paraphrased it when her husband was re-elected in 2012 after continuing the Leftist destruction of everything we hold sacred and dear in America for four years by saying, “For the first time in my adult lifetime I’m ashamed of my country.” Today, I say “For the second time in my adult lifetime I’m ashamed of my country.” Many have echoed this sentiment in so many words, with accusations of treason and gross dereliction of duty being properly ascribed to the Puppet-in-Chief and his administration.

So, I address my blog post today to our friends in England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and all our other allies opposed to the march of totalitarianism, communism, socialism and abject Leftist idiocy across the globe.

Dear Friends and Allies,

Please understand that America is still the light shining on the Hill. Part of the cost of freedom is permitting idiots to from time to time obtain power and influence in our constitutional republic. It’s a high price to pay, but it’s worth it for the freedoms we enjoy here and those we’re hoping to preserve for you our friends around the world.

Know that the majority of the people in this country, (and among that majority I include the fat and happy, asleep, indolent, inattentive, dumbed down Democrats and similar morons who know better and who aren’t so hopelessly brainwashed that they can yet set aside their insanity and mental lethargy when tyranny and Leftism come to their doorstep), will fight for their freedom and by extension, yours.

The anger that is building among those who cherish traditional ideals is rapidly approaching a tipping point. I don’t know how this disastrous encroachment on our freedoms and traditional way of life will be arrested. The cancer that is Leftist ideology is so metastasized now that it will take us some time to stamp in out, but I do know that the silent majority in this country are waking up and speaking out. It’s evident in school board meetings, where Critical Race Theory is being exposed and will be eradicated. It’s evident even in the Leftist Main Stream Media (MSM) who are being forced to tell the truth about the incompetency and destructiveness of Biden and his administration. If you follow the money, you see that the patrons of CNN/MSNBC/NYTIMES/WashingtonPost etc. are increasingly throwing the BS flag such that the only way the MSM can retain their viewers and thus their advertising revenues is to admit the truth, and the truth, we trust, will keep us free.

So we ask you to be patient with us for a while longer. Aussies….keep protesting the tyranny you’re facing. Frenchmen and Germans, don’t let the fascists get you down. And our brothers and sisters in the U.K., know that despite the threat to your language becoming secondary in this country, we will continue to drink Guinness, celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, remember fighting side by side with you in so many conflicts, and honor the law and culture you landed on our shores so many years ago. (Just don’t ask to put extra o’s in words like color and honor.) And THANK YOU for saving Americans as you extricate your own countrymen from Kabul!

Paraphrasing some other famous words, those of the Terminator,

“We’ll be back.”


The Silent Majority of America


A Psychological Operation or PSYOP is one which conveys information and indicators that are intended to influence audiences (enemies in military parlance) in one way or another. The information may be true, selectively true, deliberately false, surreptitiously false, deliberately vague or misleading, intended to incite behavior of one sort or another…you get the idea. We’ve all seen enough movies that involve PSYOPs in the plot to understand what it is. Applying the term to what the Left does may seem inflammatory, but perfectly describes what they’re doing.

I’ve referred previously to the term “production values” as the elements of a message that when skillfully put together evoke strong emotions: heart string pulls, angry reactions, deer-in-the-headlights behavior, etc. Those elements include everything from powerful rhetoric and diction to mood music, visual effects, other “special effects” coupled with the gazillion-watt amplification of social and main-street media, and the allure of money and power that unfortunately drives so much of human behavior.

Production values are a key component of PSYOP. And it works on both sides of the ideological aisle. Go ahead, click on msnbc.com I just did and this is what comes up, among other things:

Now, click on Beitbart and this is what you get:

I place both these sites in the category of what I call “PSYOPs for Money”. These are profit-seeking entities both using PSYOPS to stir their readers/audiences to frequent and patronize their sites so they can maximize advertising dollars.

But what about the PSYOPS that are NOT seeking profit but are intended to mislead even the most plugged in, most savvy investigators, not to mention the public at large. Remember that graphic we saw last November depicting data flowing around the world, supposedly proving that Hammer and Scorecard were used to steal the election?

This and the accompanying data was a fundamental element of Mike Lindell’s exposé “Absolute Proof”.

Turns out, the analysis was provided by a huckster with a checkered past named Dennis Montgomery. (For a full explanation of this whole affair, read the reporting by Gateway Pundit here and here.) Among other skullduggeries Montgomery swindled more than $100k out of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. We still haven’t found out who paid (if anyone) Montgomery to create this narrative, but some day maybe we will.

I am of the firm belief that both Mike Lindell and Joe Arpaio (and Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn, Tom McInerny and others) are among many ardent patriots who were and are trying to get to the bottom of what happened last November 6th. No sane, critical thinking, reasonably objective person believes that Basement/Addled Joe legitimately won 81 million votes.  But my point is that there is so much PSYOP produced information and misinformation out there that we still have not been able to prove without a doubt, or at least prove sufficiently such that it would stand up in court, all of the fraud and shenanigans we rationally believe stole the election for Biden.

And this is what the Left cleverly and evilly want – they can’t prove the election was legitimate so they’re aim is to delegitimize any honest inquiry concerning its illegitimacy by creating CHAOS. THAT, I submit, is exquisitely executed PSYOP.

Unfortunately, as a result of the Left’s success at creating chaos no justice will prevail concerning the 2020 elections for president and the two Georgia senate seats. Admonitions that “the Truth will prevail” represent wishful thinking. It may, but not likely in our lifetimes. Historians will someday, I pray, look back on this episode with conviction that the elections of 2020 were the most corrupt in U.S. history. But the chaos has been so effective that “truth” has gone the way of moral relativism. It doesn’t really exist at all in the minds of many!

So where does this leave us?

1.            The old maxim, “You can’t believe everything you read or see on television” still holds true.

2.            We must stop echoing what we “wish” to believe. Even if true, the general public, including persuadable independents and democrats with brains, don’t want to listen to chest-pounding and angry epitaphs from the Right. It just turns them off.

3.            The Left won’t listen to facts or reason, of course, but at this point that other old maxim, this one from Napolean is also wise: “Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.” I believe the Left has, characteristically, overplayed their hand and are starting to make complete fools of themselves. Let ’em do it.

4.            Finally, we MUST, on the other hand, selectively throw the BS flag on what the Left is spouting. Be careful not to expose just how pissed off you are about what they’re doing. Rather, let the Leftist you’re talking to think you’re either a Leftist yourself or independent and simply ask questions. Scratch your head and ask, for example, “What do you think the implications are of letting in all these illegals through the Southern Border?” Resist the temptation to rip your debate opponent’s head off, but firmly call out their nonsense. And when they devolve into calling you a racist (as they will inevitably do) just express concern and sympathy that your antagonist is suffering from the psychological disorder called Projection. It will both belittle him or her, although I hasten to point out that Leftists are impossible to shame because as collectivists their hive-minds deflect any sense of it, but pointing out their illness will make you feel better as you walk away. Alternatively, you can play the “I know you are but what am I?” children’s game. Either will probably enrage them and at that point, you can also feel good about having kept your own cool and having won the debate.

As an aside, I want to refer my readers to a couple of articles that I found helpful and instructive. The first, How to Fight the Left Effectively, discusses in so many words how PSYOPS have prepared the battlefield for the conflict we’re engaged in, and how not to get conned. The other, The Six Steps To Dealing With Liberal Friends And Family written back in 2008, ( a decidedly different time ) deals with how to walk softly when dealing with Leftist friends and family.

Finally, as I have been preaching since the Spring, don’t be lulled into thinking that the Truth Cavalry is coming or that people will be going to jail for the treason they’ve committed against the country, or that you and your buddies are going to “suit up” for a REAL insurrection. Rather, keep your powder dry, your heads in the game and on a swivel and continue to educate yourselves, using critical thinking to see through the PSYOPs. That, and GET INVOLVED locally. Don’t just stand there and gripe. DO SOMETHING to push the pendulum back the other way like those courageous parents are doing at school board meetings in Loudon County, or Tatiana Ibrahim in Carmel, NY (if you haven’t seen this, you MUST, it’s truly inspiring!)

While You Were Sleeping (Or Otherwise Engaged in Meaningful Things)

The chaos being sown by the Left is so pervasive that much of their evil activities escape our attention. After all, Traditionalists, i.e. normal people, are focused on their jobs, families, communities…you know, the stuff of real life. The Globalists, i.e. those with so much wealth and power that they have nothing better to do, look down upon us mere mortals and try to figure out how to rack up more points on their power/money scorecards in the never-ending competition among themselves. The rules of real life, after all, don’t apply to them.

So here’s one of those tidbits that few normal people pay attention to. How many of us are aware of the just completed “Cyber Polygon 2020” event? Huh? It was a simulation of a “digital pandemic” that took place on July 9th of this year. You can read all about it on the official website here. For a critical look at what was BEHIND this event, however, I refer you to the coverage of it here. And before you reject the latter because it was heralded by The Organic Prepper apocalypse-oriented website, I urge you to read it. Even if you discount what was written by 80%, you have to be concerned, no, alarmed, by what it reveals!

In short, a “Blue Team” of good guys fought a simulated battle against “Red Team” bad guys. 120 teams from 29 countries. (If that isn’t “global” I don’t know what IS!) The Blue Team sought to defend their systems from cyber attacks by the Red Team. Ostensibly, “The experts(*) addressed the latest trends and technological threats, shared their experience in creating cybersecurity ecosystems, talked about the transforming threat landscape…” However, they also “discussed the problem of fake news and how to discern misinformation on the Web” (italicized quotes are from the official website). As the Organic Prepper article points out, “Coincidentally, one of the end goals of Cyber Polygon was to determine how to do a more thorough job of silencing all criticism that goes against the mainstream narrative.”

(*) The “Experts” included Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, the very definition of Globalists!

But here’s the tidbit that really spooks me. According to videos published by the World Economic Forum (the grandaddy of all globalist cabals…the real-life equivalent of SCEPTRE for you James Bond fans, with Klaus Schwab in the role of Ernst Stavro Blofeld), “The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the internet.” In short, this would involve the use an internet “kill switch.”

Guess what. They already exist and have been used, in Egypt in 2011 and just this past week, in Cuba! And guess who has the most powerful internet kill switch of all? Yup, the power-addicted, megalomaniacal tech oligarchs and their World Economic Forum buddies.

Think of the implications of a flip of the “off” switch. If you think the silencing and canceling being undertaken by Big Tech is bad now, and the brainwashing they’re engaged in can’t be made more virile, what if the ONLY source of information was a Leftist/Globalist/Collectivist news agency broadcasting propaganda 24 hours a day? (Picture “Big Brother’ from Orwell’s 1984)

To top it off, and here’s the kicker, the official website concludes:

“It was not clear until the end of the exercise who would take the first place. Different teams were leading at different stages, which means that none of them could fully utilise the techniques at their disposal.

The exercise allowed the participants to identify their strengths and weaknesses. We hope that the received information will help them create plans for developing the necessary competencies and improve their results in the future.”

Say what??? So not just the Blue Team but the Red Team benefited from the exercise by helping them “create plans for developing the necessary competencies” to improve their results!

The whole simulation was couched in lofty, benevolent terms. The reality is that cyber bad-actors such as ransomware hoodlums had a front row opportunity to survey the landscape/battlefield and devise new strategies for pursuing their evil deeds.

Ok, you can go back to sleep now. Everything’s just fine out there…


Irrespective of religion, one of the bedrocks of human morality and conduct is the rule, “Thou shalt not lie.” On the Decalogue it was worded “Thou shalt not bear false witness” but only the most ardent cynic would argue that the two phrases aren’t equivalent. Begs one to ask, “What is Truth?”. Regrettably, and sadly, today lying in all its forms is so common that Truth is completely obscured.

Truth is reality. Truth is fact. Truth is truth whether one believes it or not, whether all mankind believes it or not. It is eternal. It is immutable. There is no such thing as “my truth” as one political moron once suggested.

Truth doesn’t come in shades, different colors, isn’t nuanced, isn’t relative. It doesn’t have to be subjected to scrutiny or scientific testing. It is possible that there are truths undiscovered. Consider that as late as the 17th century China still believed the Earth was flat. Irrespective of their BELIEF that the Earth is flat, the TRUTH was and is that it is a sphere. So, the Truth of the Earth’s form wasn’t discovered by the Chinese for millennia but it was still Truth!

Lying, on the other hand, comes in many forms: outright falsehood, omission, misrepresentation, incomplete recounting, deception, misdirection, dissembling, extraction without context, “white”, and today’s favorite form – ‘spin’.

EVERYONE is guilty of lying. As with so many things, however, it is a question of degree. And, I would add, it’s a question of perspective.

I submit the Left utilize lying at a rate and in a quantity many times that of the Right. Consciously, with the argument that “the ends justify the means” continuously in mind, the Left lies almost non-stop. As a group, the class of vermin called professional politicians routinely lie, but the Left does so audaciously, consistently and arrogantly. They believe that if they shout and accuse, bludgeon and scream their words, THAT, in and of itself, creates Truth. They believe that if they say things often enough with catchy phraseology, it will become Truth.

And in the minds of the weak, it does.

Add to the propensity for falsehood the age-old psychological disorder called Projection, the amplification and megaphone aspect of the Internet, the sycophant and pandering broadcast and print media and the addictive and intoxicating dystopian impact of Social Media, and the Left wields far more influence than the Right. Like a steamroller, the Left crushes Truth and replaces it with “their” truth…a demented and sick, narcissistic, megalomaniacal and condescending view of the world that has consistently resulted in enslavement and attempts to suppress free will.

Using its finely honed skill at lying, its legions of mouthpieces all voicing the canon, the Left successfully destroyed the integrity of our election process. They’ve been working on it for decades. They almost got away with it in 2016, and they have provisionally gotten away with it in 2020. In terms of societal destruction, they’ve gone into hyper-drive, seeking to complete the “fundamental transformation” of our country and Western society.

It truly has become a world “post-truth”. Not just moral relativism abounds – EVERYTHING is now relative, even gender.

It is madness and while many of us sane people on the Right like to discount the lunacy as transient, to be rectified in 2022 and 2024, the damage being done to our culture and country, even if repaired, will leave scars and doubt for generations to come. It is the pattern of all great civilizations: from struggle for existence to relative peace to conflict of envy to moral decay to economic decline to war to extinction. In America today we’re for the most part watching the death of Good and the rise of Evil as if it were a sitcom…something that’s happening “out there” rather than in our own backyard.

But it IS happening, and part of the Post-Truth era is convincing the weak that the destruction they’re seeing with their own eyes, experiencing in their own lives, is either not really happening or is GOOD for them!

And all of it can be traced back, in large part, to the lies of the Left. From the lies of the 60’s: “Free” love, “Turn On, Tune Out, Drop Out”, “LSD will open your mind man…”, “All you need is love”, to the lies of today: “The crisis at the border is Trump and the Republicans’ fault,” “COVID-19 spontaneously jumped from bats in a wet market to humans”, “Job training (the unions’ welfare plan) equals infrastructure”, “Police are fascists,” etc., the use of high-production-value visuals, music, narrative and clever slogans constitute a tsunami of lies that have successfully brain-washed the weak-minded and elevated the demagogues.

I fear it’s going to take a cataclysmic shock for America to wake up and regain its ability to separate Truth from Lies. Until that time we will continue to live in a Post-Truth, Post-Reality world. Thankfully, mankind has something called “discernment”. If used, along with Free Will, it may yet save itself from a repeat of history.

Led By The Nose

I just had to react to a couple of events that clearly illustrate how inept, incompetent and weak the Biden administration is. They truly can’t see beyond two inches in front of their noses. They are reactive in all things. Two cases in point: Kamala Harris, faced with being completely rendered insignificant and worthless by Trump’s planned visit to the border, schedules a trip to EL PASO, 1,000 miles away from where the REAL problem is. She’s already blown it. She’s already insignificant and worthless. Second, faced with the rapidly increasing crime rates in major cities due to HIS and his party’s stupid policies, Biden reads a worthless speech on crime prevention from the White House that is so lame even dumb-downed Democrats roll their eyes as he tries to stay relevant. But, out in front of the cameras and his teleprompter he goes so that he can kowtow to the Leftist media and the sycophants trudging along behind him as he short-steps away form the podium. And, as usual, his spokesperson (Psaki) utterly fails in her attempt to blame Republicans for the worsening crime statistics.

These people are vile. They care about one thing and one thing only: POWER. As more and more people wake up to the fact that the Democrats are willing to sacrifice and are sacrificing the well-being of the nation, its people, its principles, its pre-eminence and exceptionalism so as to garner more of it (HR1 and S1 being the most obvious examples)…as Biden THREATENS the American people by saying that to take on the government the people are going to need F-15’s and perhaps a nuclear weapon or two (WHAT PRESIDENT SAYS THAT????) the more the greater the backlash will be until a REAL insurrection takes place!

Makes you wonder who is really pulling the strings behind the scenes. I’ll venture a guess that it’s one or two or maybe a handful of people with a nefarious/evil agenda in mind. I say that because Democrats by nature are lemmings/sheep who follow anyone who can tug at their heart strings, coerce them to follow, demagogue them to exhaustion, or simply promise them utopia (with a catchy pop song to accompany it all). Conservatives and Traditionalists, by way of contrast, are individualists by nature and they will not run off the edge of the cliff (like Democrats are wont to do) just because someone commands them to. Thus, it only takes one or two mouthpieces, memes, phrases, speeches, no matter how peurile, no matter how ridiciulous, to get Democrats to go along and repeat the words and mimic the behaviors of their central casted, in full makeup and wardrobe (e.g. aviator sunglasses) so-called “leaders”.

However, if enough nonsense and destruction by the Democrats is exposed…if enough idiocy and incompetence and stupidity is laid bare for EVERYONE to see (e.g. a poor old man falling 3x (3x!!!) up the stairs of Air Force One or a ridiculous, cackling waste of oxygen spilling verbal diarahhea from her mouth), some, not all, but some Democrats will go silent from embarassment and either vote conservatively/traditionally or stay home and note vote at all. Either way, we have a chance to take back our country from the grips of these lunatics.

So, Was the Election Stolen?

As we pass the 100 day milestone of the Puppet Presidency, and our worst fears of the damage the Left would do materialize into an almost daily atrocity, I am saddened to hear and see a level of acceptance on the part of some on the Right that what happened in the November 2020 presidential and January 2021 Georgia Senate runoff elections was NOT due to fraud and cheating. I’m distressed that solidly conservative individuals whom I respect and admire attribute the losses to a multiplicity of factors, among them Donald Trump’s rhetoric and personality, and dismiss election fraud as a determining factor. I find it very unsettling that any suggestion today that fraud caused the outcome is poo-poohed by some smart conservatives as the product of mindless, knuckle-dragger conspiracy nonsense. Even Right-leaning journals and media outlets have adopted this attitude either implicitly or explicitly.

Over the last several months I have read and studied countless articles and watched countless videos on the subject examining both Left and Right arguments. There is no point in trying to rehash the case for fraud here. Others far more articulate and smarter than I have already done so. I want to appeal, however, to my conservative/traditional friends who are willing to let bygones be bygones to revisit their views.

I want to share just one example of what the Left offers as an answer to the question of whether the presidential election was stolen or not. It is a quote from Herman Wallace, former Electrician, Foreman, Gen Foremen, & Superintendent at International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union:

“Nope, they (the Democrats) took the Presidency the old fashioned way.

They ran a much better candidate.

They worked much harder.

They spoke to the issues that matter to the people.

The Democratic candidate got 7 million more votes.

The Democratic candidate won the Electoral College with 306 votes (A landslide according to Donald Trump).

On the other side of the ledger:

Trump was a remarkably flawed candidate and got worse as the campaign went on.

Besides his frothing-at-the-mouth campaign rallies and throwing red meat to his base; Trump was a lazy candidate.

Trump’s “issues” were the same old lies from his first 3 years.

Trump lost the popular vote by twice as much as before.

The 5th bullet point speaks for itself.

There was something STOLEN in this election, it was the trust, of a segment of the people, in the basic function of their government. Trump not only stole it, he decimated it without cause or remorse.”

Leaves me breathless and fuming…I can’t even begin to respond to such rabid BS.

Yet, there are Republicans, conservatives and Traditionalists who echo many if not all of the same delusions!

Again, this post is an appeal to those who are willing to let the water keep flowing under the bridge and over the dam to ask you to revisit your conclusions about the legitimacy of the elections. I urge you to find sources that YOU believe to be credible. For my part, I rely on thinkers/writers/institutions whose comments on the election are available from the following links like Jonathan Turley, Alan Dershowitz, The Heritage Foundation (see section on Election Integrity).

However, the most sober, thoughtful and objective discussion of voter fraud in the presidential election and by extension the Georgia runoff elections I’ve discovered amidst all my research was that provided by Professor John Eastman, scholar of Constitutional law and Senior Fellow at the Claremont Institute in an interview at the Steamboat Institute on April 10, 2021. The full interview can be found here. It is 53 minutes long, and while my attention span is very limited, I watched all of it with rapt attention. He addresses ALL the things that we’ve heard about from the shrill Left and the angry Right: vote spikes, unilateral changes to the election laws by other than the state legislatures, the rejection by the courts of the many challenges on procedural grounds, the Supreme Court’s unwillingness to intervene, Dominion voting machine issues, etc.

If you my readers after viewing the above-mentioned video have any doubt that the “election was stolen” I have a bridge I’d like to sell you, or some Game Stop stock.

Finally, for those of you who still question whether there is evidence…no, let me rephrase that…SUFFICIENT evidence to challenge the legitimacy of the elections, I call your attention to this reference. One might not be happy with all the citations, nor the impact of bias on the sources, but taken as a whole, in my opinion it DOES provide more than ample documented, empirical evidence of fraud and a stolen election.

Now we have to hope and pray that more honest people will take hold of the levers of power and make the changes necessary before the 2022 election.  If we can take back the House and Senate in November 2022, we just may be able to halt this lurch to the extreme Left and maybe even get rid of some of the cancerous rot perpetrated by this illegitimate and toxic administration.

And for my part, I STILL want to see the forensic audit results of the November 3, 2020 and January 5, 2021 elections! Only then will we have the ammunition required to correct the historical record and judge what happened in 2020 fairly.

Attitude and Personal Responsibility

When I was growing up I was taught to “respect my elders”, meaning anyone who was a grown-up. Respect meant that irrespective of who they were it was “yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am” and behaving in a way that went along with the old adage, “children are to be seen not heard.” Included among grown-ups, especially, were policemen, firemen, soldiers. Today, from Hollywood, the media, celebrities, politicians, even teachers and pastors, kids are being taught to disrespect their elders and authorities. Perhaps worse, children are being taught to denigrate, criticize and belittle anyone, including their peers, who do not conform with the Leftist orthodoxy in speech and deed. Is there any wonder the country is so polarized?

Manners? Forget manners. They went out in the 60’s. Proper diction, grammar, basic getting the right answer in arithmetic…gone or being challenged by Leftist ideology. Meritocracy? “What’s that mean?” The fundamental differences between boys and girls, men and women? Blurred or in the process of being eradicated. Sovereign nations? A trite, old-fashioned concept. Borders? Naw…let ’em in.

Personal responsibility? Nope…the “Collective” means there is no such thing as an “individual” anymore. If you succeed, “everyone” succeeds. If you fail, “it’s the fault of society.

If you’ve either made money and accumulated wealth by the sweat of your brow or by creating a wildly popular “app” (today’s Pet Rock or Hula Hoop)… “you didn’t build that” (to quote Obama) – the GOVERNMENT made that possible.

With despicable race-baiters like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, the “Squad”, Maxine Waters and countless others doing everything they can to divide the country (all the while accusing the Right of doing so, of course) no wonder there’s racism around every corner!

So when disrespectful, in-your-face animals pour water on the heads of police officers, threaten them, spit on them, shove them, curse at them – KILL them(!), from where did this behavior emanate?

White Supremacists? Old, Angry White Men? The Privileged?

No, it needs to be pointed out, but rarely is, that the reason there are more shootings in poor neighborhoods, often but not always black neighborhoods, is that’s where the crime is occurring! It is there that the greatest disrespect for law, order, traditional values and thus authority, exists!

The media makes martyrs of victims of police shootings but they rarely if ever point out WHY the incidents occur! It’s not because of racism damn it! Police forces are among the most integrated of all government agencies! Frequently, the police officers involved are of the same race as the victim.

No, it’s because 9 times out of 10 the perpetrators are criminals already! At this very moment the Left is being fueled by the shooting of a teenager wielding a knife actively trying to stab another teenager! The policeman tried to break up the fight repeatedly, and the knife-wielder ignored him and assaulted the other young person anyway. Bystanders shouted invectives as the police while all this was occurring. Disrespect of authority? That’s an understatement. Had the knife-wielding girl simply obeyed the officer, she would not have been shot and would be alive today. The policeman’s action may have saved the life of the girl about to be stabbed! But no, the cop is being called a racist and the perpetrator of the crime being heralded, once again, as a martyr.

” It wasn’t the perpetrator’s fault. It was Society, ” and systemic racism and white privilege and rogue policing and rogue cops that are at fault. Just listen to the puppet president stating boldly that America is systemically racist! What a bald-faced, demagogic LIE spoken to curry favor with the woke crowd!

Jim Crow laws were enacted by DEMOCRATS, i.e. THE LEFT! The KKK was founded by DEMOCRATS! It is the Democrats who are racist! If you want a detailed and accurate description of all the evil they represent and are trying to foist on our country and people, one has only to listen to what they say. Whatever they accuse the Right of is precisely what they exhibit themselves. The hypocrisy is beyond breathtaking. It’s infuriating!

The lack of respect for traditional values, the absolution being granted by the Left for any personal responsibility for one’s actions, disregard for the individual and celebration of the “collective”…these are precisely what bring great nations and even civilizations down to destruction.

And it’s happening right before our eyes, right here in River City!

I can’t change the attitudes of several generations of brainwashed Leftists in the inner cities – that’s the job and challenge for reformed, converted-from-darkness-to-light inhabitants and refugees of such places. But I CAN speak out against my own neighbors, school district administrators, power-addicted and woke politicians where a smidgen of reason and critical thinking ability still occupies a tiny part of their addled brains.