The Darkness Before The Dawn

If you don’t feel a dark cloud hovering over our nation, a sense of impending doom, a sick feeling in your stomach, then you haven’t shopped at a grocery store recently, heard what our kids are being taught, don’t believe the crime you see on tv is real, think mounted border patrol agents whip illegal aliens with their reins, think Biden and Fetterman are just fine mentally and ideologically. It is indeed dark out there. The election is only three weeks away. The air is saturated with, frankly, political BS.

But here’s a suggestion for those of us who actually use our brains to weigh evidence, rationally examine behavior and rhetoric, think vs. feel. What I’m about to suggest is radical…

The information coming at us CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Sure there’s truth in there somewhere, but there is so much BS in the information stream that truth is obscured or colored so as to be unrecognizable. What’s RIGHT is also confused by virtue of conservatives being pitted against conservatives: GOP Republicans against MAGA supporters, the Republican Swamp dwellers against America First Reformists, etc.

Set it ALL aside. I propose we ignore ALL of the BS and reach deep within ourselves to determine which way to vote for ourselves, our families and our Republic. Stop trying to weigh facts, pseudofacts, information and misinformation to arrive at rational decisions. Here’s my radical suggestion:


Bet you never thought I’d suggest something like that huh?

But my argument is simple…the Democrats/Leftists have achieved what they wanted to achieve: they have so infected our institutions with socialist/communist/leftist/totalitarian/self-destructive ideology, so indoctrinated our children and the weak-minded among adults, so co-opted the Media and obtained its support that they have attained their overriding goal: CHAOS. No amount of rational thinking and healthy skepticism can sort it all out. Attempting to brings one to exhaustion and potentially, despair.

So go with your gut. Deep within all of us, call it what you will: Conscience, Holy Spirit, Innate Goodness of Man, Divine Spark…we KNOW what is right, and IMHO (in my humble opinion) I will forever assert that

RIGHT is right!

Ignore the peccadillos, real or imagined, of the candidates. Ignore the tabloid headlines. Ignore whatever October Surprises materialize over the next few weeks. Go with your gut!

And don’t fight the brainwashed, some would say idiots, on the Left. Turn the other cheek and invite them into the tent of those who would preserve traditional norms of Good. While you may see that some members of the Republican party are hypocrites, two-faced, driven by power and money rather than altruism and devotion to our country, please, please, please don’t stay home in defiance and rejection. If you have to swallow hard and clench your teeth, vote Republican. An abstention is a vote for the other side, a vote for what is truly destructive and downright evil.

If we don’t take back power, even if it’s in the hands of leaders we may not like, i.e. McConnell and McCarthy, the only way we can turn this country around is to first STOP the insanity, and that can only be done by winning and holding the majority in both houses of Congress. Then, with WHOMEVER, we must win the White House in 2024, or, barring that, add to our majorities to achieve a veto-proof amalgamation of power, then push and pass, steamroll if we must, legislation to REVERSE the insanity and restore America to what it should be, what it needs to be to walk back the entire world from the precipice it is currently on.

Go with your gut.

Others Will Say It Better Than I can…

but I just have to throw my two cents in regarding Biden’s speech last night. It couldn’t have been more sinister, dark, divisive, frankly FASCIST. It’s everything we expected it to be, full of threats, ominous warnings, vitriol, lies, half-truths, deflections, dishonesty, pandering, and so on. What I REALLY worry about is, “Who is listening and nodding as they watched him?” It is THESE stupid, mindless, lemmings/sheep who actually believe his drivel that concern me. Allowed to see the truth they’d be harmless. Poisoned as they are by the excrement emerging from the mouths of the Left, they become a REAL threat to America. Brainwashed and led by radical Democrat demagogues – pick whatever label you want for them: socialists, communists, eco-fascists, anti-Americans, metastatic cancerous leeches…they comprise a force of zombie-like zealot idiots who attack and destroy on command and at will every traditional value, institution, cherished principle that made America great to begin with.

The Democrats/Leftists are what they are and what they have always been. Now that we are in a cold war for the soul of America, the only thing that’s different is that they’re cornered and unhinged and exposed and thus far more dangerous than they’ve been in the past. Their acolytes and lemming followers drool and nod and repeat the slogans and dogma emanating from the sick minds of the puppet masters BEHIND Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the whole panoply of fools following their lead.

So saturated are the airwaves and print media with the absolute garbage they spew, many otherwise smart, experienced, what I would call NORMAL people are being infected. I hear what should be conservatives, or at least traditionalists regurgitate Leftist talking points. I hear them questioning the morality, values and virtues that they grew up on, that they KNOW are right. I watch them meekly deny their beliefs so as not to offend their already terminal neighbors. I expect a cock to crow as they abandon what they know to be true.

I get it. The Left has so destroyed our sense of meritocracy, of fairness, of good and evil that from our bosses on down we’re silenced into compliance. Should we speak up, our livelihoods are put at risk. Should we actively throw the BS flag on the woke nonsense being megaphoned from human resource departments, in “team building” meetings, etc., we risk at a minimum ostracization, at worst, our jobs.

Speeches like the one Biden gave last night contribute to the corrosion, to the pollution, to the spread of the Leftist cancer.

This guy has to go, of course, but so do all the despicable, pandering, anti-American underlings who lead and also serve the gospel of destruction which forms the basis of the Democrat/Leftist agenda.

There Is So Much Going On

that it’s difficult to choose what to write about. Once again I find myself running out of superlatives, pejoratives, adjectives and adverbs to describe the deluge/tsunami of BS saturating the airwaves, dividing our people more and more, exacerbating our laughing-stock reputation around the world, leading us down to a place similar to what Dante described in the Inferno.

First, top of mind, is the success with which the Left is dividing the Right into Trump supporters and Trump haters. I have good friends, solid conservatives, who have sworn they would never vote for Trump if he runs in 2024. The Left loves it. This is EXACTLY what they hope to do…split the Right so that in addition to their cheating, thievery, lawlessness and manipulation tactics, they will be able to somehow limit the losses this November and sew up the 2024 presidential contest. If you have any doubt about whether they can pull this off, just look at what they did to Manchin, to their own. (Oh, and by the way, I’ve never trusted Manchin as far as I can throw him. He’s political scum just like all the rest.)

Second, I heard Pelosi’s trip to Asia described as a “going out of business” sale. Nice! ANYTHING they can do to take the spotlight off their miserable failures at home the Left will do. Her trip is both a boondoggle and for show. Just watch the slobbering, tingle up the leg Leftists celebrate her “courage” and “standing up for America” nonsense. It’s disgusting to those of us who REALLY care about our country. It is a calculated political stunt, nothing more.

Third, if you’re not convinced that the COVID pandemic wasn’t/isn’t about power, control and money, you’re not paying attention and have been completed hornswoggled. The Left has so polluted/muddied up the information on this illness, its prevention, its transmission, the therapeutic responses, that you simply can’t believe ANYONE on this subject! Not your doctor, not the NIH, not HHS, certainly not the White House, not anyone in Congress, not any published discussion or exposé. I just wish you and your loved ones well as you cope. Wash your hands; don’t sneeze in other peoples’ faces or allow them to sneeze or cough in yours; stay home if you have a fever.

Fourth, inflation and what’s going on with our economy is affecting different people differently. I know plenty of well-to-do people who complain about $5 gas but whose lifestyles aren’t all that affected by it. IT DIDN’T HAVE TO HAPPEN. Trump and the Right warned that if we elected Biden we’d have open borders and the Green New Deal. We’ve got them, and we’re all paying for them to one extent or another.

Fifth, we on the Right are getting exhausted. We’re constantly spitting in the wind, trying to push back against the leftist BS leviathan, but we’re tired, and getting complacent, and just assuming that it’ll all be ok after November. No it won’t! This fight was a cold war before 2016, now it’s kinetic, gloves off, rules be damned… a street fight for the heart and soul of our country. Right now I find myself trying to encourage my conservative friends to not stop fighting, to stop coasting, to remain engaged, put up signs, call the Left out on their BS and like naughty puppies, rub their noses in what they’ve left on the rug that is our country.

I could go on and on. Good guys with guns stopping bad guys, the border completely out of control while “being closed”; monkeypox on the horizon; Fox News cancelling trump, the NY Post editorializing that Trump is a goner, a liability, useless; Biden covering over the failure of the Afghanistan debacle with the Zawahiri termination success (something which has been in the works for years and predates anything the Obama, Trump or Biden administrations have done) yet Biden says, “At my direction..” On that I once again throw the BS flag. Wokeness in the military, the continuing indoctrination of our children to accept biological and societal deviance and aberration as normal, the continued rewriting of our history, the assault on guns, the deep, deep, swamp filled with alligators and all sorts of noxious, deadly threats. What have we become? There’s no glossing over it any more…our country is a MESS and no amount of gaslighting and window-dressing is going to make us great again. The only thing that will is a complete and utter, humiliating defeat of all the disgusting memes, perversions, idiocies… downright evil the Left has been pushing.

Even without invoking God, the honest agnostic or atheist can see how wrong the Left is and how far down the slippery slope we’ve gone. We can either pray or just hope that there is enough righteous indignation left in our people that we will purge ourselves of this cancer before it takes our civilization down completely and irretrievably, to be thrown like so many other great civilizations on the ash heap of history.

The “Bruen” Gun Control Decision

The Left and the Right are immediately reacting to the SCOTUS decision to strike down the New York “must show cause” law that requires citizens to prove they have some kind of special need for self defense to obtain a concealed carry gun permit. Justice Thomas’ opinion for the majority is straightforward and the conclusion obvious. You shouldn’t have to PROVE you have a special need in order to benefit from the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Period! What galls me, however, is the panting whine of the Left that “this will turn New York City into the Wild West”. Nonsense. New York and all the other major cities are ALREADY the Wild West, where LAWLESSNESS RULES! What the possibility of ordinary citizens walking the streets of Manhattan with concealed guns will do is DETER many a thug from playing the “knockout game” (for example) or give a citizen a fighting chance to defend himself or herself when accosted by bad guys. The media doesn’t talk about the deterrence impact, however. They immediately go to the extremes to formulate the debate and controversy. That conflict, of course, like the car wreck by the roadside, is where the money is. Follow the money.

What Will The Next Crisis Be?

The Democrats wouldn’t be quadrupling down on their BS unless they had something else ( a crisis or multiple crises) planned for the November election. Whether it’s something external like a massive escalation of the Ukrainian/Russian war fomented by us with more and more cash infusions, or another bug scare, perhaps Ebola this time which is TRULY deadly, their goal will be to perpetuate the mail-out/mail-in fraud so they can surmount the tsunami of legitimate votes against them. The media continues to suppress the truth, Biden and his handlers continue to gaslight too many unthinking, dumbed-down leftist sheep, and the nature of politics is that neither the GOP firebrands nor a coalition of them with the RINO’s may be able to CHECK the fraud in advance. The only way we’re going to know that sufficient protections for a free and fair election are in place is with the stock market anticipating the crushing of the Left, which a major turn around in this bear market will portend. It’s premature for that as we still have to go through the summer of riots, fires, protests, mass shootings, suicides, mysterious deaths, etc. We just have to hang on until, say, Labor Day after which things should become much clearer. If the market doesn’t head straight up by the end of the summer, Katie-bar-the-door. In the meantime, I’m watching reruns of old series like “The Big Bang Theory” to compartmentalize. Sigh…

GrumpsReport Now On GETTR

Dear Readers. Things are moving so fast (still downhill I’m afraid) that to comment and remain current on breaking news and the vast array of insanity infecting society, we have elected to (gulp) dip our toe into the mayhem of social media by establishing an account and presence on the relatively new platform called GETTR. ( Enroll and look up Grumps and/or @GrumpsActual. There you’ll see all our commentary.

As our blood pressure rises and corpuscles boil, we’re able to respond/comment/rail quickly using this medium. The jury is still out as to whether we’ll stay on this platform, or any of the others for that matter: GAB, TruthSocial, Rumble, Parler, etc. but we’ll give it a try for a while.

Let us know what you think!

And hang in there!


Misinformation, Disinformation, No Information

Chaos is, well, chaotic. Let’s face it, the Left has succeeded in screwing things up so royally that their strategy of creating chaos so as to make the most people dependent on them as possible is working. While some are just getting back to some sense of normalcy after the “pandemic”, getting used to responding to an alarm clock and heading back to on-site work, others are still cowering in kitchens and walking around in masks. There are still virtue signaling “Hate hath no home here” and “We Believe” signs on some lawns but they’re now cockeyed (Occasionally I see a Biden-Harris sticker although it’s usually on a Prius driven by a recycled hippie.) For the moment, gas is available though getting more and more expensive by the day. The truck convoy has been moved to the back pages of the media, and cat food is still hard to come by in the stores. Few at this moment are dutifully counting the number of illegal aliens slipping across our southern border. News channels compete for how “breaking”, how bloody their coverage is. Never has the slogan, “follow the money” been more apt. Even philanthropies are trying to exploit the chaos by flooding us with an unprecedented number of phone calls, text messages, snail and email. Selfishness and self-centeredness, “looking out for number one” have taken over.

It’s a mess.

With instant communication via the internet and social media, ANYONE can shape perception, thus reality. But how much more adept at “creating” reality are the pros in politics, government, Hollywood and the media than the average snowflake photoshopping an image to create a meme?

No matter how erudite the source, not one institution, organization or entity has a grasp of the totality of what’s going on. Politicians still pontificate, with even greater breathlessness and ever more shallow and poll-tested, made-for-the-cameras commentary. Never has the slogan “if it bleeds it leads” been more apt. And never before has information been so colored, absent or FAKE as it is right now. 

What’s happening in Ukraine is overshadowing everything at the moment. It may not tomorrow, when Ebola is announced in Santa Barbara or murder hornets are found in Barrington, but this morning it’s Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine.

We all can absorb and assimilate only so much input, so fast. Trying to sort out what’s real, what’s relevant, what’s actionable and what’s just entertainment takes too much time, time we might spend more usefully doing things that will give us greater growth, prosperity, security and meaning.

In 1931 the president of Columbia University voiced the categorization that “The vast population of this earth, and indeed nations themselves, may readily be divided into three groups. There are the few who make things happen, the many more who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens.” Doomsday Preppers are stocking their shelves for the Apocalypse. Snowflakes are creating “apps” to hold and collectively wring their hands. Others bitch and moan and drink and return to their old routines.

So, what to make of all this?

Our recommendation is to stop, take a breath and re-dedicate yourself to the tried and true principle of critical thinking. Rather than define this principle myself, I’ll borrow from the description found here.

“Critical thinking is an approach to gathering data and making inferences about the world. It advocates an approach of data acquisition and rational assessment. When applying critical thinking, the goal is to collect as much relevant data as possible, assess that data for accuracy, and finally use the data to arrive at the most justified conclusions possible.

Critical thinking is an ongoing process, and even ideas that one feels are well supported need to be occasionally reevaluated to see if new information might change one’s mind. For example, critical thinking eventually showed that Copernicus was correct in claiming that the Sun was the center of the solar system, even though many people believed this to be false at the time. However, this didn’t make him completely correct either, since more critical thinking showed that he was wrong on other things (he also thought that the Sun was the center of the universe).

Critical thinking uses many aspects of formal logic and informal logic. It also focuses on discovering bias, propaganda, delusion and deception (more generally, logical fallacies) both in the sources of one’s information and one’s own views and approaches to reasoning problems out.

Leftists conflate critical thinking with critical race theory and postmodernism, the latter by using verbiage that implies one needs to look out for meanings behind words and determining for oneself what occurs, while at the same time advocating that all reality is fictional and that one can create their own ideas and reality.”

In short, be a skeptic of EVERYTHING. Remember Grumps’ First Law of Experts:

“On any subject one can find a minimum of twelve, world-renowned experts who can cite documented, empirical, irrefutable evidence to support arguments that are diametrically opposed to one another.” Translation: “Use critical thinking, form and trust your own judgment.”

On Ukraine

With all of the flak (.sic) out there on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and with virtually every political faction trying to score points out of it, what is one to think about what is transpiring over there? Here’s my take.

First, some context. Either the United States is the epitome of freedom, democracy and the best hope mankind has to achieve and maintain peace and prosperity or it is not. Fundamentally, what underlies America’s greatness are its natural and human resources, and its founding principles. The former gives us our wealth. The latter is the electricity that lights the beacon on the hill.

To varying degrees jealousy, envy, ego, megalomania, greed, and power hungriness on the part of the rest of the world, and, regrettably, fundamental, evil intent on the part of some, underlies a constant desire to knock us down. The regimes of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela are all cases in point.

Why has Putin invaded Ukraine? Obviously, it’s a combination of the factors cited above. Totally predictable (and it WAS predicted). And totally preventable (as the previous administration demonstrated).

Deterring Russia (and the other rogue states) and preventing incursions such as those in Crimea, Ukraine and prospectively Taiwan and South Korea CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHOUT STRENGTH AND RESOLVE. Biden and the weak, woke, sycophants who surround him have neither. It is emblematic of just how stupid they are that they focus on climate change and LBGTQ issues in the military ranks and tout these as ‘leadership’ instead of focusing on the strengthening of our country, increasing our self-reliance, projecting freedom and democracy.

What is it about the Left that they think “we can all get along”, to quote Rodney King, that if we are just nice to everyone, they will want to be nice back? It must be part of their utopian fantasy that makes them unable to understand that the only thing the Axis of Evil/rogue states understand is STRENGTH. Biden’s complete capitulation to the Left has allowed their leaders to point to America and assert “See, they’re not so big and powerful.”

At the core, Biden’s obliteration of our energy independence was a monumental shooting of ourselves in the foot (or some other part of our anatomy). At best it was sheer incompetence on his part driven by the eco-fascist lunatics he’s surrounded himself with. At worst it was TREASON!

But making us once again reliant on imported oil and thus unable to turn to Germany and say, “Stand strong, tell Russia they can keep their oil and gas and we’ll supply you with all you need” has allowed Russia to place a Damocles sword over Western Europe. Without our RESOLVE and STRENGTH, Germany has no choice but to treat Russia with kid gloves!

THIS is what Leftist rule has wrought. THIS is the damage we predicted the Democrats would do to us after November 2020. THIS is what the money and ideology-driven media and tech companies have empowered them to foist on not just our people, but the world as a whole. When the sheriff leaves town, the criminals and bandits have a field day, and that’s what’s happening in Ukraine.

Some have noted that for us to have done more, i.e. placed boots on the ground in Ukraine, would have put us into another costly war. But stupidly, Biden telegraphed to Putin that America wouldn’t do that, and with that assurance, Putin was free to make his move. What idiot tells his adversary what cards he’s willing to play and not play? It’s as if this moron was holding his cards backward so that Putin could not only read them clearly, but Biden couldn’t either!

The answer to the question Blinken was asked the other day, “Why didn’t this happen under the previous administration?” is simple…because Biden knew Trump would take pre-emptive or decisive action if Putin were to make the kind of military moves he did right in front of Biden’s nose. It’s laughable that the Left’s answer to this question is “Because Trump, as Putin’s puppet, gave Putin everything he wanted without his having to spend any military or political capital.” What pure, sheer BS!

But that’s what the Leftist media do. They concoct the most absurd explanations and justifications and with the right intonations and incantations, with the right music and backgrounds on their sets, they convince a good number of unthinking, gullible Americans that Biden and his crew are righteously engaged in solving the world’s problems.

If you’re as sick of this administration’s idiocy regarding Ukraine as you are of the COVID mess, I suggest you take some Maalox or Pepto Bismol, as I do, and hunker down prepared for a lot more of this S-show to come.

Is The Pendulum Starting To Swing Back?

Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but evidence that the American public has had just about enough of the idiocies emanating from Washington and are finally pushing the pendulum back the other way is starting to emerge. The revulsion against everything leftist has been there all along, of course, but recently it has become ok to “say the quiet part out loud”. An example of this concerning the COVID response comes from Zero Hedge:

HBO host Bill Maher and writer Bari Weiss received a somewhat-surprising rapturous round of applause from the mostly liberal audience during Friday’s show after they dropped truth-bomb after truth-bomb into the pool of dissonance that remains among blinkered leftists unable to think for themselves about COVID risks and see beyond the “I must zealously support anything and everything that Fauci or Biden say or I am a Trumper” mindset.”

The article from The Liberty Beacon which references Zero Hedge is available here.

Parents speaking up in school board meetings. States beginning to relax mask and vaccine mandates. Even the CDC shamelessly is flip flopping once again on its guidance essentially saying, “It’s over now…everyone can relax”. Jenn Psaki is exhibiting the most intricate verbal contortions attempting to explain the government’s policy.

But hold on. Is this really a pendulum swing shift to the Right or is it just more Leftist shenanigans for political gain?

I regret to say it’s most likely the latter.

The Leftist swing has always been opposed by a majority of the American people. It may not be a large majority, but a majority nonetheless. As is their wont, the Left overplayed their hand and the parents of school-age children and the hardworking middle class were pushed too far, and the Left knows it.

So now they’re changing their tune and claim the “science” has changed. Having been played for fools, even a significant percentage of Democrats have slammed on the brakes and said, “No way Jose”! And so now, the Left is going to vociferously announce that it was THEIR POLICIES that brought about the end of the pandemic.

It’s not going to work. The American people no longer believe anything coming out of the mouths of either Biden or Psaki or Blinken or least of all, Kamala Harris. The media will trumpet this end of masks as a Biden accomplishment. Psaki has already started to explain the change of attitude as due to Biden’s brilliance. AND WE AIN’T BUYIN IT!

That the American people have thrown the BS flag onto the field, however, does not necessarily mean that the pendulum is decidedly moving rightward. I think it’s too early to tell.

We still have to clean up the voting disaster or else the Democrats will cheat their way to minimizing the damage that should occur this coming November. We still have to slog through all the crises and minefields (as well as ‘mind’fields) that the Democrats will create between now and the election. We still have to get the now significantly divided GOP on the same page so we don’t end up in another circular firing squad this Fall.

And perhaps most importantly, we have to prevent the following scenario:

1. Biden nominates Kamala Harris for the Supreme Court and the Dems shove it down the GOP’s throat somehow (maybe by buying off or placing guns to the heads of Manchin and Sinema). Somehow, she is confirmed.

2. Biden appoints Hillary Vice President.

3. Biden steps down or the 25th Amendment is invoked.

4. Hillary becomes President.

Sound crazy? Would you put ANYTHING past the Democrats and the Clintons?

So, is the pendulum swinging back to the Right? I fear the string is bent in a right angle but that length between the angle and the pivot is still pointed Left. As the Democrats get more and more fearful, their tactics will become more and more unhinged.

We must straighten out the string and push both it and the bob at the bottom to the Right as quickly and as forcefully as we can. And we must be prepared to protect and defend the integrity of the election in November!


Ah, turkey day 2021. I am thankful to have my family around the table with me today, 16 of us, and thankful that this tradition hasn’t yet been cancelled. I’m grateful to have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, an abundance of food on our table. I’m reminded that today we celebrate and mark the day when those who sacrificed so much and came precariously close to perishing thanked almighty God for a successful harvest and the preservation of their very lives so that we could have what we have today.

I am also thoughtful, however, of the forces that would destroy Thanksgiving, our history, our traditions, fundamentally transform our nation and society in a way that can only be described as evil. As they pursue their authoritarian, one world order nightmare, the writhing hydra of the Left is engaged in a Banzai Charge. I pray the result will be similar – the defeat and surrender of the human wave of hellhounds who maniacally rush to overwhelm the Right, the just and the good.

I wish I had a magic wand and could instantaneously make everyone as comfortable, happy and content as I. But no-one can, not the least a bunch of arrogant, megalomaniacal Leftists who think if they have all the power in the world that they can create a utopian society. THAT concept, is, in my opinion, inherently evil.

The war is engaged. The BS flag has been thrown down on the field. The Silent Majority is increasingly less silent as the blood from a thousand cuts, the heat from the flame underneath the frog in the pot have both reached the tipping point where we’ve had enough. In talking with people around the country and observing the countenance and behavior of the blue-state sheep surrounding me, I’m convinced that more and more people have now awakened to the reality of what is happening to us. More importantly, in more organized ways, the rugged, self-reliant and mind-my-own-business individualists of which we on the Right are made, have been united and begun to speak up in places like school board and town meetings. And now that the Left’s election lies, deceit and fraud have been fully exposed, we will see, thankfully, more of what occurred in Virginia and elsewhere during the elections earlier this month.

As the Leftist mob faces opposition for the first time, they, squealing and reluctantly, are starting to back off and stand down. Yes, there are still huge swaths of swamp yet to be cleared of infestation, and in the absence of an outside shock such as a World War III, it may take a couple of generations, but I sense a turning of the tide. It is slow, almost imperceptible, but it is turning.

And for that I am thankful.

I had a “heavy” conversation with one of my apolitical, extraordinarily busy, focused-on-fundamentals family members recently who, though aware of what’s happening, has the attitude that there is little any of us can do about it, that it’s the next generation’s world now and they’ll have to deal with it, that they have enough to worry about. Her implication was that no such principles exist, that change is inevitable and it is for each generation to decide for themselves what principles will or will not guide their lives.

I, on the other hand, believe that mankind is best served, and the greatest happiness, prosperity and peace has been in the past and will in the future be achieved by adherence to certain inalienable truths. MY attitude has always been, even when I was working 24/7/365 with my hair on fire, that it is my obligation, my duty, and my fundamental purpose now in my twilight years to do what I can to impart traditional values and teach those inalienable truths that persist and endure through all generations of time to my family and community.

What are these Inalienable Truth/Principles?

Let’s start with the Ten Commandments. I’m going to restate some of them in my own words.

There IS a God, and only One.

Don’t worship material things in lieu of God.

Don’t blaspheme.

Set Sunday apart as a day when you don’t work.

Honor your father and your mother.

Do not murder.

Do not commit adultery.

Do not steal.

Do not lie.

Do not be jealous of what others have. Be grateful for what you DO have.

There are many inalienable principles but the last one in the Ten Commandments goes straight to the heart of what Thanksgiving is all about.

Today, I’m grateful to be reminded of it.