Act Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

Some of my readers have asked recently why my posts come in bursts and why they seem to have tapered off in recent months. The answer is simple. Actions speak louder than words. I have markedly stepped up my activities that, for lack of a simpler description, consist of championing the “Let’s Go Brandon” movement. And if you don’t know what that slogan means, you have your head in the sand and should pull it out and look it up. It’s not just an anti-administration motivation that drives me. It’s the recognition that despite my reservations, despite the impingement on my time and energy, I must actually DO something, not just talk about it.

So I have. I have worked to expand my network of like-minded people also disgusted by what they see transpiring before their eyes. We meet regularly and discuss the atrocities of the day and what our extended networks are telling us about leftist overreach and right-minded push back. We talk about contingency plans. We speak in public settings (e.g. in bars, restaurants, at the grocery store) openly and unabashedly about the toxic drivel coming out of the Biden administration, the lies, deceit, misinformation of the main stream media, and we openly applaud those who sport patriotic tee shirts and hats.

And here’s something I’ve learned. As angry as I am about the Democrat daily atrocities, I’ve found that the Democrats who surround me respond better to subtle encouragement rather than overt condemnation. As much as I’d like to grab them by the neck and rub their noses in the excrement they’ve left all over the ground, I’ve found a better formula, one that doesn’t corner and confront them, but that gives them an escape route.

For example, the other day I was deployed as a member of our community emergency response team and as we worked on setting up our equipment I overheard one of the members say something about attending a Democrat meeting of one sort or another. As the conversation ended and the Democrat and I came in close proximity to one another, I said to him, “Wow Bob, I would have never pegged you for a Democrat.” His expression was priceless. It was clear he was embarrassed to have been outed!

My statement was, of course, both a compliment as well as a dig. I acknowledged he was a good guy, with smarts and skills and organizational ability, while also pointing out my surprise that anyone possessing these attributes could be a Democrat!

I’m encouraged by the fact that there are more and more traditionalist/conservative blogs, videos and other forms of media published every day. As I’ve often stated, there are many who’s ability to articulate the outrage we all feel far surpasses my own, and it’s clear, reading or viewing their work, that we all have similar sentiments. Thus, I’ve frequently begun a post only to find that someone has already covered what I want to say, and far better than I could.

I’m tempted, and may in fact act on this, to add a curation feature to GrumpsReport. Curation, by the way, is one of those terms, usually applied to the selection of displays in a museum, that the tech world has co-opted and abused. But its apt. What I’m suggesting is the establishment of a section with links to specific articles, videos, tweets, etc. that are particularly intriguing, thought-provoking or bile-inducing. Thus, my readers will have a sense of what I’m made up of.  As we all know, “we are what we consume”, and that goes for what we read, watch and listen to as well.

In the meantime, please understand that the fewer hours I spend writing the more I spend actually doing something about the stuff I’m so pissed off about!

I hope you’ll join me in DOING SOMETHING. Speak up, act out, join with, and by all means, help the unfortunate (I’m being extremely generous) Democrats and independents who think that everything’s just swell to wake up, open their eyes, filter out the bs they’re consuming and start thinking with their heads instead of other parts of their anatomies.

Prepping at the Tipping Point

I’m not a fan of what I call “Prepper Porn”.  That’s the content of thousands of books, websites, articles, etc. predicting the Apocalypse and what everyone must do to survive scenes like those depicted in “The Walking Dead.” On the other hand, I was a Boy Scout in the old days when the BSA was the character and skills training ground for young men. The slogan was “Be Prepared.”

While it’s impossible to be prepared for everything: TEOTWAWKI (The End of the World as We Know it), SHTF (‘Stuff’ Hit the Fan), Armageddon, a nuclear holocaust, reversal of the Earth’s geomagnetic poles, a direct hit from an asteroid, EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse), CME (Coronal Mass Ejection), a Zombie Invasion…common sense suggests that being prepared as much and as realistically as possible for life’s emergencies is a hell of a lot better than being unprepared!

Once upon a time I had two 55 gallon drums of water in my garage, several buckets of raw wheat and a few other items that amounted to “preparation.” The fact that I never used them didn’t discount their value, but even if a catastrophe had occurred, they wouldn’t have done me or my family much good.

As I look back on the emergencies that befell us during various times and in various living locations, I’m nevertheless grateful for the preparedness mindset that my Scout days imprinted on me. While the worst hasn’t happened yet, our family was subjected to a lot of natural and man-made problems: hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, high winds, bad snowstorms, localized floods, heat waves and other harmful natural events; relatively sudden general and personal economic downturns; supply disruptions of food, gasoline and staples; strikes; prolonged power outages; mass transit failures; accidents; pest infestation; injuries; illness; and of course, 9-11 and the Pandemic. Each was a wake-up call.

Yet each time, once the emergency had passed, we retreated into complacency and a sub-conscious attitude that “we weathered it and we’ll do so again when and if it happens.”

Does any of this sound or feel familiar?

Some of the emergencies were man-made, some were natural. We survived them all, and our pain ranged from mild inconvenience to some downright difficult times where we thought our lives were ruined and we thought we’d have to completely change them.

The vicissitudes of life are such that it’s likely we’ll be faced with emergencies, mini and moderate disasters and other trying times in the future.

However, TODAY, the risk of man-made hazards is greater than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime!

If you have any doubt about this, just open your eyes and look around. If you still think everything’s either just fine, or will work itself out as it always has, don’t bother reading any further.

On the other hand, if like so many millions of our fellow Americans you clearly see what’s happening “right here in River City”, right before eyes, and are not just alarmed but pessimistic that for the first time in many generations we won’t be able to give our children and grandchildren better lives than we had; if you sense the threats to our freedom, peace and prosperity are mounting as each day goes by; if you see our very civilization being systematically destroyed (“fundamentally transformed”) then friends, “Be Prepared” needs to become your slogan as well!

If you’ve spent any time thinking about Emergency Preparedness, however, you know how long the lists of considerations, questions and answers are.

There are literally thousands of resources available. I’ve spent countless hours researching the available literature, videos, websites to get answers. The array of products, services and printed/published information dedicated to “prepping” is vast. It’s available from government and commercial sources, some of it general, some of it very specific, some of it good, some of it bad, some of it useful and, in my opinion, some of it useless or even harmful.

The fundamental problem with most of these sources is that they don’t address the individual needs, preferences and budgets of families living in diverse locations, with different circumstances.

So concerned am I about the future of our country and the impact the Leftist juggernaut is having on the lives of my immediate and extended family, however, that I’ve solicited help in making sense of the matter. I have become a practitioner of the principles espoused by a new organization: Suburban Readiness Institute (SRI). One of their key tenets is secrecy – it stands to reason that the more people know about your preparedness, the less secure your family will be if things get bad. All communications and interaction with them have been and will remain discreet. Thus, I won’t be describing their means, methods, etc.

But I urge my readers to visit their website ( for a general overview of what they’re about.

And whether or not you engage with them or some other organization to assist you with your planning and preparation, I can’t overemphasize the importance, AT THIS PIVOTAL TIPPING POINT IN OUR COUNTRY’S HISTORY, of thinking seriously about and systematically, methodically, pragmatically and resolvedly preparing for what may lie ahead.

Once an emergency happens or is about to happen, with or without warning, the time for preparation is past.

CS-CR(*) and Reversing the Brainwash

*CS stands for Conditioned Stimulus. CR stands for Conditioned Response. I learned in Pscyh 101 in college that it’s a lot easier to program human beings to respond to a stimulus than it is to reverse that response. The Left has programmed so many people with so much perverted stimulus that it’s going to take a LOT to deprogram them. In College I had the dubious privilege of listening to a guest lecture by the renowned psychologist B.F. Skinner. For those of you who took introductory Pscyh, you may recall Skinner was known for being the pre-eminent “behaviorist”, for the “Skinner Box” and “operant conditioning”. Skinner espoused the notion that free will is an illusion, and that all human behavior is the direct result of conditioning. To prove his point, he stood at the front of our class and began his lecture by explaining his theories about conditioning while holding a revolver in his hand.

Periodically, he would yell “CS” and fire the blank-loaded gun. Our guts would tighten instantly when we heard the loud report. He would then go on with his lecture, and every so often would repeat the “CS” – ‘BANG!” sequence. He did this three or four times and each time it predictably elicited the same visceral response among us, a pronounced tightening of the diaphragm.  

As he neared the end of his lecture, he once again yelled “CS”, only this time he did NOT pull the trigger.

We all nevertheless felt the contraction in our guts, expecting the loud bang.

“That,” explained Skinner with a wry smile, “is conditioned stimulus and conditioned response”. He explained that his cry of “CS” was the conditioned stimulus. The gut tightening was the involuntary conditioned response.

He went on with his lecture for another fifteen minutes or so, repeatedly yelling CS and NOT pulling the trigger. Our gut response continued, however.

During the question and answer period a timid student raised his hand and asked Skinner what it would take to deprogram us from the conditioned stimulus.

And this is where I was shocked to learn that while it took only a few instances of conditioned stimulus to produce the conditioned response of a gut twitch, IT WOULD TAKE AT LEAST TEN TIMES LONGER TO REVERSE THE PROGRAMMING!

Indeed, as we walked from class, all across the campus one would hear the cries of “CS” as we students tried to prompt the conditioned response. Because none of us had guns, the novelty and programming wore off after another class period or two and we went on our merry ways.

Think, however, what the never-ending Conditioned Stimulus of Leftist BS has done to the population! So programmed to respond to, for example, COVID fear-mongering, are grown adults that they cower before their conditioners and obediently comply with their demands, however unscientific, unsubstantiated, unproven or lacking in common sense!

(For a very recent summation, by the way, that dispels the COVID conditioning to which I’m referring, please see the wonderful piece in here. Think you’ll find it a useful reference.)

So, to counter the Leftist drivel, now deeply ingrained in the weak-minded psyches of so many people, will take a WHOLE LOT OF TRUTH TELLING… many times greater than what the Left has conditioned us with.

I don’t point this out to be pessimistic of fatalistic. I do so because the war in which we find ourselves is a war of wits. The only way we are going to be able to reclaim our country and banish the evil among us is by changing hearts and minds…by deprogramming and reprogramming people.

We’ve started this process. The wealth of truth-telling in so-called “alternative” (alternative to the MSM) news sites and the willingness of the “un(brain)washed” to speak out and openly about the falsehoods, lies and deceit constantly emanating from the mouths of Leftist politicians, judicial activists, teachers and people who would otherwise know better but who have been unwittingly programmed, is bit by bit serving as an antidote.

We need to keep it up! It’s going to take a while!

Polls = Nonsense

Please everyone, flip the switch, turn on your brains, put your shields on maximum. The next time you see or hear something like, “The Polls show…” immediately turn it off. Polls are unadulterated nonsense and if you’ve been a faithful reader of this blog you’re not hearing anything you don’t already know. However, it seems the use of polls to create headlines and “news” is reaching an unprecedented decibel level.

Here’s a recent example drawn from the Daily Wire, August 2, 2021.

I have the following questions and proffer some answers:

  • Should anyone care? The answer is “No.”
  • Do polls mean anything, even when they reflect what is obvious to everyone who has half a brain and is awake? “No.”
  • Have YOU ever been polled? Most likely, “No.”
  • Would you agree to participate in a poll if somehow you answered the phone and uncharacteristically gave a pollster enough time to introduce himself? Most likely, “No.”
  • So who is it that participates in these polls? Common sense says it’s people who don’t have anything better to do with their time, are so lonely or affected that having some disembodied voice pay attention to them for five minutes is therapeutic, people who have an agenda that they think will be advanced by participating, or some combination of the above.
  • Can polls possibly represent the productive Traditionalist majority of this country? “No.”

Anyone awake, intelligent, half-way educated, paying attention knows that the Biden/Harris administration is TRULY illegitimate, incompetent and megalomaniacal. The whole lot of them, the puppets and their puppet masters are not just useless for America, they’re systematically trying to “fundamentally transform” it into a centrally-controlled, collectivist faux-utopia where the few dictate the lives of the many. Where money and power are amassed for their pleasure, narcissistic gratification, conscious or unconscious evil intent.

My advice: whenever the word “poll” is mentioned, simply dismiss the rest of the discussion and go back to whatever of substance you were doing.


Irrespective of religion, one of the bedrocks of human morality and conduct is the rule, “Thou shalt not lie.” On the Decalogue it was worded “Thou shalt not bear false witness” but only the most ardent cynic would argue that the two phrases aren’t equivalent. Begs one to ask, “What is Truth?”. Regrettably, and sadly, today lying in all its forms is so common that Truth is completely obscured.

Truth is reality. Truth is fact. Truth is truth whether one believes it or not, whether all mankind believes it or not. It is eternal. It is immutable. There is no such thing as “my truth” as one political moron once suggested.

Truth doesn’t come in shades, different colors, isn’t nuanced, isn’t relative. It doesn’t have to be subjected to scrutiny or scientific testing. It is possible that there are truths undiscovered. Consider that as late as the 17th century China still believed the Earth was flat. Irrespective of their BELIEF that the Earth is flat, the TRUTH was and is that it is a sphere. So, the Truth of the Earth’s form wasn’t discovered by the Chinese for millennia but it was still Truth!

Lying, on the other hand, comes in many forms: outright falsehood, omission, misrepresentation, incomplete recounting, deception, misdirection, dissembling, extraction without context, “white”, and today’s favorite form – ‘spin’.

EVERYONE is guilty of lying. As with so many things, however, it is a question of degree. And, I would add, it’s a question of perspective.

I submit the Left utilize lying at a rate and in a quantity many times that of the Right. Consciously, with the argument that “the ends justify the means” continuously in mind, the Left lies almost non-stop. As a group, the class of vermin called professional politicians routinely lie, but the Left does so audaciously, consistently and arrogantly. They believe that if they shout and accuse, bludgeon and scream their words, THAT, in and of itself, creates Truth. They believe that if they say things often enough with catchy phraseology, it will become Truth.

And in the minds of the weak, it does.

Add to the propensity for falsehood the age-old psychological disorder called Projection, the amplification and megaphone aspect of the Internet, the sycophant and pandering broadcast and print media and the addictive and intoxicating dystopian impact of Social Media, and the Left wields far more influence than the Right. Like a steamroller, the Left crushes Truth and replaces it with “their” truth…a demented and sick, narcissistic, megalomaniacal and condescending view of the world that has consistently resulted in enslavement and attempts to suppress free will.

Using its finely honed skill at lying, its legions of mouthpieces all voicing the canon, the Left successfully destroyed the integrity of our election process. They’ve been working on it for decades. They almost got away with it in 2016, and they have provisionally gotten away with it in 2020. In terms of societal destruction, they’ve gone into hyper-drive, seeking to complete the “fundamental transformation” of our country and Western society.

It truly has become a world “post-truth”. Not just moral relativism abounds – EVERYTHING is now relative, even gender.

It is madness and while many of us sane people on the Right like to discount the lunacy as transient, to be rectified in 2022 and 2024, the damage being done to our culture and country, even if repaired, will leave scars and doubt for generations to come. It is the pattern of all great civilizations: from struggle for existence to relative peace to conflict of envy to moral decay to economic decline to war to extinction. In America today we’re for the most part watching the death of Good and the rise of Evil as if it were a sitcom…something that’s happening “out there” rather than in our own backyard.

But it IS happening, and part of the Post-Truth era is convincing the weak that the destruction they’re seeing with their own eyes, experiencing in their own lives, is either not really happening or is GOOD for them!

And all of it can be traced back, in large part, to the lies of the Left. From the lies of the 60’s: “Free” love, “Turn On, Tune Out, Drop Out”, “LSD will open your mind man…”, “All you need is love”, to the lies of today: “The crisis at the border is Trump and the Republicans’ fault,” “COVID-19 spontaneously jumped from bats in a wet market to humans”, “Job training (the unions’ welfare plan) equals infrastructure”, “Police are fascists,” etc., the use of high-production-value visuals, music, narrative and clever slogans constitute a tsunami of lies that have successfully brain-washed the weak-minded and elevated the demagogues.

I fear it’s going to take a cataclysmic shock for America to wake up and regain its ability to separate Truth from Lies. Until that time we will continue to live in a Post-Truth, Post-Reality world. Thankfully, mankind has something called “discernment”. If used, along with Free Will, it may yet save itself from a repeat of history.

Led By The Nose

I just had to react to a couple of events that clearly illustrate how inept, incompetent and weak the Biden administration is. They truly can’t see beyond two inches in front of their noses. They are reactive in all things. Two cases in point: Kamala Harris, faced with being completely rendered insignificant and worthless by Trump’s planned visit to the border, schedules a trip to EL PASO, 1,000 miles away from where the REAL problem is. She’s already blown it. She’s already insignificant and worthless. Second, faced with the rapidly increasing crime rates in major cities due to HIS and his party’s stupid policies, Biden reads a worthless speech on crime prevention from the White House that is so lame even dumb-downed Democrats roll their eyes as he tries to stay relevant. But, out in front of the cameras and his teleprompter he goes so that he can kowtow to the Leftist media and the sycophants trudging along behind him as he short-steps away form the podium. And, as usual, his spokesperson (Psaki) utterly fails in her attempt to blame Republicans for the worsening crime statistics.

These people are vile. They care about one thing and one thing only: POWER. As more and more people wake up to the fact that the Democrats are willing to sacrifice and are sacrificing the well-being of the nation, its people, its principles, its pre-eminence and exceptionalism so as to garner more of it (HR1 and S1 being the most obvious examples)…as Biden THREATENS the American people by saying that to take on the government the people are going to need F-15’s and perhaps a nuclear weapon or two (WHAT PRESIDENT SAYS THAT????) the more the greater the backlash will be until a REAL insurrection takes place!

Makes you wonder who is really pulling the strings behind the scenes. I’ll venture a guess that it’s one or two or maybe a handful of people with a nefarious/evil agenda in mind. I say that because Democrats by nature are lemmings/sheep who follow anyone who can tug at their heart strings, coerce them to follow, demagogue them to exhaustion, or simply promise them utopia (with a catchy pop song to accompany it all). Conservatives and Traditionalists, by way of contrast, are individualists by nature and they will not run off the edge of the cliff (like Democrats are wont to do) just because someone commands them to. Thus, it only takes one or two mouthpieces, memes, phrases, speeches, no matter how peurile, no matter how ridiciulous, to get Democrats to go along and repeat the words and mimic the behaviors of their central casted, in full makeup and wardrobe (e.g. aviator sunglasses) so-called “leaders”.

However, if enough nonsense and destruction by the Democrats is exposed…if enough idiocy and incompetence and stupidity is laid bare for EVERYONE to see (e.g. a poor old man falling 3x (3x!!!) up the stairs of Air Force One or a ridiculous, cackling waste of oxygen spilling verbal diarahhea from her mouth), some, not all, but some Democrats will go silent from embarassment and either vote conservatively/traditionally or stay home and note vote at all. Either way, we have a chance to take back our country from the grips of these lunatics.

Joe Biden Is Wrong On Everything

The following letter was sent by one of our readers in Pennsylvania to his senator and representative in Congress and is reprinted with permission. It reflects the anger of so many of us and is spot on!

Dear Senator Casey and Representative Houlihan:

What a disaster! Joe Biden continues to be wrong on everything, just like he’s been for 50 years!

He campaigned as a moderate but has ruled as an ultra-liberal. He claimed to be bi-partisan, but has governed by partisan executive order.

He’s wrong on the border and Pennsylvanians are paying for his incompetence with increased crime, depressed wages for legal residents and citizens, increasingly crowded medical care facilities, destruction of our sovereignty.

He is wrong on the Palestinians; they are Iranian backed terrorists and to support them is to support the world’s most prolific sponsor of terror.

He’s wrong on Iran, and he will be responsible when they get a nuclear weapon which doesn’t necessarily mean a nuclear warhead tipped intercontinental ballistic missile! How about a dirty bomb set off at Independence Hall?

He’s wrong on unions- just like the New York Times Op-Ed page being dismissed as passe, so are unions. There is now a government agency for everything they fought for. And they are more corrupt than the government. Either eliminate unions or get rid of all the government agencies doing the unions’ work. This goes particularly for government employee unions. What could be more corrupt than unions bargaining with themselves – that’s what public sector unions do by definition!

He’s wrong on the economy! We don’t need any more stimulus. We haven’t even spent what has been approved, and more money will just further stoke inflation. Unless you’re blind, just look at the price signs on gas stations and the cost of a half gallon of milk! I remember paying 12% for a mortgage – when the Fed runs out of options, we’ll be paying that and more for money!

He’s wrong on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Russia can have pipelines to our allies increasing their influence if not outright making Europe further beholden to them, but we can’t have the Keystone XL pipeline?

He’s wrong on fracking. So much for helping Pennsylvanians.

He’s wrong on electric vehicles, just like Obama was wrong on solar. Funny, he was always “Amtrak Joe” until he wanted to curry favor with the auto unions, now he’s a car guy??? What a hypocrite!

When are you going to stand up for the people you represent and who PAY YOUR SALARIES? You do not work for Pelosi or Schumer! You work for us! Now represent us, not your corrupt, power-hungry left-wing cabal in Washington!

With contempt (yes…contempt),


A Trip Through The Heartland

I’ve just returned from a week-long road trip through Virginia and North Carolina. Getting out of the Northeast for a few days was like surfacing after holding my breath under water. People in the Shenandoah Valley, in the mountains of western North Carolina and the Outer Banks were, in a word, NORMAL. They were friendly, focused on their jobs, families and communities, and with rare exception, vocally angry about what the Left is attempting to do to our country.

I’d estimate people were split 50-50 on wearing masks indoors. Outdoors, few people wore them.

In bars and restaurants, behind hotel lobby counters, hardworking managers and staff were scrambling to meet the needs of patrons. Universally, the latter were patient and understanding.

Spring had sprung. The farms on each side of the highways were green, calves nuzzled their mothers, corn and other fields were plowed ready for planting. We had great weather and the open, blue skies, the clean air, cool mornings and evenings and warm days were a balm.

As we drove, we kept tabs on the news on SiriusXM. Same old, same old. The (expletive deleted) Left continued to pursue their utopian dream of permanent power, the politicians preened for the cameras and microphones proving, once again, that “all the world’s a stage”, and the media, ALL media, in unison jawboned about whatever was bleeding at the moment (“if it bleeds, it leads”). We frequently turned it off after hearing the “headlines”, so jarring was the contrast between the idyllic countryside through our windshield and the drivel emanating from Washington, New York and other major cities.

I couldn’t help sighing to myself, “What will become of this wonderful country?” I thought of my children and grandchildren…what their lives have been like over the last year, and what they might become like in the future. I spent a good deal of time thinking about one topic in particular…the effect “tech” has and will have on our lives.

Remember when word processing was supposed to make life better? And email? Ask yourself, “Has it really done so?”

What about the Internet in general? Has it really brought the world’s knowledge to our fingertips and made life better for all, or has it done more harm than good? 

Again I ask, “Has tech improved society and the world, or made it worse?”

It depends, of course, on what we value. If we value instant gratification, search engines and overnight delivery have certainly changed things for the better. But if we value faith and family and the rewards of applying the Golden Rule, tech has, in my humble opinion (IMHO, .sic) been tremendously deleterious.

As I drove, I alternated between hope and despair. There is a war on, similar in some ways but different in others from any that has been fought before. It is, IMHO, an existential fight for the soul of western civilization. As I have suggested many times over the years, the United States, and by extension, the western democracies who follow the Judeo-Christian ethics and traditions are either going to follow the path to extinction that other great civilizations have followed or arrest the rapid decline we are witnessing and restore sanity and reliance on the immutable principles and traditions that have brought the greatest good to mankind through all generations.

You may scoff at such a sweeping and draconian encapsulation of our times, but when one is driving for hours and hours a day one has time to step back and view the environment differently than one does when faced with the daily grind.

The fight is exhausting. I’d like nothing more than to put on some classical music, wade into my library, curl up in my easy chair, and escape. Even as I write this, I’d rather be pursuing some of my many hobbies.

But I must continue to speak out, warning and goading and cajoling in hopes that others with youth and greater energy can and will take up arms in this fight and turn back this onslaught of Leftist cancer… by supporting those who are on our side, by leaving our comfort zones and entering the political arena (such as running for school boards), by speaking not in hushed tones but boldly against the garbage spewing forth from corrupt politicians, corrupt media and brainwashed sheep, by countering the misinformation and outright lies being taught to our children (Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, transgenderism, etc.) with family sit-downs in which parents demonstrate to their children that they, in fact, know far more than their teachers do about the real world and instruct them accordingly.

Sit back and let this tsunami of Leftist rot wash over and consume us and our civilization will indeed be destroyed and displaced by other intending hegemons (e.g. China). Fight now, each and every day, and we can turn back the tide and restore it to one which will allow our posterity to thrive in peace.

Tell Me Again Why You’re a Democrat?

I’m sick of listening to Leftists lazily and endlessly repeat the phrases, labels and talking points they heard on the morning main street media news. I have neighbors around me who say truly stupid things like (and I’m paraphrasing closely from an actual, recent conversation) “I don’t subscribe to all the racism charges leveled at Dr. Seuss, but there are a couple of books that could be considered racist.” Yeah, right. “If I Ran the Zoo” is racist? Not then, not now…it’s absolutely ridiculous!

I get very angry when confronted by Leftist imbeciles denigrating all the things I value and hold dear and in the heat of the moment, it takes all my energy to keep from lashing out. Besides, with all the adrenalin coursing through me during one of these exchanges my usual glibness fails me. So I remain silent or neutral because I actually CARE about what I say. Afterwards, I often think of things I wished I had said.

Instead of having a ready supply of pejoratives to hurl at these cancer-carrying fools, I’ve come up with a number of questions that are only a little less confrontational. (Maxine Waters, I’m just following your admonition!) To wit:

  • Why would you want to be a member of the REAL racist party? It’s not the Republicans who practiced slavery in the South, enacted the Jim Crow laws, promoted eugenics, segregation and formed the Ku Klux Klan of which their leader Robert Byrd was most recently a member. It wasn’t Republicans in California who expanded mass incarcerations, which predominantly affected blacks, it was none other than Kamala Harris. On the other hand, it was the Republicans who freed the slaves, who supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act in greater proportions than the Democrats under the four years of the Trump administration, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians…all were lifted economically. Why would you want to be associated with and celebrate as your leaders race baiters like Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Ilahn Omar, etc.?
  • Why would you want to support leaders who don’t care about YOU or minorities or anyone or anything else but POWER. This is plainly exhibited in their push on HR1 which would be defacto the ultimate vote-stealing initiative. More importantly, HR1 is the epitome of racism – it plainly exposes the attitude of Democrats that poor people and minorities are too stupid or incompetent to get id’s when id’s are required to do just about anything today? Read the Bill!
  • Why would you want to be a member of a political party that can’t tell the difference between boys and girls, men and women? Who want to redefine human nature because they think it will benefit them politically? Why would you support people who are in favor of sex change operations for children and who want you to introduce yourself and ridiculously add “and my pronouns are…”?
  • Why would you want to be a Democrat when the Democrats preach “progressivism” but behave in virtually every way like true totalitarian fascists, doing everything and anything: cheating, stealing, lying, deceiving, bullying, cancelling, ignoring any truth or reality that contradicts their agenda, who think we must wear masks that REAL science shows are ineffective, not get together in churches and on July 4th with our families while you go into the grocery store or COSTCO all the time? Who want to confiscate not just your earnings but your wealth as well in order to doll it out to people whose political support and votes they believe they can curry?
  • Why do you insist on listening to, believing and parroting “narratives” crafted from focus groups and lazily repeated over and over as talking points by an admittedly dishonest Leftist media looking only for viewership and ad dollars while avoiding and suppressing the truth? Example? The Russian Collusion nonsense. The bases for both the first AND second impeachment efforts. The narrative that we should take two weeks to “bend the curve”. Most recently the editing out by NBC of the fact that the 16 year old girl in Ohio was about to stab another girl and repeatedly ignored the police officer who demanded she stop. Oh, and edited the 911 tape to remove the part where the caller screams the girl “is trying to stab us!”
  • Why would you want to support a Party that stupidly promotes defunding, “re-imagining” or eliminating the Police? Can you think of a more idiotic position to take? Yet, that’s what the Democrats are pushing.
  • Why would you want to be a member of a Party that wants no national borders so anyone at any time can just waltz across and receive tax supported handouts?
  • Why would you want to support Democrat sponsored environmental programs and legislation that won’t do a damn thing for “saving the planet” but will line the pockets of Green people and Green businesses but all the while allow the biggest polluters on the planet, the Chinese, to continue to pollute at will and impose draconian restrictions on America while turning a blind eye to those on, say, Europe. Oh, and who forget 6th grade science class where we learned that CO2 is not a pollutant but what plants use in photosynthesis to live and grow, and RENEW the breathable air on the planet! Do you really fall for the tripe that “CARBON is evil?” Guess what, carbon is what we’re made of!
  • Or maybe you subscribe to the “Can’t We All Get Along” utopian fantasy where everyone is granted a basic income, which of course is nothing more than a redistribution of wealth from the productive to the unproductive. Or where all nations are dissolved into a New World Order under a Great Reset ruled by a bunch of elitist, holier-than-though, self-proclaimed and condescending experts who will tell you, as they did in the European Parliament, what society as a whole can and can’t do. Some examples:
  • Limitation on balloon usage. According to EU rules from 1988 children under the age of 8 can not use latex balloons without a supervising parent. And text on the latex balloons must have such a warning on them.
  • Whistle blowers, that scroll out into a long colored paper tongue when sounded have now been classified as unsafe for all children under 14.
  • Eurocrats ban small fruit.  “The diameter of the fruit is a way of measuring its maturity/development. Fruit grown organically or conventionally have to reach a certain degree of maturity in order to have a reasonable chance of satisfying the consumer.” – who is the EU to tell Europeans what satisfies them? Is it any wonder the relatively sane Brits said enough and seceded from the EU?

It’s this same kind of stupidity and tyranny that permeates every piece of Democrat legislation.

  • Why would you want to vote for an administration that will relax the sanctions on the world’s greatest sponsor of terrorism, Iran, and allow them to with impunity move forward rapidly on their nuclear weapons program?
  • Why is it that you Democrats squeal that no one should have guns, when you know damn well that when seconds matter, the police are only minutes away. Or that if all the 400 million plus guns in the U.S. were eliminated on Monday, there would be hundreds, perhaps thousands of guns circulating by Friday, and they’d be in the hands of criminals who, knowing you are unarmed and only defended by social workers (.sic), wouldn’t think twice of breaking and entering your home, place of work, or place of worship to rob or hurt you?
  • And why would you vote for and want a sadly demented, corrupt man who never had a real job in his life, who is nothing but a marionette whose strings are being manipulated by imbeciles and woke, lying, anti-american idiots like AOC, and professional political megalomaniacs like Pelosi and Schumer, and the worst kind of behind the scenes operatives like Susan Rice and now Obama, to be the President of the greatest nation the world has ever known?

Shall I continue? I could go all day pointing out the stupidity of what the Biden and Leftist Cabal are trying to do to “fundamentally transform” America. Into what? Into a sniveling bunch of recycled, quiche eating, limp-wristed, merlot drinking 60’s hippies staring at their iPhones while sitting around a campfire with terrorists trying to strike up a rendition of Kumbaya?

  • Or maybe you’ve been brainwashed to believe that we ARE a nation of racists, of colonialists, of exploiters of the earth, of knuckle-draggers bent on killing off minorities and gentle people?

All politics is abhorrent to me, and both the Left AND the Right say and do despicable things, but the vast preponderance, I repeat, the VAST preponderance of shenanigans, deception, falsehoods, hypocrisy, rules-for-thee-but-not-me attitudes, power-addiction, anti everything that made this nation great behavior and rhetoric is exhibited by Democrats. It’s not even close.

I’m very sorry for you. You have to be either asleep, willfully ignorant, too adolescent and subject to peer pressure and emotional blackmail, too dependent on their handouts, too brainwashed, or just plain stupid, to be a Democrat.

So tell me again why you are?

Attitude and Personal Responsibility

When I was growing up I was taught to “respect my elders”, meaning anyone who was a grown-up. Respect meant that irrespective of who they were it was “yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am” and behaving in a way that went along with the old adage, “children are to be seen not heard.” Included among grown-ups, especially, were policemen, firemen, soldiers. Today, from Hollywood, the media, celebrities, politicians, even teachers and pastors, kids are being taught to disrespect their elders and authorities. Perhaps worse, children are being taught to denigrate, criticize and belittle anyone, including their peers, who do not conform with the Leftist orthodoxy in speech and deed. Is there any wonder the country is so polarized?

Manners? Forget manners. They went out in the 60’s. Proper diction, grammar, basic getting the right answer in arithmetic…gone or being challenged by Leftist ideology. Meritocracy? “What’s that mean?” The fundamental differences between boys and girls, men and women? Blurred or in the process of being eradicated. Sovereign nations? A trite, old-fashioned concept. Borders? Naw…let ’em in.

Personal responsibility? Nope…the “Collective” means there is no such thing as an “individual” anymore. If you succeed, “everyone” succeeds. If you fail, “it’s the fault of society.

If you’ve either made money and accumulated wealth by the sweat of your brow or by creating a wildly popular “app” (today’s Pet Rock or Hula Hoop)… “you didn’t build that” (to quote Obama) – the GOVERNMENT made that possible.

With despicable race-baiters like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, the “Squad”, Maxine Waters and countless others doing everything they can to divide the country (all the while accusing the Right of doing so, of course) no wonder there’s racism around every corner!

So when disrespectful, in-your-face animals pour water on the heads of police officers, threaten them, spit on them, shove them, curse at them – KILL them(!), from where did this behavior emanate?

White Supremacists? Old, Angry White Men? The Privileged?

No, it needs to be pointed out, but rarely is, that the reason there are more shootings in poor neighborhoods, often but not always black neighborhoods, is that’s where the crime is occurring! It is there that the greatest disrespect for law, order, traditional values and thus authority, exists!

The media makes martyrs of victims of police shootings but they rarely if ever point out WHY the incidents occur! It’s not because of racism damn it! Police forces are among the most integrated of all government agencies! Frequently, the police officers involved are of the same race as the victim.

No, it’s because 9 times out of 10 the perpetrators are criminals already! At this very moment the Left is being fueled by the shooting of a teenager wielding a knife actively trying to stab another teenager! The policeman tried to break up the fight repeatedly, and the knife-wielder ignored him and assaulted the other young person anyway. Bystanders shouted invectives as the police while all this was occurring. Disrespect of authority? That’s an understatement. Had the knife-wielding girl simply obeyed the officer, she would not have been shot and would be alive today. The policeman’s action may have saved the life of the girl about to be stabbed! But no, the cop is being called a racist and the perpetrator of the crime being heralded, once again, as a martyr.

” It wasn’t the perpetrator’s fault. It was Society, ” and systemic racism and white privilege and rogue policing and rogue cops that are at fault. Just listen to the puppet president stating boldly that America is systemically racist! What a bald-faced, demagogic LIE spoken to curry favor with the woke crowd!

Jim Crow laws were enacted by DEMOCRATS, i.e. THE LEFT! The KKK was founded by DEMOCRATS! It is the Democrats who are racist! If you want a detailed and accurate description of all the evil they represent and are trying to foist on our country and people, one has only to listen to what they say. Whatever they accuse the Right of is precisely what they exhibit themselves. The hypocrisy is beyond breathtaking. It’s infuriating!

The lack of respect for traditional values, the absolution being granted by the Left for any personal responsibility for one’s actions, disregard for the individual and celebration of the “collective”…these are precisely what bring great nations and even civilizations down to destruction.

And it’s happening right before our eyes, right here in River City!

I can’t change the attitudes of several generations of brainwashed Leftists in the inner cities – that’s the job and challenge for reformed, converted-from-darkness-to-light inhabitants and refugees of such places. But I CAN speak out against my own neighbors, school district administrators, power-addicted and woke politicians where a smidgen of reason and critical thinking ability still occupies a tiny part of their addled brains.